Mind of God 09/05/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-09-05-10-The book of Revelation- Chapter 1-Bob Marley said that the book of Revelation reveals the truth, revolution…It takes a revolution to make a solution: The book of Revelation teaches Ma’at-truth-justice-righteousness: The book of Revelation offers redemption and salvation to the oppressed and warning and judgment to the wicked oppressor: The Revelation of Jesus Christ lays bare and uncovers the Roman-British-American Empire in the age of Obama: We also look at: The latest speech given by President Obama, concerning the war in Iraq and Afghanistan: The United Nations’ report on Rwanda and the 1994 Rwandan genocide: Coalition of American Muslims hold press conference concerning New York Ground Zero Mosque: In Revelation we will examine the African Apostle John’s vision of the African Jesus as symbolizing the Black man and woman: Revelation’s African Scientific revolutionary message to the Churches and the Pastors: The Seven Spirits-The Seven Pole Stars-The Seven Candlesticks-Jesus as the Sun of God in the midst: What is the first Bible and Quran? Solar-Lunar-Astral Science in the Bible: The real African Hebrew Israelite Nation and Uhuru Family offer the Kingdom of God and Heaven right now on earth- While the House and Synagogue of Satan-Illuminati Masonic Order-Rothschilds-Oppenheimers offer the false Kingdom of the Devil-Satan: Who and what is God? Who and what is the Devil-Satan?: References: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Who Are The Real Children of Israel, Parts 1 and 2, by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volumes 1 and 2 and Jews Selling Blacks, by The Research Department of the Nation Of Islam @ www.finalcall.com: Itations Of Jamaica And I Rastafari..The First Itation by Millard Faristzaddi: Judaism, The Stolen Religion From Africa, by Ashra and Merira Kwesi @ www.kemetnu.com: The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: For real and current info on the State of Israel go to www.ifamericansknew.org: Great Issues Of A Race by Chancellor Williams as read by Keidi Obi Awadu @ www.houseofnubian.com:
Mind of God 09/05/10: Pt. 2
Mind of God program hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier 09/05/10 continued...
Mind of God 09/12/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-09-12-The book of Revelation-Chapter 1-Redemption and salvation for the oppressed-Warning and judgment for the oppressor: Ma’at-Truth-justice and righteousness: The Revelation of Jesus, (Justice), Christ, (Anointed Crusher of the Oppressor), lays bare the truth about the Roman-British-American-Babylon System: The book of Revelation is the African Science Of Revolution: We look at the following current affairs: The War On-Of Terrorism-911-Hypocrisy of America: Quran burning in Florida? Obama and the upcoming November elections-The real issues: The conference of African American Muslims reveals the true spirit of the attacks on Islam: L.A. Police kill Guatemalan: Food riots in Mozambique: Soros and the control of Human Rights Watch: In Revelation we see the real meaning of the African Revolutionary Apostle John’s vision of Jesus Christ as a vision of the Black Man and Woman as the true Messianic Jew and African Hebrew Israelite Nation: References: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Who Are The Real Children of Israel, Parts 1 and 2, by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volumes 1 and 2 and Jews Selling Blacks, by The Research Department of the Nation Of Islam @ www.finalcall.com: Itations Of Jamaica And I Rastafari..The First Itation by Millard Faristzaddi: Christianity, The Stolen Religion From Africa, by Ashra and Merira Kwesi @ www.kemetnu.com: 09-08-10 edition of www.flashpoints.net –police killing of Guatemalan: 09-08-10 edition of www.democracynow.org-food riots in Mozambique:
Mind of God 09/12/10: Pt. 2
Mind of God program hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier 09/12/10 continued...
Mind of God 09/19/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-09-19 The book of Revelation-Chapter 1-Redemption and salvation for the oppressed-Warning and judgment for the oppressor: Ma’at-Truth-justice and righteousness: The Revelation of Jesus, (Justice), Christ, (Anointed Crusher of the Oppressor), lays bare the truth about the Roman-British-American-Babylon System: In the age of Obama-America is yet modern day Babylon: Newt Gengrich accuses President Barack Obama of having an anti-colonialist mind set? What is colonialism? What is an anti-colonialist? What is Newt and America afraid of, as it concerns anti-colonialism?: We go back into the book of Revelation to see that the African Apostle John’s vision of Jesus Christ is the vision of the Messianic People, the true Jew, African Hebrew Israelite, the Black Man and Woman in the west: The true African Hebrew Israelite Nation offers the Kingdom of God and Heaven right here and now: References: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Who Are The Real Children of Israel, Parts 1 and 2, by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volumes 1 and 2 and Jews Selling Blacks, by The Research Department of the Nation Of Islam @ www.finalcall.com: Itations Of Jamaica And I Rastafari..The First Itation by Millard Faristzaddi: Christianity, The Stolen Religion From Africa, by Ashra and Merira Kwesi:
Mind of God 09/19/10: Pt. 2
Mind of God program hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier 09/19/10 continued...
Mind of God 09/26/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-09-26: The Book of Revelation-Chapter 1-Maa’t-truth-justice-righteousness-salvation-redemption-Keys to the Kingdom of God and Heaven on earth for the poor, afflicted, needy and the oppressed-but for the oppressor ruling class and ruling families-the keys to death-hell-destruction-warning and judgment: Also in current affairs: The United Nations 65 Session and Debate: Ahmadinejad-Obama-911-Iraq-Iran-Pakistan-Haiti-Israel-Palestine: Also: Black police abuse Black man in America-Iraqi police abuse Iraqi in Iraq-Why? What is the root cause of this abuse? We continue with our study of the Book of Revelation: African Science of Maa’t holds key to death and hell for the wicked ruling class and ruling family oppressor: African Science of the universe-sun-moon-stars-planets: The African Apostle John’s vision of Jesus Christ is the vision of the Messianic People, the true Jew, African Hebrew Israelite, the Black man and woman in the west: The true African Hebrew Israelite Nation offers the Kingdom of God and Heaven right here and now: References: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Who Are The Real Children of Israel, Parts 1 and 2, by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: Info on myth of 911-2009-10-27 edition of Takingaim Radio with Ralph Shoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: On Israel Palestine-The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Shoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: On Iraqi police abuse-September 20, 2010 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: On Abel Danger-Core Of Corruption @ www.thankaboutit.org, in the Guest Speaker Section: On November 13, 2010, Black is Back Coalition March and Rally to be held in Washington D.C. at Malcolm X Park @ www.uhurunews.com: Thank you for listening!
Mind of God 09/26/10: Pt. 2
Mind of God program hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier 09/26/10 continued...
Mind of God 10/03/10: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-03: The book of revelation-Chapter 1 and verse 25-Maa’t-truth-justice-righteousness-salvation-redemption for the poor-afflicted-needy and the oppressed-but for the wicked oppressor-warning and judgment: Jesus The Christ teaches us the hidden meaning of the universe and creation-sun-moon-stars-planets-This is the African Science of the universe: The Revelation of Jesus Christ shines light on the following current affairs and current issues: U.S. apologizes for injecting Guatemalans with S.T.D.’s in the 1940’s: F.B.I. raids homes of anti-war activists in Chicago and Minnesota: Obama Administration gearing up for fixing intelligence for regime change in Venezuela and Iran: God teaches mankind through the universe: God teaches the pastors and the churches, through the universe: References: On S.T.D.’s in Guatemala @ www.CNN.com: On F.B.I. raids on anti-war activists-September 27, 2010 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: On Obama Administration’s plan of regime change in Venezuela and Iran-September 28, 2010 edition of Flashpoints @ www.flashpoints.net: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Who Are The Real Children of Israel, Parts 1 and 2, by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: Info on myth of 911-2009-10-27 edition of Takingaim Radio with Ralph Shoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: On Israel Palestine-The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Shoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: Theft of African Concepts and Spirituality by Ashra and Merira Kwesi @ www.kemetnu.com: On November 13, 2010, Black is Back Coalition March and Rally to be held in Washington D.C. at Malcolm X Park @ www.uhurunews.com: Thank you for listening!
All of the above has been given to Venesse before-2010-10-10
Mind of God 10/03/10: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-03 continued...
Mind of God 10/10/10: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-10: The book of Revelation-Chapter 1 and verse 20-Maa’t-truth-justice-righteousness-We shine light on the following current affairs: FBI’s Reliance on Paid Informants Raises Questions about Validity of Terrorism Cases: Bank of America Suspends Foreclosures in 23 States: Court-Martial Recommended for Alleged “Kill Team” Soldier: In the book of Revelation we continue to learn the African Science of Revolution concerning the 7 Spirits, 7 Stars, 7 Golden Candlesticks-Sun-Moon and Planets-The Universe: References: www.democracynow.org: Katherine Austin Fitts on March 18, 2009 edition of www.flashpoints.net: @ www.kpfa.org go to search engine and type Adam Hochschild-Leopold’s Ghost: Christianity-The Stolen Religion of Africa by Ashra and Merira Kwesi @ www.kemetnu.com: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Who Are The Real Children of Israel, Parts 1 and 2, by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: Thank you so much for listening!
Mind of God 10/10/10: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-10 continued...
Mind of God 10/17/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-17: The book of Revelation-Chapter 1 and verse 20-Maa’t-truth-justice-righteousness-salvation and redemption for the oppressed and warning and judgment for the oppressor: The Revelation of Jesus Christ shines light on current issues and affairs, both foreign and domestic: Should there be a moratorium on foreclosures in the United States of North America?-NATO forces sabotaged in Pakistan-Israelis burn Islamic Mosque and Qurans: We continue to look at the book of Revelation-the 7 Spirits, 7 Stars, 7 Golden Candlesticks-The African Science of Yahweh as Yod He Vau He and the Trinity-The African Origin of the Zodiac: Katherine Austin Fitts on March 18, 2009 edition of www.flashpoints.net: Webster Tarpley-October 16, 2010 @ www.gcnlive.com/podcast/world_crisis/pcast.php: Kymatica @ www.video.google.com: Christianity-The Stolen Religion of Africa by Ashra and Merira Kwesi @ www.kemetnu.com: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Who Are The Real Children of Israel, Parts 1 and 2, by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-None Of Us Are Free by Solomon Burke and The 5 Blind Boys of Alabama-Boom by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank you for listening!
Mind of God 10/17/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-17 continued...
Mind of God 10/24/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-24: The book of Revelation-Chapter 1 and verse 20-Amen and Amenet and the birth of Maa’t-truth-justice and righteousness: Current Affairs and Current Issues-Jesus reveals the hidden apocalyptic truths of this wicked system: References: www.democracynow.org: The Hidden History Of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: Ezekiel chapter 38 and chapter 39 to see the European Jew under the symbolic name of Gog and Magog: For information on Rwanda go to Keith Harmon Snow @ www.allthingspass.com: Runoko Rashidi on Africa Today-October 18, 2010 edition with Walter Turner @ www.kpfa.org: Correction: Allah the Father is number 5927 and Illah the Mother is number 5931 in your Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionary on the Hebrew side: For definitions of Biblical words go to www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Chains by Sounds Of Blackness-Boom by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank you for listening!
Mind of God 10/24/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-24 continued...
Mind of God 10/31/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-31: Revelation-Chapter 1 and verse 20: Current Affairs: November 2010 elections: Genetically altered foods: Wikileaks-Asange and the war in Iraq: Cholera outbreak in Haiti: References: Coups, Destabilization & Disavow: As American As Apple Pie by Solomon Comissiong: Guns and Butter, October 27, 2010 edition @ www.kpfa.org: Flashpoints, October 28, 2010 edition @ www.flashpoints.net: Democracy Now, October 25, 2010 edition @ www.democracynow.org: For info on Haiti go to www.haitiaction.net: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Eyes On The Prize by Mavis Staples-Boom by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank you for listening!
Mind of God 10/31/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-10-31 continued...
Mind of God 11/07/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-07: Revelation-Chapter 1 and verse 20: Current Affairs: Update on Oscar Grant Case: November 2010 elections: Obama and conciliation with the right: Karl Rove and right wing money sway elections: The Federal Reserve-The United States Treasury-600 B $$ and economic warfare: References: On Oscar Grant Case: Keith Muhammad @ www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7WIi3If2D8: Davey D and Sabrina Jenkins-November 5, 2010-Hardknock Radio 4P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: On economic warfare: Democracy Now with Amy Goodman November 5, 2010 @ www.democracynow.org: Info on Haiti: www.haitiaction.net: Profiteering From Genocide in Haiti by Keith Harmon Snow @ www.politube.org/show/3077: Proxy Wars For the Wealth of Africa by Deacon Christopher Frazier-Gateway To Knowledge Section @ www.thankaboutit.org: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Down In Mississippi by Mavis Staple-Boom by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank you for listening!
Mind of God 11/07/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-07 continued...
Mind of God 11/14/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-14: Revelation-Chapter 2-Verse 1: Message to the Black pastor, Black preacher and Black church: Current Affairs: The real purpose for President Obama’s visit to India-America’s Wars in the Muslim World- Obama’s Deficit Commission proposes slash of Social Security and Medicare: References: @ www.democracynow.org –November 8,10 and 11, respectively: Let’s Tell The Truth About Haiti by Reverend Jeremiah Wright @ www.haitiaction.net: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Eyes On The Prize by Mavis Staples-Get Up by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank you for listening!
Mind of God 11/14/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-14 continued...
Mind of God 11/21/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-21: Revelation-Chapter 2-Verses 1 and 2: The Black Church and Black Pastor must stand up for justice! Current Affairs: Obama Administration cuts financial deal with terrorist group in Indonesia: References: @ www.democracynow.org: Black is Back Coalition Rally, November 13th 2010, presented on November 13, 2010 on Omali Yeshitela Speaks and Africa Live @ www.uhurunews.com/radio: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-The Sound by Mary Mary-We Shall Not Be Moved by Mavis Staples-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/21/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-21 continued...
Mind of God 11/23/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-23: Revelation-Chapter 2-Verses 2-4: Black Pastor, Black Preacher, Black Church, you are the light of the world! Current Affairs: Judge Robert J. Perry, Johannes Mehserle, and the suppression of evidence: References: November 18, 2010 edition of Hardknock Radio @ www.kpfa.org and www.recalljudgeperry.tumblr.com: The Joy Of Justice Is Freedom by Minister Louis Farrakhan, November 20, 2010 @ http://store.finalcall.com/?Click=3825: The Hidden History Of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com and @ www.thankaboutit.org in the Guest Speaker Section: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Get Up by Mary Mary-Eyes On The Prize by Mavis Staples-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/23/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-23 continued...
Mind of God 11/28/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-28: Revelation-Chapter 2-Verses 4-5: Black Church, you are the Messianic People! Current Affairs: Military clash on the border of North and South Korea: True history of Thanksgiving: Illegal and immoral elections in Haiti: Tribute to Chalmers Johnson and my Aunt Famos: References: www.democracynow.org, Week of November 22, 2010: On Thanksgiving-Your World News, with Brother Solomon and Brother Peter @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: On Haiti-5:00 P.M. November 24, 2010 edition of Flashpoints with Kevin Pena @ www.kpfa.org: Webster Tarpley on World In Crisis Radio, November 27, 2010 edition @ www.gcnlive.com/programs/worldCrisisRadio/archives.php: Zeitgeist @ www.video.google.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Super Friend by Mary Mary-We Shall Not Be Moved by Mavis Staples-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
All above given to Beautiful Sister Venesse
Mind of God 11/28/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-11-28 continued...
Mind of God 12/05/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-05: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 5-6: Black Pastor, Black Preacher, Black Church-You have left your first love-Justice! Current Affairs: Obama’s Deficit Commission, America’s deficit, the problem and the solution: Wikileaks: References: Letters To Washington, December 1, 2010 edition, 10:00 A.M. @ www.kpfa.org: The week of November 29, 2010 @ www.democracynow.org and www.flashpoints.net: On net neutrality with Davey D. and Malkia Cyril, the December 3, 2010 edition of Hardknock Radio, 4:00 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-God In Me by Mary Mary-Down In Mississippi by Mavis Staples-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/05/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-05 continued...
Mind of God 12/12/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-12: Revelation chapter 2-Verses 6-7: The Black Church must reject idolatrous covetousness and materialism and consumerism: Current Affairs: Wikileaks and the U.S. State Department Cables-Obama caves into the wealthy ruling class: Chalmers Johnson @ www.democracynow.org, November 22, 2010 edition: Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio, October 6, 2009 edition: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Correction: Yes Balak was a King of Moab: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military And C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Boom by Mary Mary-On My Way by Mavis Staples-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/12/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-12 continued...
Mind of God 12/19/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-19: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 7: The Black Church must overcome the oppressor: Current Affairs: Work stoppage in Atlanta prison system-Elaine Brown on December 9, 2010 edition Hardknock Radio, 4 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org and December 14, 2010 edition www.democracynow.org: Senator Bernie Sander’s 8.5 hour tax filibuster-December 13, 2010 edition of www.democracynow.org and December 13, 2010 edition of Letters To Washington, 10 A.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Wikileaks-Asange and Espionage-December 16, 2010 edition of Letters To Washington, 7 A.M. @ www.kpfa.org and December 17, 2010 edition of www.democracynow.org: Assassination of Malcolm X-Church and Revolution archives-2010-02-21 through 2010-05-16 @ http://www.uhurunews.com/radio/show?show_id=wj: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military And C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Boom by Mary Mary-This Little Light Of Mine by Mavis Staples-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/19/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-19 continued...
Mind of God 12/26/10: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-26: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 8-9: The Black Church has the strength to overcome Satan’s system of oppression: Current Affairs: www.democracynow.org: The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell- Kenyon Farrow of Queers for Economic Justice on Hardknock Radio 4 P.M., December 23, 2010 edition @ www.kpfa.org: The Bastardization and Myth of Christmas by Solomon and Peter on Your World News, December 16, 2010 edition @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: Who Is The Original Man?-by Minister Ishmael Muhammad-December 26, 2010 @ http://www.noi.org/webcast.shtml: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military And C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-I’m Running by Mary Mary-99 and A Half by Mavis Staples-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/26/10: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2010-12-26 continued...