All of the articles in this section examine various lessons and scripture that are studied in Sunday School. We seek to expose the lies and untruths told to us by the Euro-Gentile Christian and Euro-Gentile Jewish scholars concerning the Bible. We seek to reveal the true and original African revolutionary, allegorical, metaphorical and symbolical interpretation of the scriptures. In this age of Obama, it is imperitive that we understand scripture and its relevance in this day and time. Let us continue...
Nathan challenges David
As we deal with the portion of the history of King David and the ancient African Hebrew Israelite Nation found in chapter 12 of 2 Samuel, we will also discuss some of the back round that is found above chapter 12 of 2 Samuel. After we look at the back round and chapter 12 of 2 Samuel itself, we will then go back over the back round and chapter 12 of 2 Samuel and lift out the major truths from the scripture
Ester Risks Her Life-The Age of Obama
What I would like to do is discuss with you a Sunday school lesson that we recently studied on February 15, 2009. The lesson is taken from the Old Testament Book of Esther. The title of the lesson is, "Esther Risks Her Life". I have added the title, "The Age Of Obama". What we will do is extrapolate some of the highlights of the book of Esther, at the same time we will break those highlights into chronologically numbered lessons. We will then go back over the lessons and apply them to current events and current affairs.
What we want to do is use the scripture to identify and examine the ruling class and ruling families of this world. We want to use the scripture to look at the American presidency. We want to look at the process that goes into the making of a president. We want to look at Obama and the role that he should play on behalf of the people. We want to identify Black people in particular and the oppressed in general in the scripture. We want to know what our role should be as it concerns the people in this new age of Obama.
Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize...
Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize, Substance Or Symbolic Potential? What Are The Facts On The Ground?
The African Science of Revolution-Introduction
The African Science of Revolution is a supreme science given to us by our African ancestors. This supreme science will enable us to look at the world as it is, see the world as it should be and cause us to understand the process that we must go through to make the world as it should be.
The African Science of Revolution Pt. 1
As we discuss the African Science of Revolution, we will incorporate scriptures into our discussion. The Bible and Quran and the religious books of your major religions, all are a product of the African Science of Revolution. Both Bible and Quran are based on the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the world, given to us by our African ancestors. As we go along in this discussion, we will cover current world affairs as they occur. As we cover current affairs, we will match them to the prophecies given to us by our African ancestors in scripture. There is nothing occurring today, that was not prophesied of by our African ancestors and given to us by them in our scriptures, Bible, Quran, etc. Let us continue.
The African Science of Revolution Pt. 2
What I would like to do in this article is continue with our dialogue on The African Science of Revolution. As we continue with this dialogue, I want to continue to answer the wicked comments made by Diamond Pat Robertson.
The African Science of Revolution Pt. 3
We have been having a conversation concerning the African Science of Revolution. The African Science of Revolution is original science, having originated in Africa. The African Science of Revolution was given to us by our African ancestors. Let's continue....