Mind of God Program
The Mind Of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier
Mind of God 01/09/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-01-09: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/09/11: Pt. 2
Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier
Mind of God 01/16/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-01-16: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/16/11: Pt. 2
Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier
Mind of God 01/23/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-01-23: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9: Black People Of The West-The Messiah People: Current Affairs: Rothschilds and Oppenheimers control national discourse through Arizona Ethnic Studies Bill 2281: References: Alesandra Meetze on Arizona Ethnic Studies Bill-Hardknock Radio-January 12, 2011-4P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Pierre Labossiere on Baby Doc’s return to Haiti-Hardknock Radio-January 18, 2011-4P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military And C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Never Turn Back by Mavis Staples-Dirt by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/23/11: Pt. 2
Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier
Mind of God 01/30/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-01-30: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse9: Who and what is the Synagogue Of Satan? Current Affairs: Control of the National Discourse through President Barack Obama’s State Of The Union Address: Al-Jazeera’s Palestinian Papers reveal PLO and PA collusion with Zionist Israel: The Second Coming of Christ and uprising of the oppressed in Africa! References: Tavis Smiley and Cornel West on America The Next Chapter: The Money Masters by Bill Still: Webster Tarpley on 2011-01-30 edition of World Crisis Radio @ www.gnclive.com: Books: Chosen From the Caucuses by Michael Bradley: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military And C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: April 4, 1968, The Death of Martin Luther King Jr. by Michael Eric Dyson: Original African Heritage Study Bible by Reverend Cain Felder: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Turn Me Around by Mavis Staples-Seattle by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/30/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-01-30 continued....
Mind of God 02/06/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-06: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9: The State Of Israel and the Synagogue Of Satan: Current Affairs: Uprising in Africa-Egypt-The Second Coming of Christ manifests in the poor and oppressed: References: Egypt’s Vice President Suleiman Offers Hint Of Future by Keith Johnson: North African Dominoes: Toppling the Last of the Pharaos” by Voices of North Africa and the Middle East, February 4, 2011-8 A.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Injustice in Palestine: The Palestine Papers by Solomon and Peter of Your World News January 31, 2011 @ www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: Target Iran: Orchestrating the Duplicity by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone, 091006 edition @ http://www.takingaimradio.com/shows/audio.html: Books: Chosen From the Caucuses by Michael Bradley: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military And C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: April 4, 1968, The Death of Martin Luther King Jr. by Michael Eric Dyson: Original African Heritage Study Bible by Reverend Cain Felder: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-We’ll Never Turn Back by Mavis Staples-I Worship You by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/06/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-06 continued....
Mind of God 02/13/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-13: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9: The State Of Israel and the Synagogue of Satan continued: Current Affairs and References: Egypt Uprising-Christ manifested in the Oppressed or CIA infiltration?: Webster Tarpley on February 12 edition of World Crisis Radio @ www.gcnlive.com: Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone, The Gaza Holocaust Parts 1-3, 081230, 090106, 090113, editions @ www.takingaimradio.com/shows/audio.html: Labor Exploitation in China-Mike Daisey on February 8, 2011 edition of Against The Grain-12 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military And C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-I’ll Be Rested by Mavis Staples-It Will Be Worth It by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/13/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-13 continued....
Mind of God 02/20/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-20: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9: The State of Israel and the Synagogue of Satan: Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill and the death of David Kato: Worldwide people’s revolution and Uprising in Egypt-Libya-Bahrain-Iran-Yemen: Obama-Mubarak and the isolation of Iran: The world wide people’s revolution comes to Wisconsin: References: www.democracynow.org-the week of February 14, 2011: Webster Tarpley on World Crisis Radio February 20, 2011 edition @ www.gcnlive.com: The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-I’ll Be Rested by Mavis Staples-It Will All Be Worth It by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/20/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-20 continued....
Mind of God 02/27/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-27: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39 Verse 1-Verse 9: The State of Israel and the Synagogue of Satan: Current Affairs and Events: Rothschilds-Oppenheimers-Second Coming of Christ as the worldwide people’s revolution-Focus on Libya and Wisconsin: The hypocrisy of America, the United Nations and the control of the worldwide discourse: CIA infiltration and the isolation of Iran: Webster Tarpley on World Crisis Radio, February 27, 2011 edition @ www.gcnlive.com: Correction Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone-Libya and Lockerbie: The Untold Story, is the 090825 edition @ www.takingaimradio.com: www.democracynow.org,week of February 21, 2011: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Jesus Is On The Main Line by Mavis Staples-It Will All Be Worth It by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/27/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-02-27 continued....
Mind of God 03/06/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-03-06: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39 Verses 6-12: Rothschilds-Oppenheimers-Soros-CIA-Destruction of the Nations: Rothschilds-Oppenheimers-Koch Bros.-FBI-FOP-Destruction of US North America: Davis Arrest Throws US Undercover Campaign In Pakistan Into Disarray by Dave Lindorf @ www.thiscantbehappening.net and @ www.kpfa.org -03-02-11-1P.M.: Webster Tarpley on NBC Wall Street Journal Poll @ www.gcnlive.com –World Crisis Radio-03-05-11 edition: Minister Farrakhan Warns President Obama-Saviours’ Day 2011@ http://store.finalcall.com/?Click=3821: www.democracynow.org: African Resistance Growing @ Uhurunews.com-03-05-11 edition: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Family of Secrets-The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker: Killing Hope-U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Amazing Grace by Aretha Franklin-The Sound by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/06/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2011-03-06: continued...
Mind of God 03/13/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-03-13: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39 and Verses 12-17: Rothschilds-Oppenheimers-ruling class control of worldwide and national discourse: Fictitious Narrative on Libya: Representative Peter King holds hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims: References: Stephen Gowans on 03-07-11 edition of the Taylor-Report @ www.taylor-report.com: Webster Tarpley on Coast to Coast AM @ http://tarpley.net/media-interviews/: Minister Louis Farrakhan on Cliff Kelley Show-WVON Chicago-03-10-11: God Will Send Saviours by Minister Farrakhan February 27, 2011 @ http://store.finalcall.com/?Click=3821: CIA program-Abel Danger from documentary- Core Of Corruption @ www.video.google.com: Books: Obama: The Postmodern Coup by Webster Tarpley: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Correction: The bombing of a discotheque falsely pinned on Qaddafi, took place in Berlin, Germany, not London, England: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-What A Friend We Have In Jesus by Aretha Franklin-Get Up by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/13/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-03-13: continued...
Mind of God 03/20/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-03-20: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39 and Verses 17-20: The Rothschilds, the Oppenheimers and the control of the worldwide discourse: Current Events and References: In defiance of the Obama Administration, Jean Bertrand Aristide returns home to Haiti: www.democracynow.org and www.flashpoints.net –week of March 14, 2011: Obama Administration begins bombing campaign in Libya-The real reasons: Keith Harmon Snow on Your World News, March 20, 2011 edition @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: The privatization of the states, cities, municipalities and infrastructure of the U.S.: Michael Hudson on March 16, 2011 edition of Guns and Butter, 1 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Books: Obama: The Postmodern Coup by Webster Tarpley: Killing Hope-U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Rug by Bobby Womack-Get Up by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Today’s program is live-i-cated to and inspired by Solomon Comissiong, Peter Fowler and Keith Harmon Snow: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/20/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-03-20: continued...
Mind of God 03/27/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-03-27: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39-Verses 20-21: Current Affairs and References: Synagogue of Satan-House of Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers, bomb Libya just before Vernal Equinox-Why?-Who are the House of Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers?-What is the United States AFRICOM?-What is the role of U.S. AFRICOM in the bombing campaign of Libya?-Caroline Casey on Visionary Activist @ www.kpfa.org -2P.M., 03-17-11 edition: Money Masters by Bill Still: Jesus Saves by Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com : Glen Ford on Hardknock Radio, 4 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org, 03-21-11 edition: Troy Nkrumah on Hardknock Radio, 4P.M. @ www.kpfa.org, 03-22-11 edition: CIA’s Libya Rebels-Same Terrorists that Killed U.S. and NATO Troops in Iraq @ www.tarpley.net and World Crisis Radio, @ www.gcnlive.com, 03-26-11 edition by Webster Tarpley: Horace Campbell on Flashpoints, 5P.M. @ www.kpfa.org, 03-24-11 edition: Books: Killing Hope-U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Lean On Jesus by International Choir of COGIC-Super Friend by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/27/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-03-27: continued...
Mind of God 04/03/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-03: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39-Verses 21-23: Jesus warns of the Synagogue of Satan: Current Affairs and References: President Barack Obama justifies bombing in Africa-Libya and use of C.I.A. in Africa-Libya: Press Conference on Libya by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Perspectives_1/article_7683.shtml: Press Conference on Libya by Cynthia McKinney @ http://www.blip.tv/file/4962902#: Webster Tarpley and Abrams on Stock Market turnover, April 2, 2011 edition of World In Crisis Radio @ www.gcnlive.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Killing Hope-U.S. Military Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Blessing Of Abraham by Donald Lawrence and Tri City-God In Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/03/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-03: continued...
Mind of God 04/10/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-10: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39-Verses 21-28: The international worldwide problem of the Synagogue of Satan-the House of Rothschild and the Oppenheimers: Current Affairs-Issues: Cesar Chavez’s birthday-March 31: Assassination of Dr. King-April 4, 1968: Passing of Manning Marable-April 1, 2011 http://www.wgnu920am.com/: Thousands of North American workers gather to remember Dr. King’s work with unions: Fraudulent elections in Haiti-April 4, 2011 edition of Flashpoints, 5P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: U.S. Saudi Arabia deal exposed-April 4, 2011 edition of Flashpoints, 5P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: France in Ivory Coast-April 4, 2011 edition of Africa Today 7 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org and April 4, 2011 edition of Taylor-Report @ www.Taylor-Report.com: Government Shutdown and the Revenue problem of North America-April 7, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Bernie’s Top Ten Corporate Tax Evaders: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Killing Hope-U.S. Military Interventions Since World War II by William Blum: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Work It Out by Rufus Troutman III-God In Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/10/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-10: continued...
Mind of God 04/17/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-17: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39 and Verse 29: The destruction of the Synagogue of Satan: Current Affairs and Issues: Mind control through control of the national discourse and the budgets of Obama, the Republicans and the Progressive Congressional budget-Democratic Rep. Raúl Grijalva on the April 14, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: The attack on 5 and 6 nations in Africa and the imposition of NATO and UNICOM-Michel Collon on the April 13 edition of Guns and Butter, 1 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: From Superman To Man by J.A. Rogers: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Steal Away To Jesus by Shirley Caesar -Boom by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/17/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-17: continued...
Mind of God 04/24/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-24: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9-Ezekiel Chapter 39 and Verse 29-St. Matthew Chapter 28: The African Science of the birth, rebirth and resurrection of Jesus The Christ is the resurrection and redemption of the poor, afflicted, needy and oppressed and doom, warning and judgment for the Synagogue of Satan and Gog and Magog: Current Affairs-References: Earth Day- Maude Barlow and Vandana Shiva on the April 22 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: From Superman To Man by J.A. Rogers: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Psalm 68 by Kurt Carr-I’m Runnin’ by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/24/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-04-24: continued...
Mind of God 05/01/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-01: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9: Ezekiel Chapter 39-Verse 29: Philippians Chapter 2: The Resurrection of Christ-The Mind Of Christ and the destruction and doom of the Synagogue of Satan: Current Affairs and Issues: Clarence Thomas on May 1 and May Day-The April 29, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Creating of Central Bank in Libya-Ten Reasons Why The U.S. War In Libya Is A CIA Operation-The Final Call @ www.finalcall.com: Professor Aziz Fall on Alassane Ouatarra-Domonique and Loic Folloroux-Anthony Ward-Armajaro Holdings and the cocoa industry in Ivory Coast-April 25, 2011 edition of the Taylor Report @ www.taylor-report.com and www.wikipedia.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Malcolm X-A Life Of Reinvention by Manning Marable: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Faithful Is Our God by Hezekiah Walker-Get Up by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/01/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-01 continued...
Mind of God 05/08/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-08: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter2-Verse 9 and Ezekiel Chapter 39-Verse 29: Mothers’ Day and The Spirit of the Woman: Current Affairs and Issues: The supposed killing of Osama bin-Laden-911-Fictitious narratives-False flag operations-The desperation of the Synagogue of Satan: Rosa Clemente and Reverend Jeremiah Wright on the May 9 and May 10 2011 editions of Hard Knock Radio respectively-4.00 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Dennis Bernstein on Flashpoints 5 P.M.-week of May 9, 2011 @ www.kpfa.org: Webster Tarpley on May 7, 2011 edition of World Crisis Radio @ www.gcnlive.com: Stephen Lendman on Your World News @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news/2011/05/07/war-and-imperialism-in-central-asiaand-far-beyond: Zafar Bangash on May 2, 2011 edition Taylor-Report @ www.taylor-report.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Malcolm X-A Life Of Reinvention by Manning Marable: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-That Place by Levin Butler-Boom by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/08/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-08 continued...
Mind of God 05/15/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-15: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 10: Current Affairs and Issues: 911-The fictitious assassination of Osama bin-Laden and the politics of fear-Webster Tarpley on May 14, 2011 edition of World Crisis Radio @ http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/worldCrisisRadio/ and Phil Taylor on May 2, 2011 edition of Taylor Report @ http://www.taylor-report.com/audio/index.php?month=2011-05: President Obama reshuffles leadership: Israel attacks Palestinians: President Obama seeks funding for re-election from Wall Street: More NATO troops killed in Afghanistan: More killings in Pakistan-www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Malcolm X-A Life Of Reinvention by Manning Marable: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-We Praise You by The McClurkin Project-I’m Runnin’ by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley:
Mind of God 05/15/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-15 continued...
Mind of God 05/22/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-22: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 10-Black Church Don’t Fear! Current Affairs and Issues: President Obama on the Middle East, Palestine and Israel , May 19, 2011 @ www.whitehouse.gov: Norman Finkelstein on Obama’s Middle East speech, May 20, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Palestinians protest on Nakba Day, in Palestine-Israel, May 17, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Obama’s bombing of Libya violates War Powers Act: NATO forces kill twelve Afghan protestors: CIA’s Al-Qaeda reveal new leader: Tennessee State House attacks teachers’ unions: FBI raids peace activists @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Malcolm X-A Life Of Reinvention by Manning Marable: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Heard Me by Karen Clark Sheard-I’m Runnin’ by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/22/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-22 continued...
Mind of God 05/29/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-29: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 22-Verses 1-9: The Desperation of the Synagogue of Satan: Current Affairs and Issues: President Obama speaks at the U.S. Secretary of State, AIPAC and the British Parliament on Israel-Palestine and Middle East peace, democracy and politics and the relevancy of America and Britain: Israeli Head of State Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at U.S. Congress on Israel-Palestine and Middle East peace, democracy and politics: Askia Muhammad on May 27, 2011 edition of Spectrum Today News, 6 P.M. EST @ www.wpfw.org: Target Iran: Orchestrating the Duplicity, by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone on 091006, (October 6, 2009), edition of Taking Aim Radio @ www.takingaimradio.com: The Obama Deception: Why Cornel West Went Ballistic by Chris Hedges @ www.truthdig.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Malcolm X-A Life Of Reinvention by Manning Marable: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Can Change by Kim Burrell-Forgiven Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/29/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-05-29 continued...
Mind of God 06/05/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-05: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 10: Don’t Fear The Synagogue Of Satan! Current Affairs and Issues and References: Respect to the life of Geronimo Ji-Jaga Pratt on June 6, 2011 edition of Democracy Now: Manuel Zelaya returns to Honduras, two years after being forced into exile by CIA generated coup, the May 31, 2011 edition of Democracy Now: Adrienne Pine connects the privatization of education, destruction of workers, destruction of unions in Honduras, with the same in New Orleans and the U.S. on June 1, 2011 edition of Democracy Now, all @ www.domocracynow.org: NATO continues to bomb Tripoli Libya: Protests continue in Yemen: Corporations and business interests possible source of unrest in
Syria: Pentagon to use internet attacks and cyber attacks to declare war: The true purpose of the “War On Drugs”: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Malcolm X-A Life Of Reinvention by Manning Marable: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Can Change by Kim Burrell-Dirt by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/05/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-05 continued...
Mind of God 06/12/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-12: Scripture: Ezekiel Chapter 28-Verses 1-13: Warning to the Synagogue of Satan: Warning to the House of Rothschild and the Oppenheimers: Warning to the presidents and prime ministers-warning to the kings and queens-warning the heads of state-heads of government and heads of financial and educational institutions: Warning to the Wall Street Oligarchs and Corporate Plutocrats: Your power will be broken! Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander: Malcolm X-A Life Of Reinvention by Manning Marable: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Let Go by Dewayne Woods-Seattle by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/12/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-12 continued...
Mind of God 06/19/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-19: Scripture: Ezekiel Chapter 28-Verses 1-13: The fall of Lucifer-the fall of the King and Prince of Tyrus is the fall of the Synagogue of Satan-the fall of the House of Rothschild, Oppenheimers, the ruling class and ruling families of the U.S. of North America, Europe and Israel: Current Affairs, Issues and References: America’s Hypocrisy and Killing in Libya and Africa: Dr. Randy Short on the June 6, 2011 edition of Your World News @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news/2011/06/16/what-is-really-happening-on-the-ground-in-libya: Jennifer Lowenstein and Cynthia McKinney on the June 12, 2011 edition of The Progressive Radio News Hour @ http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour/: Minister Louis Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya at U.N. Plaza Hotel-June 12, 2011 @ http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/libya_war_7902.shtml: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Ancient Mysteries Of Melchizedek by Melchizedek Y. Lewis: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Thank Ya Jesus by Darrel Pettis-I Worship You by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/19/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-19 continued...
Mind of God 06/26/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-26: Scripture: Ezekiel Chapter 28-Verses 13-17: The Fall Of Lucifer-the Synagogue of Satan-the House of Rothschild, Oppenheimers, the ruling class and ruling families of the U.S. of North America, Europe and Israel: Current Affairs and Issues: War in Libya could bring impeachment for Obama-Glenn Greenwald on June 20, 2011 edition of Democracy Now: U.S. mayors call for ending of wars and bringing war funds home to North America-Kitty Piercy on June 23, 2011 edition of Democracy Now: Government and corporations of U.S. North America destroy democracy in Haiti and terrorize Haitian people-Dan Coughlin and Kim Ives on June 24, 2011 edition Democracy Now: Colleges of U.S. North America participate in theft of land in Africa-Anuradha Mittal on June 20, 2011 edition of Democracy Now: U.S. peace activists on humanitarian mission to protest Israeli Gaza blockade-Richard Levy and Kathy Kelly on June 20, 2011 edition Democracy Now: Obama deceives people about troop withdrawal in Afghanistan-edition of Democracy Now-@ www.democracynow.org: : Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Ancient Mysteries Of Melchizedek by Melchizedek Y. Lewis: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-I Made It by Keith Johnson- Something Big by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/26/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-06-26 continued...
Mind of God 07/03/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-03: Scripture: Ezekiel Chapter 28-Verses 15-19: The Destruction of the power and influence of the Synagogue of Satan-the House of Rothschild, Oppenheimers-ruling class and ruling families of this wicked world order: Current Affairs and Issues: Lynching Rape and Lies in Libya-Dr. Randy Short on June 30, 2011 edition of Your World News @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: Report From Tripoli-Webster Tarpley on June 29, 2011 edition of Guns and Butter, 1P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: Report From Libya Parts 1-6-Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/: Reports Live From Tripoli-Webster Tarpley on July 2, 2011 edition of World In Crisis Radio @ http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/worldCrisisRadio/archives.php: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Ancient Mysteries Of Melchizedek by Melchizedek Y. Lewis: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-All Things Working by LaShun Pace- Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/03/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-03 continued...
Mind of God 07/10/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-10: Ezekiel Chapter 28-Verses 12-18: A Message to the common people: You were created perfect-Beautiful-Full of Wisdom: You were created to be a protecting angel, to cover and protect and deliver the poor and the oppressed: Reject warfare-bloodshed-militarism-materialism-consumerism: Freud-the ID, the Ego and the Super Ego: Current Issues and Affairs: Beyond Gay Marriage-The issues of impoverishment in the Homosexual community-June 27, 2011 edition of Women’s’ Magazine @ www.kpfa.org: Newburgh 4-FBI-COINTELPRO-entrapment and infiltration-July 4, 2011 edition of Black Agenda Radio @ http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/black-agenda-radio/: Thomas Mountain on The assassination of John Gharang and the division of Sudan also Thomas Mountain on Libya-Ghadafi and establishment of the African Central Bank to oppose the IMF on June 27, 2011 edition of Taylor-Report @ www.taylor-report.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Church Medley by Donnie McClurkin-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/10/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-10 continued...
Mind of God 07/17/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-17: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 8-10: We the revolutionaries must overcome fear! We the African Hebrew Israelite Messiah People must overcome fear! Current Affairs and Issues: Humanitarian Flotilla-The Audacity of Hope sabotaged by the governments of Israel, North America and Greece on July 6, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Cornel West on Smiley and West, July 15, 2011 edition @ http://www.smileyandwest.com/radio.html: The uprising of the Libyan people against the bombing campaign of U.S. and NATO with Madhi Nazemroayaon on Flashpoints, July 12, 13, 14, 2011 @ www.flashpoints.net: The Budget Deficit and Budget Ceiling-July 12, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Richard Wolff on July 9, 2011 edition of Economic Update 12:00 P.M. EST @ www.wbai.org: Michael Hudson on July 13, 2011 edition of Guns and Butter, 1 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: World In Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley, July 16, 2011 edition @ http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/worldCrisisRadio/archives.php: The Problem of the House of Rothschild and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913-Saviours’ Day 1995-Jesus Saves by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Order My Steps by Mighty Clouds of Joy-It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/17/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-17 continued...
Mind of God 07/24/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 07/24/11: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 10: Ezekiel Chapter 28-Verse 18: Hebrew Chapter 4-Verse 12: Judges Chapter 3: We Preach Life!-The word of God is our sword!-We fight and defeat the oppressor and deliver the oppressed! Current Affairs and Issues: FOP killing of unarmed youth in San Francisco, July 18, 2011 edition of Hardknock Radio, 4 P.M. @ www.kpfa.org: True role of the Prison Industrial Complex, July 18, 2011 edition of Black Agenda Radio @ http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/black-agenda-radio/: The Bombing in Oslo Norway-Why?-July 23, 2011 edition of World In Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley @ http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/worldCrisisRadio/archives.php: The famine in Somalia and the real causes: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Broken But I’m Healed by Byron Cage-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/24/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 07/24/11 continued...
Mind of God 07/31/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-31: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 10-11: Judges Chapter 7-Verses 13-14: We are working for the crown of life! With the word of God as our sword and weapon, we break the power of the oppressor ruling class and ruling families: Current Affairs and Events: Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag-by Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/2011/07/24/norway-terror-attacks-a-false-flag/: and Webster Tarpley on World Crisis Radio @ http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/worldCrisisRadio/archives.php: The budget deficit-budget ceiling-The Obama Administration’s capitulation and compromise to the wealthy- Richard Wolff on July 28, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-So Good To Me by Vanessa Bell Armstrong-Walking by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/31/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-07-31 continued...
Mind of God 08/07/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-07: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 11: Judges Chapter 10: Mother Holy Spirit speaks to the human family: Put away the other Elohim-Gods and Goddesses of the Obama Administration: Put away the other Elohim-Gods and Goddesses of the Republican and Democratic Party: Current Affairs and Events: Demi Reider on unrest and protest in Israel-August 3, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Hunger strikes and student protests in Chile-August 4, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Africans in Europe protest U.S. imperialism in the Congo @ http://www.uhurunews.com/: Roderick Harrison on widening wealth gap between White and Black-July 28, 2011 @ www.democracynow.org: Donna Edwards and Dean Baker on debt deal and debt super committee-August 3, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-The Real Party by Mary Mary-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/07/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-07 continued...
Mind of God 08/14/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-14: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 11 and Judges Chapter 13: We the oppressed will overcome Satan! Christ has returned in the uprising of the people! Current Affairs and Events: Minister Farrakhan-December 12 Movement-ANSWER coalition gather in Harlem to protest U.S. and NATO war in Libya @ http://www.finalcall.com/: Representative Luis Gutierrez protests Obama Administration for record deportation of immigrants-July 29, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Reverend Peter Morales and others to go on trial for protesting Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070: Darcus Howe and Richard Seymour on the uprising in Britain and the police killing of Mark Duggan-August 10, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Cornell West and Tavis Smiley embark on a poverty tour and expose Obama Administrations’ neglect of the poor-August 9, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Victory by Yolanda Adams-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/14/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-14 continued...
Mind of God 08/21/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-21: Scripture: Revelation 2-Verse 12 and Ruth Chapter 1: The Power Of Christ and the Elevation of the Oppressed: Current Affairs and Events: Thomas Mountain on famine in Somalia, Al Shabaab, the United Nation and the World Food Program-August 1, 2011 edition of Taylor-Report @ www.taylor-report.com: Mike Elk on the American Exchange Council and replacement of union workers with prison labor-August 5, 2011 edition Democracy Now: John Nichols on labor and Wisconsin recall-August 10, 2011 edition Democracy Now: Standard and Poor downgrades U.S. credit and blames Republicans: Unions to boycott Democratic National Convention to be held in North Carolina: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Victory by Yolanda Adams-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/21/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-21 continued...
Mind of God 08/28/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-28: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 12 and Ruth Chapter 4: The return of Christ and the word of God to deliver the oppressed: Current Affairs and Events: Marjorie Cohn on the law and living wage jobs-August 22, 2011 edition of Talk Back @ www.wbai.org – 3P.M.: Maxine Waters on poverty, unemployment and confronting the Obama Administration- California Progressive Caucus to back a third party candidate and primary challenge to President Obama- Margaret Flowers, the October 2011 Movement and the occupation of Freedom Square in Washington D.C., all on August 22, 2011 edition of Black Agenda Radio @ http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/black-agenda-radio/: The monument to Dr. King in Washington D.C. and Abomination of Desolation-Solomon Comissiong and Jared Ball on the August 25, 2011 edition of The Solution Zone @ http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/solution-zone/: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Apocalypse Code by Hank Hanegraaff: Corrections: Dr. Kings “I Have A Dream” speech took place August 28, 1963: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Turn It Around by Israel and New Breed-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/28/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-08-28 continued...
Mind of God 09/04/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-04: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 12: Luke Chapter 4-Verse 18: Quran-Chapter 2-Verses 8-15: Ruth Chapter 4: The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword: Jesus preaches for the deliverance of the poor, afflicted, needy and the oppressed: Jesus warns the oppressor and brings justice, redemption and salvation to the oppressed: The lip-profession and hypocrisy of the politicians and leaders of this world, governmental, financial and educational: Boaz, Jachin and the stability of the universe: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Apocalypse Code by Hank Hanegraaff: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Celebrate by Smokie Norful-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/04/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-04 continued...
Mind of God 09/11/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-11: Scripture: 1 Samuel chapter 2-Verse 8: Quran Chapter 2-Verses 16-20: Ezekiel Chapter 28-Verse 16: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 13: The Most High constructed the universe based on Ma’at-Truth-Justice-Righteousness: What are the two pillars that uphold the earth? The two pillars, (Boaz and Jachin), and the African Hebrew and African Egyptian temples: The two pillars and the temples of the Illuminati-Masonic Order: The House of Rothschild and the buying of error for guidance: Current Affairs and Events: Webster Tarpley on President Obama’s speech before congress on jobs and unemployment: The attack on earned entitlements-World Crisis Radio-September 10, 2011 edition @ www.gcnlive.com/programs/worldCrisisRadio/archives.php: Webster Tarpley on the tenth anniversary of 911: 911, the fictitious narrative, the CIA and the usage of military drills to create 911 @ http://tarpley.net/: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus In Context-Power People, & Performance by Richard Horsley: The Apocalypse Code by Hank Hanegraaff: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Message For Ya by Bootsy Collins and Nicole Mullen-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/11/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-11 continued...
Mind of God 09/18/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-18: Scripture: Revelation Chapter2-Verse 13: Proverbs Chapter 4-Verses 10-15: What and where is the seat of Satan? Is 911 the seat of Satan 911? How do we hold fast to the name of Jesus-Yahshuah? What are the definitions of Jesus-Yahshuah? Does Jesus equal justice for the oppressed? Current Affairs and Events: The people protest the killing of by S.F. Bart police: Is President Obama taking Social Security off of the table? The Republican Tea Party Debate and the need for a third party and third candidate: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: The Apocalypse Code by Hank Hanegraaff: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Every by Baby Dubb and Men of Standard-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/18/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-18 continued...
Mind of God 09/25/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-25: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 13: A Tribute to Antipas-The faithful martyr: Faith in Jesus Christ-What does it mean? Jesus Christ is the author of salvation-What does it mean? What does it mean to be faithful to Christ? What does it really mean to be a martyr for Christ? Current Events and Affairs: The rulers of this world promote death-We promote life! The martyrdom of Troy Davis: President Obama gives a speech on jobs wrapped in duplicity: United Nations’ 66th assembly and debates: Palestine seeks to become a nation state: Corruption in the United Nations: We analyze the speeches given by Mahmoud Abbas-Barack Obama-Benjamin Netanyahoo-Evo Morales-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad @ : //www.unmultimedia.org/tv/webcast/c/ga-general-debate.html: Info on France and NATO in Ivory Coast-April 10, 2011 edition of The Mind Of God Program @ http://www.thankaboutit.org/Download2.html http: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: The Fall of America by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You’ve Been So Good by Martha Munizzi-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/25/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-09-25 continued...
Mind of God 10/02/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-02: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 13: Where does Satan dwell? Is it Rome, Britain, Israel, America, House of Rothschild, Oppenheimers? What is the definition of the word Satan? How does Satan oppose the poor, afflicted, needy and oppressed? How do we fight Satan the ruling class oppressor? Current Affairs and Events: President Obama disses the Congressional Black Caucus: How and why? Young activists continue to protest Wall Street in New York-September 30, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Obama Administrations begins new drone attacks in Somalia-September 26, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Does the Obama Administration’s assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki and Khan break U. S. law against assassinations of American citizens? Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: The Fall of America by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad: RIP: Mother Elder Wangari Muta Mary Jo Maathai, (1 April 1940 – 25 September 2011): Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-No Never by Kiera Ki Ki Sheard -Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/02/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-02 continued...
Mind of God 10/09/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-09: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 13-14: Balaam, Balac, and the secret meeting to destroy the Children of Israel and the Revolution: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Bilderbergs and the secret meeting to destroy the people: How the Bush and Obama Administrations have used 911 as an enticement to induce the American people into idolatry, (warfare, bloodshed, colonialism, slavery, exploitation): How the Bush and Obama Administration have brought a curse upon the church in North America: How to hold fast to the name of Jesus: Current Affairs and Events: The Spirit of Occupy Wall Street, the Spirit of Christ, spreads all across the United States of North America-October 7, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Wesley Clark and the war memo-seven nations in five years-March 2, 2007 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: The Fall of America by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Correction: Bashar Al-Assad is Head of State of Syria: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-No Never by Kiera Ki Ki Sheard -Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/09/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-09 continued...
Mind of God 10/16/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-16: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 14-15: Proverbs Chapter 15-Verses 21-22: How Bush and Obama cast a stumbling block against the people of North America: What is the Doctrine of the Nicolatians and why does Jesus hate such doctrine? Idolatry, covetousness and spiritual fornication with the wicked oppressor: Current Affairs and Events: The rise of Christ in young protestors all over the world and the reality of infiltration: Alternative Radio founder David Barsamian on the rise of Christ in India-September 27, 2011 edition of Flashpoints @ www.flashpoints.net: President Obama leads gathering on Washington D.C. mall to honor Dr. King Monument: President Obama and Attorney General Holder accuse Iran of assassination attempt on Saudi Arabian ambassador to U.S.: Is this accusation against Iran just a diversion?-The Alex Jones Show-Week of October 19, 2011 @ www.gcnlive.com: If this accusation is a diversion, what from?: What does this accusation against Iran teach us about the government of the United States of North America?: President Obama sends 100 troops into Uganda to kill Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Movement-Why?: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: The Fall of America by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Correction: Bill Gates is head of Microsoft: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Living 4 by J. Moss -Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/16/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-16 continued...
Mind of God 10/23/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-23: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 15-16: Songs of Solomon Chapter 4-Verses 8 and 16: The Spirit of America is Death-Hell and Destruction-Warfare and Bloodshed: Lessons in the Life of Muhammar Ghadafi: Jesus hates the philosophy of the Nicolaitans-Why?: We must repent for supporting bloodshed and warfare: What is a good marriage? The Almighty Father and Almighty Mother-The original marriage: How Africans celebrate marriage: The people are the leader’s helpmeet and garden for revolution: Current Affairs and Currents Events: Obama Administration kills Muhammar Ghadafi? Obama Administration sends 100 mercenaries into Uganda: Obama Administrations kills Anwar Al-Awlaki and 16 year old son? Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Know Me by George Huff-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/23/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-23 continued...
Mind of God 10/30/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-30: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 15-16: Sunday School Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 5: Peter Tosh Earthday-October 19-Recruiting Soldiers For Jah Army: The Rise and Fall of the anti-Christ forces: We must repent for our support of Babylon: Repent for our idolatrous covetous support for bloodshed, warfare militarism, materialism, consumerism: Repent or Jesus will come quickly-why, how and to do what?: Current Affairs and Events: Wall Street protestors demand Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street-incur wrath of anti-Christ, repressive police force in Oakland and elsewhere in the U.S. @ www.flashpoints.net -week of October 24, 2011 @ www.democracynow.org –week of October 24, 2011 @ www.kpfa.org with Hardknock Radio-4:00 P.M.-week of October 24, 2011 @ www.tarpley.net with Webster Tarpley @ www.gcnlive.com – October 29, 2011 edition with Webster Tarpley: Minister Louis Farrakhan on The Assassination of Muammar Ghadafi –October 25, 2011 @ http://www.noi.org/webcast/weekly-archive.shtml: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Recruiting Soldiers by Peter Tosh-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening
Mind of God 10/30/11: Pt. 2
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-10-30 continued...
Mind of God 11/06/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-11-06: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 16: Sunday School Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 5: The 81st Anniversary of the coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie I: This is Revelation Time: Prophecy is fulfilled in this time: The Christ forces shall defeat the anti-Christ forces: Ethiopia-Selassie versus Italy-Mussolini and Germany-Hitler and the Pope of Rome: Selassie’s 1936 speech at United Nations as prophecy of this day and time: Current Affairs and Events: General Strike in Oakland, November 3, 2011 @ www.flashpoints.net and www.democracynow.org - week of October 31, 2011 also www.Tarpley.net and World In Crisis Radio @ www.gcnlive.com with Webster Tarpley: Palestinians successfully join United Nations UNESCO and anger America and Israel: Humanitarian activists sail to Gaza in defiance of Israel’s Blockade on Gaza @ www.democracynow.org –November 4, 2011 edition: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Know Me BY George Huff-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/06/11: Pt. 2
11/06/11 continued...
Mind of God 11/13/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-11-13: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 16-17: Sunday School Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 5: Peter Tosh-Here Comes The Judge: Mutabaruka-People’s Court: Repent for supporting warfare and bloodshed or Jesus Christ will come quickly: Jesus Christ comes with the sword in his mouth: What does the sword symbolize? Sword on the left, retrieved by the right hand: What does that symbolize? What does Mother Holy Spirit say? What is the Ecclesia-Church? How do we overcome Satan and the Illuminati Masonic Order in the personages of the House of Rothschild and Oppenheimers? What does the word overcome mean? Current Affairs-Events: Chris Hedges and Cornel West lead a Peoples’ Court to condemn wickedness of Wall Street-November 7, 2011, 10.00 A.M. edition of Letters and Politics @ www.kpfa.org: G-20 meet in France: Greece and Italy endure IMF imposed austerity programs and IMF imposed economic coup-November 7, 2011, 10.00 A.M. edition of Letters and Politics @ www.kpfa.org: Occupy Oakland-November 9, 2011, 08:00 A.M. edition of Morning Mix @ www.kpfa.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Heaven Knows by Derrick Haddon-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/13/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 11/13/11 continued...
Mind of God 11/15/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-11-15: The Image Of God vs. the Image of the Beast: Special Sunday School Session: Living As God’s People: Scripture: St Matthew Chapter 5-Verses 1-12: Jesus takes Kingdom from Caesar-Jesus Confers Kingdom on Oppressed: Blessed are the poor, oppressed, peacemakers: Today the International Occupy Movement is the Jesus Movement and Peace Maker: Current Affairs-Events: anti-Christ forces crack down on Occupy Movement-city officials resign in protest-November 15, 2011 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: The people vote down anti-worker-anti-immigrant and anti-voter legislation in Ohio, Arizona and Maine respectively-November 9, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Republican Candidates,(minus Ron Paul), openly call for CIA and Special Operations tactics against Iran: Republican Candidates,(minus Ron Paul), call for use of torture: Michelle Bachman calls for total end to JBJ’s Great Society-November 12, 2011-The Commander In Chief Debate-Hosted by CBS News and National Journal: info on The Great Society @ www.wikipedia.org/wiki/greatsociety: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-What Do You Do by Dave Hollister-Sittings With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/15/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 11/15/11 continued...
Mind of God 11/22/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-11-22: Special Broadcast-The Sunday School Sessions: Subject: Living As God’s People-Forgiving As God’s People-The Occupy Movement International is the Salt of The Earth and the Light of The World: Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 5 and verses 12-14: Current Affairs-Events: Occupy Movement protests home foreclosures: Palestinians conduct Freedom rides in West Bank: United States, Britain and Canada implement sanctions on Iran-Seymour Hersh on Democracy Now, November 21, 2011 edition @ www.democracynow.org: Protests start again in Egypt: Occupy Movement targets universities and the high cost of education: 4000 protest Latin American Military Training Base in Georgia: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Love Makes The World Beautiful by V Three-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/22/11: Pt. 2
11/22/11 continued...
Mind of God 11/23/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-11-23: Special Broadcast-The Sunday School Sessions: Subject: Forgiving As God’s People-Oppressed People of the World, you are the Light of the World!: Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 5-Verses 14-17: The oppressed and poor are the new city, the new order, the new constitution, the new government and New Jerusalem of the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on earth: Jesus comes to fulfill, not destroy the law: Slavery, colonialism, exploitation, poverty, warfare and bloodshed are against God’s law: The High Priests and Caesar violate the law, while Jesus fights Caesar, the High Priests, fulfilling God’s law: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Healed Heart by Davis Brooks and Ramsey Lewis-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/25/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-11-25: Special Broadcast-The Sunday School Sessions: Subject: Forgiving As God’s People and Loving As God’s People: Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 5-Verses 17-22: Jesus fulfills God’s law of Ma’at-Truth-Justice and Righteousness: Those who stand for Ma’at are the greatest in the Kingdom-Why and How? We should not denigrate and degrade one another-The oppressed must forgive one another and love one another and stand together as one: We must guard against the tactics of the CIA-FBI-FOP, or else we will face the fire of destruction: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Precious Lord by Kelley Price-Something Big by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/25/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 11/25/11 continued...
Mind of God 11/27/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-11-27: The Sunday School Sessions: Subject: Forgiving and Loving As God’s People: Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 5-Verses 20-28 and St. Matthew Chapter 5-Verses 43-48: We must rise above the wicked actions of the wicked Rothschilds and Oppenheimers: In order to guard against the informants, infiltrators and snitches, the oppressed must repair relationships: The oppressed must overcome the tactics of the CIA: The misuse and abuse of women in the struggle: The oppressed children of the Most High are the peacemakers: The Children of the Most High, the oppressed must be perfected as full human beings, Gods and Goddesses, Children of the Most High: Dr. Umar Johnson on the African origin of psychology-November 17, 2011 edition of Your World News @ www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-The Blessing Of Abraham by Donald Lawrence and tri City-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/27/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 11/27/11 continued...
Mind of God 12/04/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-12-04: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 16-17: In the time of hunger Mother Holy Spirit will provide food for the oppressed: Mother Holy Spirit feeds the oppressed through Yahshuah-Justice: Mother Holy Spirit will give the oppressed food to eat from the Hidden Manna: What is the Hidden Manna? Where did the Hidden Manna come from? What was the purpose of the Hidden Manna? Is North America a wilderness? In a wicked world economic system, how will Mother Holy Spirit provide for the oppressed? How will we the oppressed, do away with oppression and do away with the Rothschilds, Oppenheimers, and all of the wicked ruling class and ruling families of this wicked world order? Are the true children of Israel the Black man and woman of the west? Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: A Peoples’ History of Christianity-Christian Origins by Richard Horsley: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Psalm 68, Let Our God Arise by Kurt Carr-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/04/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 12/04/11 continued...
Mind of God 12/11/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-12-11: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 17: Hidden Manna: What is Manna? What does manna symbolize? What is the Hidden Manna? How are Hidden Manna and Hidden Knowledge connected to Africa? What is the knowledge of the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven? What are the White Stone the Black Stone and the Ma’atian court of law? Life, death, birth, rebirth and resurrection: Current Affairs-Events: Mumia Abu-Jamal removed from death row-The occupy movement goes to Hong Kong China-December 9, 2011 edition of smiley and West @ http://www.smileyandwest.com/radio.html: Rothschilds and banks of London attack Euro Zone, enforce austerity programs on people-CIA in Russia-CIA in Iran-CIA in Syria-CIA drone attack in Iran-Israel conducts drone attack on Palestinians-December 9, 2011 edition of World Crisis Radio @ www.gcnlive.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Articles: How The Corporate Media Dictates How and What Americans Think by Solomon Comissiong-Captain America-Captain Norway by Keith Harmon Snow: Books: How Jamaal Discovered Hip Hop by Solomon Comissiong: The Evidence Of Things Not Seen by James Baldwin: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Faithful Is Our God by Hezekiah Walker-It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/11/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 12/11/11 continued...
Mind of God 12/18/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-12-18: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 17: Overcome Babylon and receive a New Name in the White Stone: How do we overcome Babylon, (the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers)? How do we receive a new name? What is the importance of a name? The purpose of a name in Africa: The new name in Rasta consciousness: The purpose of the name Yahshuah: Current Affairs-Events: Time Magazine chooses the Protestor as the Person of The Year: Three women receive the Nobel Peace Prize-December 12, 2011 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: President Obama brings troops home from Iraq: Michigan Governor Schneider overthrows city governments in Michigan: Climate Change Conference sabotaged by America and Europe-The week of December 5, 2011 @ www.democracynow.org: Shooting at Virginia Tech-December 9, 2011 edition of Smiley and West @ www.smileyandwest.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Articles: Police Brutality, Black America, and the US Occupy Movement by Solomon Comissiong: Books: How White Folks Got So Rich by the Nation Of Islam: The Evidence Of Things Not Seen by James Baldwin: 56 Thoughts-The Sayings And Psalms of Bob Marley by Cedella Marley and Gerald Hausman: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-That Place by Levin and Myron Butler: Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/18/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 12/18/11 continued...
Mind of God 12/25/11: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2011-12-25: Scripture: St. Luke Chapter 1-Verses 46-54: The Winter Solstice and the African Origin of Mary-Christ-Mass: We dedicate-livicate this program to KPFA’s Visionary Activist, Caroline Casey-Minister Louis Farrakhan and Brother Elder Ashra Kwesi: The Heavens declare the glory of the Gods and Goddesses: The three stars in Orion’s belt, the star of Ast and Sun on the celestial cross: The Sun-Son-Twelve Disciples and the Twelve sign of the Zodiac: Heru-Krishna-Buddha-Quetzalcoatl-Yahshuah-Black Messiahs: The Quran and the immaculate conception: Your immaculate spiritual, mental, moral and physical birth: Mother Mary rebels against Caesar, the Roman Empire, The High Priests, colonialism, slavery and exploitation: Mother Mary prophesies the doom of the Roman Empire: Books: 60 Visions-A Book of Prophecy by Bob Marley, Cedella Marley and Gerald Hausman: Jesus And The Powers by Richard Horsley: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-We Praise You by The McClurkin Project-Walking by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 12/25/11: Pt. 2
Mind of God 12/25/11 continued...
Mind of God 01/01/12: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-01-01: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 17: St. Matthew Chapter 6-Verses 5-7: Mother Holy Spirit will give the oppressed a New Name: What is the importance of a name? How do we get to know our name? How do we come to know ourselves in the struggle? How do we receive our new name? Receive the revolutionary work of delivering the oppressed and breaking the power of the Synagogue of Satan and manifesting the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: Know thyself: Know Yahweh: Know Yahshuah Maschiach: Know Africa and the African ancestors: Know the real African Hebrew Israelite Nation: Receive and know the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus And The Powers by Richard Horsley: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Showed Me by Karen Clark Sheard-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/01/12: Pt. 2
Mind of God 01/01/12 continued...
Mind of God 01/08/12: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-01-08: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 18: Sunday School Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 6-Verses 5-7: Thyatira and the Odor of Affliction: The Ecclesia deals with religion, politics, culture and economics: The Son of God has eyes angry and flaming with revolutionary fire: We are all Elohim-Gods and Goddesses-Sons and Daughters-Children of the Most High: Yahshuah Christos comes with feet of brass to conquer Caesar: We must conquer the power of the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers: Deliverance and liberty, (Yahshuah), are the teachers for today: The Christ power and anointing teaches us how to deliver and liberate the oppressed: Current Affairs and Events: President Barack Obama signs bill allowing for Indefinite Detention of U.S. citizens without trial-January 3, 2012 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democacynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Jesus And The Powers by Richard Horsley: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Can Change by Kim Burrell, Tye Tribbett & GA-Survive by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/08/12: Pt. 2
01/08/12 continued...
Mind of God 01/15/12: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-01-15: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 18-19: Sunday School Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 6-Verses 9-12: Yahshuah, (Jesus), the Ethiopian with feet of Brass: The Pope and Michael Angelo, in 1550 A.D., change Yahshuah, (Jesus), from White to Black-Why?! The Pope, the Catholic Church and European Christianity change the message of Yahshuah, (Jesus)-Why?! Thyatira challenges Caesar and Rome through works of love for the oppressed: Communion and the love feasts are to feed the poor: Poverty, colonialism, enslavement, debt usury are all against the Law: Yahshuah, (Jesus), fulfills the law of love and justice: Pray that the hungry be fed: We also pay tribute to the real Dr. King: Current Affairs and Events: Obama’s Defense Authorization Bill: Tavis Smiley hosts conversation on poverty in North America: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: At The Dark End Of The Street by Danielle McGuire: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Let Go by DeWayne-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/15/12: Pt. 2
01/15/12 continued...
Mind of God 01/22/12: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-01-22: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 19-20: The Oppressor will overcome the oppressor! We must move beyond charity and overcome the House of Rothschild and Oppenheimers: The oppressed are more valuable and greater than the oppressor: The time of the oppressor is over: Now it’s time for the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: The knowledge and wisdom of Yahshuah Maschiach will remove the oppressor: Jezebel seduces the church to join Rome-Caesar-idolatrous colonialism and exploitation: Obama-Clinton-Sarkosi-Merkel-Netanyahoo are today’s Jezebels, seducing us to join in warfare-bloodshed and the destruction of the oppressed: Currents Affairs and Events: Dick Gregory speaks at 18th annual Dr. King Celebration at Modesto Junior College In Modesto CA: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: At The Dark End Of The Street by Danielle McGuire: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Thank Ya Jesus by Darrel Petties-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/22/12: Pt. 2
01/22/12 continued...
Mind of God 01/29/12: Pt. 1
The Mind Of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-01-29: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse20: Current Affairs and Events: President Obama’s State Of The Union Address: GOP presidential candidates debate the issues in Florida: The church at Thyatira and Jezebel: Who was Jezebel? What was Jezebel’s role in Thyatira? Who are today’s modern day Jezebels? Today’s Modern Day Jezebels, (Democratic and Republican Parties), solicit God’s servants into ungodly intercourse with this Satanic privatized and parasitic capitalistic system: All wars are idolatrous heathen blood sacrifices: Modern Day Jezebels, (Democratic and Republican Parties), have prostituted God’s servants on behalf of House of Rothschilds: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: At The Dark End Of The Street by Danielle McGuire: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-I Made It by Keith Johnson-Something Big by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 01/29/12: Pt. 2
01/29/12 continued...
Mind of God 02/05/12: Pt.1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-02-05: Current Events-Affairs: The fictitious narrative of President Obama’s State of the Union Address 2012: Mitt Romney-the Republican Party-not concerned with the poor: The Invisible War-Rapes and Sexual Assault in the U.S. Military-January 30, 2012 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democarynow.org: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 20: We Are Servants of Justice, (Yahshuah)! Privatized and parasitic Capitalism-materialism-consumerism-warfare and bloodshed-idolatry and the heathen blood sacrifice: How the Jezebel puppets of this world, (presidents-prime ministers etc.), seduce the servants of justice to participate in the destruction of the oppressed: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Malcolm X-The FBI File by Clayborne Carson: At The Dark End Of The Street by Danielle McGuire Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Let Go by DeWayne Woods-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/05/12: pt. 2
Mind of God continued...
Mind of God 02/12/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-02-12: Current Events-Affairs: Steve Jobs-Apple-Foxconn and exploitation of Chinese workers-February 10, 2012 edition-Democracy Now: President Obama bails out banks again-February 10, 2012 edition-Democracy Now: The LBGTQ Community-The Marriage Equality Movement ignores the poor and oppressed within the LBGTQ Community: President Obama-the Republican Party-Women’s Reproductive Rights-February 08, 2012: Ramarley Graham shot down the New York City Police: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 20-21: The Bride of Christ is married to life and justice: Warfare-bloodshed-materialism-consumerism and the heathen idolatrous holocaustic sacrificing of the oppressed: The Servants of Yahshuah must repent and fight the system! Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Malcolm X-The FBI File by Clayborne Carson: At the Dark End of the Street by Danielle McGuire: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Thank Ya Jesus by Darell Pettis-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/12/12: Pt. 2
Mind of God continued...
Mind of God 02/19/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-02-19: Current Events-Affairs: David Clapper, U.S. National Director of Intelligence testifies that Al-Qaeda has infiltrated the Syrian opposition-February 17, 2012 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: China V.P. visits Washington D.C. and Republican candidates speak on China and the manipulation of currency-February 17, 2012 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democacynow.org: The F.B.I. claims to have prevented a suicide bombing operation: Scripture: Revelation chapter 2-Verse 21: The oppressed perish for lack of knowledge: Capitalism-privatized and parasitic: Capitalism and spiritual pornography-Capitalism and spiritual fornication and spiritual bestiality: Today’s preachers-politicians-presidents-prime ministers are today’s Jezebels: We must repent and defend the oppressed not kill the oppressed: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Malcolm X-The FBI File by Clayborne Carson: At the Dark End of the Street by Danielle McGuire: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Thank Ya Jesus by Darell Pettis-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/19/12: Pt. 2
Mind of God cintinued...
Mind of God 02/26/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-02-26: Current Events-Affairs: Republican Candidates Hold Debate in Arizona: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 21: Galatians Chapter 4-Verses 3-5: Oppressed Black-Brown-Red-Yellow-White people-Who are you and what is your identity? Oppressed people-What is your mission in this time? Oppressed people-From whence did you come and why are you here? We are committed to life-freedom-justice-equality-deliverance and liberation of the oppressed people of the earth: We are sons and daughters of the Most High-sent by the Most High to redeem the poor-afflicted and the oppressed: God The Father and Goddess the Mother Holy Spirit reside within your person: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-I Made It by Keith Johnson-It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 02/26/12: Pt. 2
Mind of God continued...
Mind of God 03/04/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-04: Currents Events-Affairs: Dr. Danny Weil on the privatization of education-March 2, 2012 edition of Your World News @ www.blogtalkradio.com/yourworldnews: The controversy of Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke-contraception-abortion and women’s health: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 21-22: We the oppressed of the earth, fight the rule of the Rothschilds, Oppenheimers and their elite puppet Jezebel presidents and prime ministers: Repent for participation in warfare and bloodshed, materialism and militarism, colonialism and exploitation: The adulterous bed of Jezebel produces nothing but sickness, death, hell and destruction: The oppressed people of the earth go through the Great Tribulation: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-All Things Working Together by LaShun Pace-It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/04/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-04 continued...
Mind of God 03/11/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-11: Current Events-Affairs: Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu promote warfare and bloodshed at AIPAC: Joseph Biden-Honduras-the decriminalization of Marijuana and the root cause of international drug trade: References: Kony 2012: Your World News-Solomon Comissiong-March 8, 2012 edition @ www.blogtalkradio/yourworldnews: Keith Harmon Snow @ http://www.consciousbeingalliance.com/: The March 11, 2012 edition of The Alex Jones show @ www.gcnlive.com: The House of Rothschild created the State of Israel: David Icke on March 6, 2012 edition-The Alex Jones Show @ www.gcnlive.com: The Arab Spring and America’s warfare plan-7 nations-5 years: Minister Louis Farrakhan-Saviours’ Day-February 26, 2012 @ www.store.finalcall.com: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 22: Sunday School Lesson: St. John Chapter 1-Verses 1-15: The Oppressed and the Great Tribulation: Repent and cease the warfare and bloodshed: The war industrial complex and the business of warfare and bloodshed: Our sick support of Israel and the Synagogue of Satan: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Church Medley by Donnie McClurkin-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/11/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-11 continued...
Mind of God 03/18/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-18: Current Events-Affairs: (1)The controversial and fictitious narrative of Kony 2012-March 12, 2012 edition of Your World News w/Solomon Comissiong, Keith Snow and Michael Kilpatrick @ www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: Sister Sanyu on March 16, 2012 edition of Alex Jones Show @ www.gcnlive.com: March 16, 2012 edition of World In Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ www.gcnlive.com: (2)George Clooney, North Sudan, President Bashir and the ICC hit list-March 16, 2012 edition-Alex Jones Show @ www.gcnlive.com: (3)President Obama and WTO challenge China over rare earth minerals: (4)U.S. soldier kills 26 Afghanis: (5)Four soldiers face court martial in death of Private Danny Chen: (6)Benghazi seeks semi-autonomy from Libya: (7)Nelson Lopez, mistakenly deported from U.S. to Honduras, dies in suspicious fire: (8)Israel attacks Palestinian men, women and children-killing many: (9)Major economic summit held in Italy-March 7 and March 14, 2012 edition of Guns and Butter @ www.kpfa.org: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 20-23: Sunday School Lesson: St. John Chapter 2: The womb of rebellion: Definition of Yahshuah: The numbers 3 and 6 equals trials, testing and the birth of the Yahshuah movement: The purifications pots: Water into wine: A proper helper for the Christ mission: Consolation and comfort through repentance: Yahshuah, Jezebel, and the bed of death: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Order My Steps by The Mighty Clouds of Joy-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/18/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-18 continued...
Mind of God 03/25/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-25: Current Events-Affairs: Whitney Houston-the music industry and the culture of death: Alan Parquez on the planned economic destruction of Europe-March 14, 2012 edition of Guns and Butter @ www.kpfa.org: The fictitious narrative and farce of HIV and AIDS-March 12, 2012 edition of Progressive Commentary Hour w/Gary Null @ www.progressiveradionetwork.com: White Supremacy-Zimmerman and the killing of Trayvon Martin: Mohammed Merah-Al Qaeda-False Flag and intelligence psy-operations-the fictitious war on terrorism-March 24, 2012 edition of World Crisis Radio @ www.gcnlive.com: The Queen of England has no power-Dick Gregory on March 19, 2012 edition of Alex Jones Show-3rd and 4th hour @ www.gcnlive.com: Scripture: Revelation chapter 2-Verse 23: Sunday School Lesson: St. John chapter 3-Verses 1-21: The Body of Christ promotes life and opposes the culture of death: Jesus destroys death and the children of death with death: Yahweh defined as life-Yahshuah defined as liberation: Mega Churches-Mosques-Cathedrals-Temples, (Synagogue of Satan) and the culture of death: Jesus-Nicodemus and the organized body politic: Moses-Jesus-the serpent-healing-the African origin of the modern day medical symbol: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Broken But I’m Healed by Byron Cage-It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 03/25/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-03-25 continued...
Mind of God 04/01/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-01: CORRECTION: ECOWAS appears to oppose CIA backed coup in Mali: Current Events-Affairs: Cancers and diseases connected to silver and mercury fillings and root canals-Dr. Victor Zeines on March 26, 2012 edition of What Women Should Know w/Sherrill Sellman @ www.progressiveradionetwork.com: BRICS nations meet in India-forge new economic agreement-oppose America and west-March 28, 2012 edition of World Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ www.gcnlive.com: Modern Money Theory and Private Banks-Stephanie Kelton and Michael Hudson on March 25, 2012 edition of Guns and Butter w/Bonnie Faulkner @ www.kpfa.org: Coup and government overthrow in Mali backed by America, CCIA, Mossad and NATO-March 28, 2012 edition of World Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ www.gcnlive.com: Following headlines-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org -week of March 26, 2012: Senate continues tax breaks for major American oil companies: Republican controlled House pass plan to cut taxes for wealthy and cut social spending: Workers in Spain conduct general strike to protest system: Tibetan protestors used by CIA to oppose BRICS nations conference: Israel cracks down on Palestinian protestors on Land Day: Palestinian prisoner Hana Shalabi ends 43 day hunger strike, deported to Gaza Strip: Anti-war rally planned in Chicago to oppose NATO summit: Journalists and Activists challenge National Defense Authorization Act: Scripture-Sunday School Lesson: St. John Chapter 18 Verses 28-37: A Revolutionary Palm Sunday Message: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Covenant Economics-A Biblical Vision of Justice For All by Richard Horsley : Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-So Good To Me by Vanessa Bell Armstrong-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/01/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-01 continued...
Mind of God 04/01/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-01: Part 3-The Correction: ECOWAS opposes the coup in Mali: We give a deep and critical analysis as it concerns the recent coup that has occurred in the African Nation State of Mali: What factions are fighting on the ground in Mali? Who are the various backers of the factions fighting on the ground in Mali? Are the demands of the Toureg and Berbers legitimate? The role of America-Israel and Britain in the fighting and coup in Mali: America and the West’s desire for land, wealth and resources, the real reasons for the fighting and the coup in Mali: The poor, oppressed and working class people of the earth and our role in the acquiring of full freedom for Africa and Africans as well as freedom for the whole of the oppressed people of the earth: References: March 31, 2012 edition-World Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ www.gcnlive.com: April 3, 2012 edition-Sojorner Truth @ www.kpfk.org: Headlines-Democracy Now-week of March 26 and April 2 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Coup in Mali exposes all opportunists which feed of African Resources by Uhuru News-April 6 2012 @ www.uhurunews.com: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/08/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-08: Current Events-Affairs: Tavis Smiley conducts women’s forum in March 2012-President Barack Obama speaks at women’s forum at White House in April 2012-What was the difference? Scripture-Sunday School Lesson: St. John Chapter 20 Verses 1-20: A Revolutionary Easter Message: The symbolic meaning of Easter found scientifically in sun-moon-stars-universe-the whole of creation: Life-birth-rebirth-resurrection: The Son of God as Ra-The Sun of God: Heru-Krishna-Buddha-Quetzalcoatl-Yahshuah and the principle of resurrection: From whence came the division in religion? Jehovah’s Witnesses-The Quran-The Hadith and the Resurrection of Yahshuah: The resurrection as the triumph of the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: Resurrection of Yahshuah-Resurrection of the Yahshuah Movement: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation as the righteous system of social and economic justice: Resurrection of the civil-human rights and Black power movements: We define Mary Magdalene: Mary stood and Yahshuah stood against the petty bourgeoisie sell outs to Caesar and Rome: Yahshuah ascends to Allah-Illah to receive divine knowledge-wisdom of universe: The symbol of the showing of hands: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Covenant Economics-A Biblical Vision of Justice For All by Richard Horsley : Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-So Good To Me by Vanessa Bell Armstrong-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/08/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-08 continued...
Mind of God 04/08/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-08: Part 3-Current Events-Affairs: Republican Governors support pink slime meat industry: Apple and Foxconn to address deplorable work conditions in China: Black homeless woman dies in jail: Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., former Marine, killed by White Plains NY police: Supreme Courts Conclude healthcare hearings: Iraqi woman beaten and killed in CA-Headlines-Democracy Now- April 2, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: JP Morgan-Davey Diamond-MF Global Holding LTD-John Corzine and the misuse of investment funds- March 30, 2012 edition-Alex Jones Show: President Barack Obama signs executive orders to take control over every aspect of American life-March 26, 2012 edition-Gary Null Show @ www.progressiveradionetwork.com: Merchant of Death-international weapons dealer, Viktor Bout sentenced to 25 years, connection to Dick Chaney and U.S. hidden-April 6, 2012 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/15/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-15: Current Events-Affairs: U.S. joins 100 million dollar pledge to support rebels in Syria: Aung San Suu Kyi win seat in Burmese parliament: Travon Marin-George Zimmerman and the problem of the philosophy of White Supremacy: Hundreds arrested in protest at NATO headquarters at Brussels Belgium: Shooter, (One Goh), kills seven at Christian college in California: President Obama’s hypocritical criticism of Republican budget as social Darwinism: President Obama sends 200 marines into Australia to build up U.S. presence: New Orleans police sentenced for post-Katrina shooting and cover-up-Headlines for Democracy Now-week of April 2, 2012 2 www.democracynow.org: U.S. trained Iranian terrorist group in Nevada-Seymour Hersh on April 10, 2012 edition-Democracy Now 2 www.democracynow.org: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 23: Sunday School: St. John Chapter 2-Verses 13-22: Yahshuah searches the hearts and reins of the hearts of the religious community: Who controls the church? What is the purpose of the church? Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Covenant Economics-A Biblical Vision of Justice For All by Richard Horsley: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-The Real Party byMary Mary-It Is Well With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/15/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-15 continued...
Mind of God 04/15/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-15: Part 3-Current Events-Affairs: The death of Travon Martin and the harvesting of organs for the black market-Dick Gregory on the March 30, 2012 edition of the Warren Ballentine Show @ www.google.com/videohp: ALEC-the Bankers-the Corporations and government lawmakers conspire to destroy the poor and working class of the United States of North America-April 18, 2012 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: CIA operating drone strikes over Iran: Jacob England and Alvin Watts shoot five Black people in Tulsa Oklahoma, killing three: The philosophy of White supremacy must die-Democracy Now headline from the week of April 9, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/22/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-22: Scriptures: Revelation chapter 2-Verse 23: Sunday school: St. John Chapter 4-Verses 1-30: Yahshuah must go through Samaria: The meaning of the sixth hour and the well: the definition of Samaria and Sychar: The liberation of the despised and the rejected: Overcoming ethnic hatred and gender hatred: The hidden meaning of water and meat as life and nourishment: Give liberation to drink: Give yourself to the liberation struggle: Christ and the preparation of the Bride of Christ for the liberation struggle: The Samaritan woman and the five husbands: The liberation of women and the call of women into the liberation struggle: Spirit is feminine: Study the feminine: The Bride of Christ must prepare for the liberation struggle: The Samaritan woman preaches Christ: Women as serving ministers and preachers in the church: A nation can rise no higher than its women: Yahshuah searches the reigns and hearts of the church: Does the church desire freedom justice and equality, (Yahshuah)? The church as a cleansing agent for the oppressed: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Philosophy Podium-A Dogon Perspective by Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Victory by Yolanda Adams-Walking by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/22/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-22 continued...
Mind of God 04/22/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-22: Part 3-Current Events-Affairs: Bahrain-Shouting In The Dark-April 6, 2012 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: 77 year old Greek pharmacist, Dimitris Chrisoula, commits suicide, blames Greek economic crisis: Immigrants killed by armed militia in Arizona: Latin American nations call for legalization of drugs-Headlines of Democracy Now, April 6, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Selma James on Ann Romney-Hilary Rosen-the importance of women and home economics-April 16, 2012 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: John Marsh on college education-poverty and economic inequality-April 11, 2012 edition-Against The Grain @ www.kpfa.org: Martha Rosenberg-Bruce Levine on the Pharmaceuticals-drugs and false diagnosis-April 23, 2012 edition-Progressive Commentary Hour: Manuel Perez Rocha on NAFTA-free trade agreements and the destruction of poor and working class people-April 9, 2012 edition-Progressive Commentary Hour @ www.prn.fm: John Gibler on the political economy of the US-Mexican drug trade-April 252 edition of Against The Grain @ www.kpfa.org: Articles: Kosovo’s Mafia State and Camp Bondsteel: Towards a Permanent US Military Presence in Southeast Europe by F. William Engdhal: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/29/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-29: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse23: Sunday School: St. John Chapter 9-Verses 1-17: Yahshuah heals the blind man: We are blind spiritually, mentally, morally and physically: Yahshuah heals our thinking capacity: The works of the Most High are manifested within our person: The High Priests as the Illuminati Masonic Order of yesterday withhold knowledge and wisdom from the masses: The presidents and prime ministers of today are the High Priests of today, hiding knowledge and wisdom from the masses: Malcolm X’s analysis of the government causes us to see past the Republican and Democratic parties: The High Priests use their snitches to fight Yahshuah: The Pharisees-High Priests violate the 7 day Sabbath-the 7 year Sabbath and the 7 seven year Sabbath, (50 Year Jubilee): God’s law says forgive all debt and return all land to the original owners: Work the work of Yahshuah and gain your freedom, justice and equality: Yahshuah speaks to those of us who have not known the depths and doctrine of Satan: A true history of Christopher Columbus-Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Philosophy Podium-A Dogon Perspective by Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Your Name by Chante’ Moore and Kenny Lattimore-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 04/29/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-29 continued...
Mind of God 04/29/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-04-29: Part 3-Current Events-Affairs: President Obama visits Afghanistan-Signs oil pipeline deals with Afghanistan and speaks with members of America’s military: America manipulates the legitimate aspirations of people of region of Baluchistan: 40 years in solitary confinement-two members of Angola 3 remain in isolation in Louisiana prison-April 17, 2012 edition of Democracy Now: 150 million people in poverty in America-April 19, 2012 edition Democracy Now: Photos of American soldiers posing with Afghan corpses-April 19, 2012 edition Democracy Now: Israeli minister admits Iran’s Ahmadinejad never said Israel should be wiped off the map: Border patrol agents beat and kill Mexican immigrant Anastasio Hernandez-Rojas-April 24, 2012 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 23-24: Yahshuah Maschiach speaks-Justice-liberation speaks: Yahweh-Life speaks: The rest of us who have not known doctrine of Jezebel and the depths of Satan-colonialism-slavery-exploitation: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/06/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-06: Current Events-Affairs: The Occupy Movement-May Day-International workers struggle is Christ-Yahshuah-Liberation in your midst: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 24: Sunday School: St. John Chapter 6-Verses 24-37: The Kingdom of God and Heaven is within you-within your soul-around you- among you-at hand right here and now on earth: Work the work of Yahshuah-Liberation and transform the society: Yahshuah the true bread of life is within you: Reject the doctrine of Satan: Know not the depths Satan: Satan is the adversary of liberation: Yahshuah-Yahweh will not burden you unnecessarily: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Philosophy Podium-A Dogon Perspective by Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Turn It Around by Israel and New Breed -Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/06/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-06 continued...
Mind of God 05/06/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: CORRECTION! THIS IS PART THREE-CURRENT AFFAIRS-EVENTS FOR MAY 6, 2012 NOT APRIL 29, 2012: Again-2012-05-06: Part Three-Current Events-Affairs: Hundreds protest at DOJ to demand Federal Probe of alleged racism in Mumia Abu-Jamal: U.S. student debt reaches 1 trillion dollars-Occupy Movement plan protests on campuses nationwide-April 25, 2012edition of Democracy Now: Shahzad Akbar on the Obama Administration’s expansion of drone warfare: Radical feminist U.S. nuns face rebuke of Vatican City and the Catholic Church: CeCe McDonald-Black transgender woman faces murder trial for act of self-defense-April 27, 2012 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Obama advisor Don Brennan confirms targeted drone killings overseas by the Obama Administration: Brennan-Romney-Carter support fictitious narrative of Ben-Laden killing: NYPD visits occupy activists at home before May Day actions: Trial begins for twenty arrested in NYPD stop and frisk protest: Charlotte police given new search powers ahead of protests: Bolivia nationalizes Spanish-owned electrical firm-Headlines-week of April 30, 2012-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Elections held in France-French people reject right wing Sarkosi in favor of socialist Hollande: French people reject austerity measures and bank bailouts-May 7, 2012 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/14/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-14: Scripture: St. John Chapter 9-Verse 38-St. John Chapter 10-Verse 18: The healing of the blind man and the rejection of Caesar and the High Priests: We express extreme reverence for liberation: The dynamic of Caesar-the High Priests-the oppressed masses: The Yahshuah-Liberation door gives access to the Kingdom of God on earth: The sheep as the oppressed masses and the Kingdom of God on earth: The High Priest as the hireling-thief-robber and stranger: Caesar as the greedy-rapacious wolf: Today the Black man and woman are the Yahshuah-Liberation door for all: Today’s hireling-thief-robber and stranger are the political and religious leaders: Today’s wolf and Caesar are the House of Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers: The Kingdom of God and Heaven right here and now on this earth: Yahshuah-Liberation is the good shepherd: RIP: Good Shepherd Steve Cokley: DVD’s: Thrive by Foster and Kimberly Gamble @ www.thrivemovement.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Celebrate by Smokie Norful -Survive by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/14/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-14 continued...
Mind of God 05/14/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-14: Part Three-Four: Current Events-Affairs: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 24-26: President Obama and the G-8 meet in Camp David: Quebec students protest tuition hikes in Canada: Bahraini activist Nabeel Rajab jailed: Biden-Obama and the issue of same sex marriage: NATO kills mother and five children in Afghanistan: The people of Greece reject austerity government and measures: CIA thwarts alleged underwear bomb plot by Al-Qaeda in Yemen: The Red Cross-United Nations and the real reasons for the violence in Syria: House budget committee ok’s massive social cuts to preserve military spending: U.N. investigator calls for U.S. to restore some land to Native Americans: Become a master at Yahshuah-Liberation: Become a master at Yahweh-Life: Maintain the liberation struggle and fight against the modern Caesars-Rothschilds-Oppenheimers: We will overcome warfare-bloodshed-death-hell-division-destruction: Music: G-7 by Ziggy Marley-Melody Makers Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/14/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-14 continued...
Mind of God 05/20/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-20: Scripture: St. John Chapter 10-Chapter 11: Yahshuah-Liberation as Lord-Saviour-Christ-a challenge to Caesar and the High Priests: The oppressed hear the voice of Yahshuah-Liberation: The death and resurrection of Lazarus-the death and resurrection of the Black man and woman: Lazarus-Azar-Orion-Hiram Abiff and the original African resurrection narrative: A warning to political and religious leaders of today-cease your destruction of the oppressed people of the earth! The resurrection of Lazarus is the resurrection of the helper and help meet in the revolution: The resurrection is not in the grave but today, here and now on earth-spiritually-mentally-morally-physically: The African cycle of life forever in this time-eternal-no beginning no ending-no more colonialism-slavery-exploitation: Yahshuah walks in the light of Ra and the Kingdom of God: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Articles: Syria Regime Change-United Nations Duplicity, Kofi Annan and Diplomat’s Wives by Felicity Arbuthnot: CD’s: The Value of Knowledge as a Form of Empowerment Parts 1 and 2-Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, March 24-25, 2012 by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.finalcall.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Message For Ya by Bootsy Collins and Nicole Mullen-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/20/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-20 continued...
Mind of God 05/20/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-20: Parts 3-4: Current Events-Affairs: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 25-26: Keep the works of Yahshuah-Liberation and end warfare-bloodshed-slavery-exploitation-materialism-militarism-death-hell-destruction: Quebec students continue to strike and protest fee and tuition hikes in education: GOP blocks student loan relief in senate: Would-be airline bomber was Saudi CIA double agent: Annan warns of civil war in Syria: Greeks reject austerity backers: Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strike: the politics of women and abortion: White supremacy-White supremacist groups-neo Nazis race riots and the CIA: Fullerton CA police officers beat homeless man to death: Racial profiling and the hypocrisy of the US and Joe Arpaio: The sacred lands must be returned to the Native Americans: Alaskan Native gather in New York City to discuss sexual violence-land ownership and environmental devastation: Stop the War-Mexican poet Javier Sicilia condemns US role in widening drug violence: Music: G-7 by Ziggy Marley-Melody Makers Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/20/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-20: Parts 3-4 continued...
Mind of God 05/27/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-27: Scripture St. John Chapter 14-Verses 1-16: In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. What is the Father’s house? What and who are the many mansions? How are the Father’s house and many mansions connected to Afu-Ra-Ka? Is Yahshuah teaching about heaven? We go into the real definition of the word place in the Greek. You will be shocked! Yahshuah prepares cities-villages and districts for liberation here and now: Liberation is the way-truth and the light: How do we teach Yahshuah to Hindus-Buddhists-Krishnas-Muslims and others? The Holy Spirit is the Mother of Wisdom and the Mother of truth: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Articles: Syria Regime Change-United Nations Duplicity, Kofi Annan and Diplomat’s Wives by Felicity Arbuthnot: Speeches: The Power of Caribbean Unity and Black Economics by Minister Louis Farrakhan: Saviours’ Day 2012-The Reality of God by The Nation of Islam @ www.finalcall.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Everybody by Baby Dubb and Men of Standard-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 05/27/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-05-27 continued...
Mind of God 06/03/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-03: Scripture: Exodus Chapter 23-Verses 1-9: God calls for justice: Remember your history as oppressed people and do not oppress the stranger-immigrant: Do not take bribes: Do not slay-kill the innocent: Do not pervert justice for the poor: How the wicked ruling class causes enmity and animosity between nations: How the wicked ruling class uses the plight of the poor to justify warfare-bloodshed-militarism-materialism-consumerism: Do not follow the wicked ruling class and ruling families in lies-falsehoods and the perversion of justice: This is God’s court of justice: We analyze the Democracy Now Memorial Day coverage of the Iraq Veterans for Peace as they: 1. Protest the NATO meeting in Chicago. 2. Reject the fictitious narrative of 911 and the Global War on Terrorism. 3. Reject their medals and awards for participation in the fictitious Global War on Terrorism. 4. Reconcile with sisters and brothers from Afghanistan: Vince Emanuele, member of Iraq Veteran for Peace, speaks on the real forefathers-May 28, 2012 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You’ve Been So Good by Martha Munizzi-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/03/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-03 continued...
Mind of God 06/03/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-03: Part 3 and Part 4: Correction: Jon Huntsman Jr. is associated with the Marriot Hotel and Mormonism, not Rick Santorum: Current Affairs-Events: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 26: The process of Liberation-Yahshuah gives the oppressed the power of self determination: The process of Liberation-Yahshuah gives the oppressed the power of autonomy and the power to rule: Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi begins first trip abroad in decades: Why has The House of Rothschild now turned on media mogul Rupert Murdock? Mitt Romney wins Republican ticket for presidency of United States of America-Will Caucasian America vote for Romney because Romney is White? Black pilots sue United Airlines for bias: UNICEF reports that America’s child poverty rate is among worst in developed world: California death row inmate commits suicide: Reproductive rights-abortion-the murder of George Tiller and the transformation of society: Who will benefit from Haiti’s gold rush? Haitian government embraces U.S. and Canadian mining firms-Democracy Now week of May 28, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Bilderbergs meet in Chantilly Virginia-The Alex Jones Show-week of May 28, 2012 @ www.gcnlive.com and World In Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley-June 2 and June 9, 2012 edition @ www.gcnlive.com: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & Melody Makers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/03/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-03: Part 3 and Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 06/10/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-10: Leviticus Chapter 19-Verse 1-19 and 33-37: What was the true purpose of the African Hebrew Israelite Nation? Moses opposes the European Hyksos’ system of slavery and colonialism in Egypt: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation fights the oppressor, fights oppression and liberates the stranger-immigrant-oppressed: The land and crops and revenue of Israel are for the poor and oppressed: The 7 day Sabbath-7 year Sabbath-7 seven year Sabbaths and the year of Jubilee-The forgiving of all debt and the return of the land back to the original owner: No usury and no debt slavery in the African Hebrew Israelite Nation: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation were to be just in trade-commerce-business: The preacher must preach freedom-justice-equality to America: The preacher must defend the oppressed and warn the oppressor: The preacher must fight for the Liberation-Yahshuah of the oppressed international: For the history of the Hyksos and slavery in Egypt purchase Judaism-The Stolen Religion from Africa by Ashra Kwesi @ http://www.kemetnu.com/Products.htm: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Speeches: What Will 2012 Bring to America the World and Black and Oppressed People?-Savours’ Day 2012-February 26, 2012 by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.store.finalcall.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-No Never by Kierra Kiki-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/10/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-10 continued...
Mind of God 06/10/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-10 continued...
Mind of God 06/10/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-10 continued...
Mind of God 06/18/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-18: Sunday School Scripture: Leviticus Chapter 25: Celebrate Jubilee: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation-an example of the Kingdom of God and Heaven-right here and now on this earth: The LORD speaks-who is the LORD: Life speaks: Moses and being drawn out of slavery and exploitation: The seven year Sabbath and land at rest: The land produces voluntarily in a time of rest: The cultivation and activation of the characteristics and attributes of the people: The revolutionaries and activists must rest: The year of Jubilee and the free flowing of land-wealth-resources to the masses of the people: The land must be returned to the people: What do we say to indigenous people all over the world? What do we say to those who have been dispossesses of their land-wealth-resources? We must deal with the wicked ruling class-House of Rothschild and Oppenheimers: In the African Hebrew Israelite Nation there is no oppression: We have a mandate to proclaim liberty throughout all the land: Proclaim liberty to all people and all nations: Proclaim liberty to presidents and prime ministers and kings and queens: This Liberation Gospel: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Livin’ 4 by J. Moss-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/18/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-18 c ontinued...
Mind of God 06/18/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-18: Parts 3-4: The Book of Revelation: The power and authority of self determination has now come to the oppressed people of the earth: The oppressed are now given the power to rule the nations and the earth: The power of the oppressor is now destroyed! Current Affairs-Events: James Livingston on market socialism-Marxist economic orthodoxy-social justice-consumption-June 5, 2012 edition-Against The Grain @ www.kpfa.org: Richard Falk-United Nations human rights investigator on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine-June 11, 2012 edition-Flashpoints @ www.flashpoint.net: Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, testifies before Senate concerning risky bets: Lori Wallach, Director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, speaks on the deception of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Judicial Coup in Egypt-Parliament dissolved-Military gains power: Ralph Nader on the Wisconsin recall-Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. attempt to raise the minimum wage-the betrayal of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party: CIA admits providing weapons to anti-Syrian rebels: Anthony Graves speaks on torture in America’s prisons: Lead stories and headlines taken from Democracy Now-weeks of June 11 and June 12, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & Melody Makers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/18/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-18: Parts 3-4 continued...
Mind of God 06/24/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-24: Sunday School Scripture: Deuteronomy Chapter-Verse s 12-18: Title-The Heart of the Law: The true history of the African Hebrew Israelite Nation: How the Hyksos enslaved the African Hebrews and the African Egyptians: How Moses prepared the Israelite Nation to challenge the Hyksos’ system of slavery, colonialism and exploitation in Egypt and the Middle East: The laws of God are freedom, justice, equality: The whole of creation belongs to the Most High-We challenge the wicked ruling class and families and their abuse of the earth and the oppressed: We challenge the Hyksos-We challenge Caesar-We challenge the House of Rothschild-We challenge slavery-colonialism-exploitation: Minister Louis Farrakhan on the circumcision of the heart and teaching and working for liberation from a pure heart: Yahweh your Elohim is Elohim of elohim: What and who is Yahweh-What and who is Elohim-What and who is elohim? Is the human being the elohim? Yahweh is Adon of adon: Who is Adon and who is adon? Is the human being adon? Justice for the father less and the widows: Food, clothing and shelter for the immigrants: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Know Me by George Huff-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 06/24/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-24 continued...
Mind of God 06/24/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-24: Part 3-Part 4: The Book of Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 26: Current Events and Affairs: The Affordable Care Act and how the Supreme Court, the Democrats and the Obama Administration and the Republicans have all betrayed the American people: Coup in Paraguay-Who is behind the ousting of President Fernando Lugo?-June 25, 2012 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Africa’s wealth, resources-the role of security firms in Africa-the real purpose of the Obama Administration’s fictitious Kony narrative-June 23, 2012 edition-Spotlight Africa @ www.kpfk.org: The FBI’s War on Tupac and Black Leaders by John Potash-Was Tupac’s assassination arranged by the FBI?-June 23, 2012 edition-Freedom Now @ www.kpfk.org: Rodney King’s last interview-on childhood- racism- police brutality-Travon Martin, George Zimmerman case and the culture of violence-June 26, 2012 edition-Sojorner Truth @ www.kpfk.org: Michel Chossudovski on warfare and the theft of resources-the State Department infiltration of Occupy Movement and Arab Spring through Anonymous and Ad Busters-June 27, 2012 edition-Guns Butter @ www.kpfa.org:
Mind of God 06/24/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-06-24: Part 3-Part 4 continued...
Mind of God 07/01/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-01: Sunday School Scripture: First Samuel Chapter 7: Title-Samuel Administers Justice: The Power of Self-Determination in the Kingdom of God and Heaven: The African Hebrews rededicate themselves to the Covenant: The Abrahamic Covenant as a covenant with revolution and liberation: The strange gods as the wicked and vain demonic forces of this wicked world system: Ashtaroth-Balaam-Is Ra El-Elohim-All names from the Most High: The African Hebrews fast-poor libation-repent-identify with the oppressed: The tyrannical rulers of the Philistines rise up to oppose the African Hebrews and are destroyed: Today the power of the wicked tyrannical rulers of this wicked world system will be destroyed: We the revolutionary believers are the Mizpeh,(Watchtower), looking out for the oppressed: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Articles: The Hidden History of Zionism by Anne Ziron: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Heaven Knows by Deitrick Hadden-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/01/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-01 continued...
Mind of God 07/01/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-01: Part 3-Part 4: Scripture: First Samuel Chapter 7-Verses 7-16: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 26: The supreme knowledge of Almighty Father Allah and the supreme wisdom of Almighty Mother Illah: We rise above the knowledge and wisdom of this world: We the oppressed will rule and judge this earth with justice and righteousness through the power of the circle of life-the circle of knowledge-the circle of wisdom: Medea Benjamin on her new book-Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control-July 2, 2012 edition Hardknock Radio @ www.kpfa.org: Was Yasser Arafat assassinated by the State of Israel?: The story of Suleiman Abdallah-captured and tortured by the U.S. military: Peru declares state of emergency as five die in protest against gold mind owned by Newmont, a U.S. firm: The Fukushima nuclear disaster and the reality of energy for all: Zero Accountability-Glenn Greenwald on Obama’s refusal to prosecute Wall Street crimes: Spain’s M15 Movement pushes for investigation into banking crimes of Rodrigo Rato, former head of Bankia and former chief of IMF: Will the U.S., the world’s largest weapons manufacturer, back the UN. Arms Trade Treaty? Kenneth Chamberlain’s family files suit after White Plains police avoid charges for slaying/slurs-the week of July 1, 2012-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Videos: Thrive Documentary @ http://www.thrivemovement.com/home#: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/01/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-01: Part 3-Part 4 continued...
Mind of God 07/08/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-08: Sunday School Scripture: Second Samuel Chapter 23-Verses 1-7: We the oppressed challenge the leaders of this wicked, illegal and deplorable world system: We challenge the House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers-Presidents and Prime Ministers-Kings and Queens-heads of government, financial and educational institutions-the ruling class and ruling families of this wicked world: The pledge and purpose of the Messiah and the Messiah People: We demand that the rulers of this world be just and fear the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: The leader as the Sun-Ra: The people as the Earth: The sun’s effects on the earth produces grass-green herbs-vegetation-youth: The leader’s effect on the people,(being the spiritual womb), produces food, fruit, works, abilities and characteristics and talents for the benefit of the whole of the human family: The promised coming of Yahshuah The Messiah and Black People as the Messiah People: The true meaning of salvation: The leaders of this world, (Sons of Belial), must be removed: The wicked leaders of this wicked world shall be burned with fire: The oppressed people are the embodiment of the fiery anger of God: We the oppressed are the burning fire that shall burn the wicked leaders of this wicked world: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Articles: The Hidden History of Zionism by Anne Ziron: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Heaven Knows by Deitrick Hadden-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening! Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-What Do You Do by Dave Hollister Hadden-Something Big by Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/08/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-08 continued...
Mind of God 07/28/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-28: Special Message to The Paschal-Oliver-Frazier Family Reunion-July-2012-Parts 1-2: Outline: Conversation with Grandma Frazier: Integration was a trick: We must recapture our culture: The African ecumenical prayer: African the root of civilization: Africans’ origins in the universe: Africans’ origins with the Most High: Before you were formed in the womb the Most High knew you and ordained you a prophet: Scripture: Jeremiah Chapter 1-Verse 5: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Articles: The Hidden History of Zionism by Anne Ziron: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Let Go by Dawayne Woods-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 07/28/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-28 continued...
Mind of God 07/29/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-29: Special Message to The Paschal-Oliver-Frazier Family Reunion-July-2012-Parts 3-4-5-6-7-8: Africans’ origin with the Most High: Ye are all Gods and Goddesses: The borders of Eden are found in Africa: Africa is God’s delight: The origins and purpose of the Hebrew Israelite Nation: The origins of the European Jew and the State of Israel: The state of Israel and the Middle East in Bible prophecy: America in Bible prophecy: The Black man and woman in Bible prophecy: Egypt-Slavery-Moses-a prophecy of the Black man and woman in the Americas and the Caribbean: Abram sees the horror of the enslavement of the Black man and woman in the western hemisphere: God’s judgment on America: America’s foreign policy reflects America’s domestic policy: The Greater Middle East Project created the Arab Spring: The seven nation five year plan under Bush and Obama: The House of Rothschild and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913:
2012-07-29-Continued: Our role as the foundational stone for the new Kingdom of God and Heaven right here and now on this earth: The importance of land, agribusiness and agriculture: The importance of self-employment: Your responsibility in the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: You will establish and construct the Kingdom: You will judge-set up judges and rulers in the Kingdom: You will rule and teach peace in the Kingdom: You will restore all to the poor-afflicted-needy-oppressed: Scripture: Genesis Chapter 1-Verse 1: Deuteronomy Chapter 6-Verse 4: Psalm 82: Genesis Chapter 2: Amos Chapter 9-Verse 7: Ezekiel Chapters 38-39: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 9: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 9: Deuteronomy Chapter 28-Verse 68: Genesis Chapter 15-Verses 12-15: Sunday School Lesson Dates-Titles and Scriptures: July 15,2012-Solomon Judges With Wisdom and Justice-Kings Chapter 3-Verses 16-28: July 22, 2012-A King Acts on a Widow’s Behalf-2 Kings Chapter 8-Verse 1-6: July 29, 2012-Jehoshaphat Makes Judicial Reforms-2 Chronicles Chapter 19-Verse 4-11: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon:
2012-07-29-Continued: References: The Colorado Theatre shooting on the The Alex Jones Show-week of July 23, 2012 @ www.gcnlive.com/programs/alexJones/: Minister Louis Farrakhan on the assassination of Muhammar Ghadafi-Press Conference to the United Nations-June 15, 2011 and The Millions March in Harlem-August 13, 2011 @ http://store.finalcall.com: Minister Louis Farrakhan on the Greater Middle East Project-Saviours’ Day 2012-February 26, 2012 @ http://store.finalcall.com: General Wesley Clark on the 7 nation 5 year plan-March 2, 2007-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Rosa Clemente and Ajamu Baraka on Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Report on extrajudicial killings of black people in America-July 12, 2012 edition of Your World News w/Solomon Comissiong @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news/2012/07/12/:
2012-07-29-Continued: Recommended books: At The Dark End of the Street by Danielle Mc Guire: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews by The Nation of Islam: Killing Hope-U.S. Military and CIA interventions After WWII by William Blum: Jesus and the Powers-Conflict Covenant and the Hope of the Poor by Richard Horsley: Recommended videos: Judaism-Christianity-The Stolen Religion From Africa by Ashra Kwesi: Theft of African History and Spiritual Concepts by Ashra Kwesi: African Origin of Western Freemasonry by Ashra Kwesi: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Love Makes the World Beautiful by V#-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers-G7 by Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers-Blind by Mary Mary: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/29/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-29 continued...
Mind of God 07/29/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-29 continued...
Mind of God 07/29/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-29 continued...
Mind of God 07/29/12: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-29 continued...
Mind of God 07/29/12: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-07-29 continued...
Mind of God 08/05/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-w/ Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-05: Sunday School Lesson: Praise For God’s Justice: Scripture-Psalm 146-Verses 1-10: We demand that all leaders give praise to LIFE-Yahweh-The Most High: Don’t trust the ruling class-Rothschilds-Oppenheimers-Republicans and Democrats-they will not help the oppressed: We the oppressed are likened unto Jacob, for we will supplant the ruling class and ruling families: Yahweh-Elohim-maker of heavens and earth-keeper of the truth forever: First law of science-cause and effect: We give justice to the oppressed-feed the hungry-free the political prisoners-we give sight to the blind and uplift the oppressed-preservation for the immigrant-relief for the fatherless and the widows: The wicked ways of the wicked ruling class are overturned: We are likened unto Zion-we are the refuge for the oppressed: By the power of Yahweh we will rule in peace forever in the Kingdom of God, Queendom of Goddess and heaven right here and now on this earth: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Documentaries: Human Resources-Social Engineering in the 20th Century by Scott Noble @ www.video.google.com –A Noble Lie by Holland Vandennieuwenhof and James Lane @ www.infowars.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Healed Heart by Darius Brooks and Ramsey Lewis-Something Big by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/05/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-w/ Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-05 continued...
Mind of God 08/05/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-w/Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-05: Part 3 and Part 4-The Book of Revelation and Current Events-Affairs: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verses 26-27: We the oppressed must become Yahweh-We must become Yahshuah Christos: We are the temple of the Most High-We are New Jerusalem-The Bride of Christ: Prepare the youth to rule the universe! The unity of the feminine and masculine qualities of the human being: The youth will rule as servant shepherds-serving and feeding and providing for the people: Maa’t-Truth, justice, righteousness, freedom, justice and equality and the importance of the woman-the importance of wisdom: The youth will rule with the feminine principle of wisdom and the masculine principle of knowledge: Current Events-Affairs: The shooting of the Sikh Temple in Milwaukie, Wisconsin-Could this be another false flag operation: The government infiltration of neo-Nazi White-supremacist groups: Mitt Romney-Bane Capital and the connection to South American death squads: 16 Egyptian guards killed in Sinai attack: Israel airstrike kills one in Gaza: 40 arrested in Bahraini crackdown: 67th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing: Jamaica celebrates 50 years of independence-Democracy Now-week of August 6, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/05/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-w/Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-05: Part 3 and Part 4 continued...
Mind of God 08/12/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-12: Sunday School Subject: God Promised a Righteous Lord: Scripture: Isaiah Chapter 8 and Chapter 9: Israel must choose life or death: Israel must stand for life and justice: The ruling class and ruling families and their system of death and destruction: The Rothschilds-Oppenheimers-Republicans-Democrats are nothing but death for the oppressed: The return of the remnant and the destruction of the wicked oppressor ruling class and ruling families of this wicked world order: The people-the light and the worldwide peoples’ revolution: How the light of the Most High brings joy to the oppressed: The power of the oppressor is broken and destroyed: The abolishment of warfare and bloodshed: The importance of our children: The increase of the government of the Most High and the decreasing of the government of this wicked world order: Wonderful-councilor-Mighty God-everlasting Father-Prince of Peace-The Kingdom of God-Queendom of Goddess and Heaven here and now on this earth: The government of the Most High is established with truth-justice and righteousness: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-Volume Two by The Nation of Islam: Documentaries: Human Resources-Social Engineering in the 20th Century by Scott Noble @ www.video.google.com –A Noble Lie by Holland Vandennieuwenhof and James Lane @ www.infowars.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Precious Lord Take My Hand by Kelley Price-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/12/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-12 continued...
Mind of God 08/12/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-12: Correction: Eric Holder is Attorney General of U.S. Correction: Bradley Manning being held in prison for leaking information to Wikileaks: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 27: The Kingdom of God and Heaven and the science of a balance rule: How to use the characteristics of the masculine and the feminine for leadership in the Kingdom of God and Heaven on earth: The rod of iron-the unity of the feminine and masculine principles of creation: The absolute destruction of the power and institutions of the wicked ruling class and ruling families-Rothschilds and Oppenheimers: Current Affairs-Events: Mitt Romney chooses Paul Ryan as running mate for the Republican ticket: Syria’s worsening refugee crisis: U.S. and Israel threaten war with Iran by using fictitious narrative: Mexican poet and activist Javier Sicilia brings peace caravan into U.S. to condemn drug war-Democracy Now-week of August 13, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/12/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-12 continued..
Mind of God 08/19/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-19: Sunday School Lesson Title: God Promised a Righteous Branch: Scripture: Jeremiah Chapter 23 and 33: The purpose of the African Hebrew Israelite Nation is freedom-justice-equality-The Kingdom of God and Heaven on earth: Your origin is with The Most High and the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: You are preordained, before the womb, before birth, to advocate on behalf of the oppressed: We demand that the Pastors-rulers-leaders-defend and deliver the oppressed: Pastors-rulers-leaders must save the widows-save the fatherless-do no violence-shed no innocent blood: We warn the Pastors-rulers-leaders of this wicked world-their doom is imminent: Woe to the Pastors-rulers-leaders: The wicked work and wicked deeds of wicked Pastors-rulers-leaders will come to naught and be destroyed: Jesus is the LORD of RIGHTEOUSNESS: We the oppressed must Go to the temple of our physical bodies and become God: We must become Jesus: we must become Christ-The Messiah-the body of Christ-Messiah: We must become the LORD of RIGHTEOUSNESS: Today is the Kingdom of God and Heaven-Life forever in this time on earth: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Black Genesis-The Prehistoric Origins Of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval & Thomas Brophy: Documentaries: Mad In America-The History of Eugenics in the U.S. & how it affects Psychiatric Care by Robert Whittaker: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-The Blessing of Abraham by Donald Lawrence and the Tri-City Singers-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/19/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-19 continued...
Mind of God 08/19/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-19: Part 3 and Part 4-The Book of Revelation and Current Affairs and Events: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 2 and Verse 27: The power of the wicked oppressor ruling class is broken like shivers of pottery: The oppressed people of the earth must become Yahweh-Become Yahshuah-Become Christ to overcome and destroy the power of Satan: We shall destroy the power of Babylon and the House of Rothschild: We shall overcome warfare and bloodshed and division and personify and manifest the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: Current Affairs-Events: African American, (Chavis Carter), shot dead while handcuffed in vehicle: South African police shoot and kill 34 striking workers at platinum mines in South Africa: Lessons to be learned from the Russian female punk rock band Pussy Riot: Was Bay Area radical and Black Panther arms supplier Richard Aoki an informant for the FBI?-week of August 20, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/19/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-19: Part 3 and Part 4 continued...
Mind of God 08/26/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-26: CORRECTION: Police in New York kill one and wound 9: Sunday School Lesson Title: God Promised to be With Us: Scripture: Ezekiel Chapter 34 Verses 1-31: The wicked leaders, (Shepherds), of this world-do not feed the people-they kill the people-they destroy the weak and diseased-they rule with cruelty-they turn the people into prey for the beast system: The Most High will save and deliver the oppressed people from such wicked leadership: The Most High will feed and nurture the people and seek the lost: The Most High will judge the wicked for poisoning the peoples’ food and water: The Most High will separate the oppressed from the oppressor ruling class and ruling families: The Most High will make a covenant of peace, (Shalom), with the oppressed and destroy the wicked, oppressive beast system: In the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth, the oppressed will be saved and experience the shower of blessings from the Most High: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Black Genesis-The Prehistoric Origins Of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval & Thomas Brophy: Documentaries: Mad In America-The History of Eugenics in the U.S. & how it affects Psychiatric Care by Robert Whittaker: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Psalm 68(Let Our God Arise) by Kurt Carr-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/26/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-26 continued...
Mind of God 08/26/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-26: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation and Current Affairs: Scripture: Ezekiel Chapter 34-Verses 27-31: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 27: No more drought-the trees and earth yield their fruit and increase-The Most High will break the yoke of oppression: The oppressed are no longer the spoil and booty of the beast and heathen system: Plants for the healing of the oppressed: No more hunger in the land: The true house of Israel: Yahweh is Life-Yahweh is our Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: We become Yahweh-Almighty in human flesh: We become Yahshuah Christos: We rise into the knowledge of Father Allah and the wisdom of Mother Illah to defeat the knowledge and wisdom of this wicked world system: We will break the power of the wicked oppressor to shivers: We the oppressed will tread and trod the power of Satan underfoot: We will destroy the body and institutions of this wicked Satanic system: Current Affairs-Events: The Republican National Convention-week of August 27, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: The Republicans deceive the poor Caucasian sister and brother: Mitt Romney’s plan to destroy the oppressed and deceive the working class Caucasian Sister and Brother: Mitt uses fiction to generate fear and isolate Iran and China: Mitt Romney shakes hand of David Koch: Do the unions control the Democratic party? Billionaire Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson control the Republican Party: 120 nations support Iran’s access to nuclear energy: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 08/26/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-08-26: Part 3 and Part 4 continued...
Mind of God 09/02/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-02: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Faith Call For Perseverance-Hebrews Chapter 10: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation is to give the oppressed rest from the wicked system of oppression: The Most High is not pleased with animal sacrifices and blood sacrifices: The weakness of the animal sacrifices and the law: The weakness of the Old Testament high priest system: The Most High prepared a body, that we may fulfill the law and extinguish the sins of warfare, Bloodshed, colonialism, slavery and exploitation: We fulfill the law and that which is written in the books of prophecy: We the body of Christ sit on the right hand of the Most High to receive the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: The oppressor will be made our footstool in this time: The laws of truth, justice and righteousness are now written in our minds and hearts: The consciousness is cleaned from the effects of colonialism, slavery and exploitation: The physical body is the tabernacle-the flesh is the veal-the mind, heart, soul and consciousness are the holy and holy of holies: Clean mind-heart-consciousness: We are the real high priests-go directly to the Most High yourself and receive the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Black Genesis-The Prehistoric Origins Of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval & Thomas Brophy: Documentaries: Mad In America-The History of Eugenics in the U.S. & how it affects Psychiatric Care by Robert Whittaker: Beyond Treason-What You Don’t Know About Your Government Could Kill You by William Lewis: Iraq For Sale-War Profiteers by Robert Greenwald: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Faithful is Our God by Hezekiah Walker-It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/02/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-02: continued...
Mind of God 09/02/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-02: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation and Current Events-Affairs: Scripture: Hebrew Chapter 10-Verses 23-31: We the oppressed must hold on to the struggle for freedom, justice and equality: Let us do good in the world: Let us defend and deliver the poor, afflicted, needy and oppressed: Supporting this wicked system, warfare and bloodshed has nullified the blood sacrifice made by Dr. King and Minister Malcolm X: Supporting this wicked world system brings down judgment and suffering on our heads: Vengeance is the Lord’s: Vengeance is not just: We must pursue justice and become the tool of judgment for the Most High: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 28: The importance of astronomy and astrology. Jesus gives us the morning star: Yahweh gives us the morning star: The morning star as the new day of the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: Let us come together and become Yahshuah-Justice and become Yahweh-Life and we will bring the new of freedom, justice and equality: Current Affairs-Events: We give a deeper analysis of the Democratic National Convention: Michael Eric Dyson and Glen Ford debate the Presidency of Barack Obama: Israel implements hostile takeover of Democratic National Convention: Jesse Jackson Jr. seeks to raise the minimum wage and gets no support from Barack Obama: How the president, governors, mayors, the senate, the congress and the Federal Reserve have all agreed to destroy workers and destroy unions and destroy the oppressed: Israel kills six in Gaza: Israel is ready to preemptively strike Iran now: Obama justifies drone strikes in CNN interview: Eleven killed in Yemen due to U.S. drone strike: Why Obama won’t support the real people’s revolution in Bahrain: Week of September 3, 2012-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/02/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-02: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 09/09/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-09: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Faith is Assurance-Hebrews Chapter 11 and Psalm Division 46-Verses 1-7: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation and the faith of our ancestors: The strength of our Black Mothers in the struggle for justice in America: Black people have suffered untold suffering in America-death-beatings-death by lynching-being quartered-burned at the stake: This wicked world is not worthy of Dr. King-Malcolm X-Elijah Muhammad-Fannie Lou Hamer: Our ancestors faced persecution and were always on the run in America: Our ancestors will gain freedom, justice and equality through our work for such: The reality, purpose and power of faith: How the Gods and the Goddesses gave birth to the creation: The science of Amen-Ra and Amenet-Rait: The triple dark and triple black power behind the whole of the universe: The importance of music in the struggle for revolution: The Gods and Goddesses are our refuge in a time of calamitous trouble: In 2012 we are witnessing the removal and upheaval and overthrow of the power of the House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers and the whole wicked ruling class and ruling families: The mountains are the wicked powers and ruling class: The waters are the people: The people rebel against the wickedness in government: The people overthrow the rule of the House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers: The wicked, heathen, ruling class and ruling families are upset over losing their kingdoms, dominion and the power to rule: The living voice of the ling Most High dissipates and dissolves the rule of the wicked ruling class and ruling families: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Black Genesis-The Prehistoric Origins Of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval & Thomas Brophy: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander Documentaries: The Dark End of the Street-Black Women, Rape, and Resistance: America’s Secret Deal With Mexican Cartels by tom Burghardt: The Koch Brothers Exposed by Robert Greenwald: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-That Place by Levin and Myron Butler-Never Raise My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/09/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-09: continued...
Mind of God 09/09/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-09: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation and Current Events-Affairs: Scripture: Psalm-Division 46-Verses 8-11: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 29: The Most High destroys the wicked work of Satan and the oppressor: We must work to cease all wars and war implementations in the earth: The whole creation must be at rest from the oppressor and oppression: Yahweh is Elohim: Yahweh is the Gods and Goddesses: Yahweh is the whole of creation: Yahweh is exalted through the masses of the oppressed: The ruling class and ruling families are Heathens-locusts and barbarians-destructive to the masses of the people: Yahweh our Gods and Goddesses is with us: We are Jacob, we must overthrow and supplant the House of Rothschild and Oppenheimers: Yahweh-Yahshuah Maschiach gives us the morning star: The star represents justice: Live the life of justice and work the work of justice and Yahweh-Yahshuah Maschiach will give us the morning star: The new morning of Ra-Haraktai-the new morning and dawning of the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now in this earth: The fictitious narrative of 911-the Alex Jones Show-week of September 10, 2012 @ www.gcnlive.com: World In Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley September 15, 2012 @ www.gcnlive.com: Guns and Butter-September 12, 2012 @ www.kpfa.org: Taking Aim Radio with Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone-February 18, 2003 and September 10, 2002 @ www.takingaimradio.com: Anti-Islam and anti-Muhammad movie cause death of Christopher Stevens, American ambassador to Libya and cause protest, chaos, and unrest all over the Muslim world-This is all a Counter Intelligence Program-CIA operation to cause hatred and division among the oppressed masses of the people: World in Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley-September 15, 2012 @ www.gcnlive.com: The Alex Jones Show-week of September 10, 2012 @ www.gcnlive.com: Teachers strike in Chicago: The real scheme of Bernanke’s quantitative ease program: Tavis Smiley and Cornel West embark on a to highlight the plight of the poor, afflicted and the needy-Democracy Now-week of September 10, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/09/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-09: Part 3 and Part 4-continued...
Mind of God 09/16/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-16: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Faith is Endurance-Hebrews Chapter 12 Verses 1-13: Our purpose is to give the universe and the oppressed rest,(Sabbath), from the oppressor: The race as the struggle for freedom, justice and equality: Resist the enticement of the FBI-CIA-etc: The example of our ancestors is our foundation: Jesus on the right hand of the Most High and the transfer of Kingdom and power to the oppressed: Our ancestors suffered because they confronted the empire-the system: Do not be weak-do not give up the struggle-continue to breathe life into the struggle: Fighting the system-the wrath of the system-The Most High-chastening-scourging and our being made into a Gods and Goddess: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Black Genesis-The Prehistoric Origins Of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval & Thomas Brophy: Documentaries: The War Tapes by Deborah Scranton: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-We Praise You by The McClurkin Project-Walking by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/16/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-16: continued...
Mind of God 09/16/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-16: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation and Current Events-Affairs: Scripture: Hebrews Chapter 12-Verses 8-11 and Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 29: The children of the Most High or the illegal, illegitimate children of the Kingdom of colonialism, slavery and exploitation: The birth of the Kingdom of God and Heaven is a painful process: The fruit of peace and righteousness is national tranquility and cessation of warfare and bloodshed: Jesus will give us the bright and morning star: The morning star and the dawning of new day of the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: The African symbolic meaning of the fourth watch-3 A.M. to 6 A.M. Current Affairs-Events: The Bush Administration allowed 911-Susan Lindauer on the Progressive Commentary Hour-September 10, 2012 edition @ www.progressiveradionetwork.com: President Obama’s “race to the top” program is destructive to the public school system and destructive to the teachers’ union-Dr. Donald Smith on Black Agenda Radio-September 10, 2012 edition @ www.progressiveradionetwork.com: Mitt Romney writes off 47% of the citizens of America in favor of the 1% ruling class-David Cay Johnston-week of September 17, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org and Richard Wolff-September 22, 2012 edition of Economic Update @ www.wbai.org: Obama Administration bids to uphold indefinite detention at home and abroad: the crucial importance of the Occupy Wall Street movement one year later: The execution, lynching and assassination of Troy Davis one year later: Italy sentences 23 CIA agents in rendition case-Obama refuses to prosecute Bush Administration for torture-Democracy Now-week of September 17, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/16/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-16: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 09/23/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-23: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Faith Inspires Gratitude-Hebrews Chapter 12 Verses 14-29: We must work to bring Sabbath-Rest to the universe, the earth and the oppressed from oppression and the oppressor: Clean up the earth and rid the earth of all corruption: With care work together for a full and complete peace or suffer from the bitter fruit of the wicked system of Satan: Lift up and heal the weak and the feeble: The earth is your birthright-freedom, justice and equality is your birthright-value, work for and fight for your birthright: Do not be a prostitute for the system-remain true to the marriage vow to Christ which is deliverance of the oppressor from the oppressed: The mountain-the sound-trumpet-the voice and words of the Most High-the illumination and cultivation of the mind: The rejection of the Most High and the acquiring of the wicked bestial mind of the oppressor: Kill the mind of the beast within ourselves: Mt. Zion-Heavenly Jerusalem-the Kingdom of God and Heaven is within our souls: We must solve national and international conflicts and wars on all levels: We are in the present of the most High and the Elohim-Angels and our ancestors-Gods and Goddesses: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Black Genesis-The Prehistoric Origins Of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval & Thomas Brophy: Speeches: Message at the Westside Baptist Ministers Conference-Minister Louis Farrakhan-Chicago Illinois, April 28, 2012: The Coming of God to End The Division of Satan-Minister Louis Farrakhan-San Diego, CA, May 26, 2012 @ www.store.finalcall.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Showed Me by Karen Clark Sheard-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/23/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-23: continued...
Mind of God 09/23/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-23: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation and Current Events-Affairs: Scripture: Hebrews Chapter 12-Verses 22-29: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 29: The gathering of the Most High and the Gods and Goddesses: Yahshuah restores peace, justice and mankind as Christ: The new covenant and the new condition of the heart: We, the voice of Yahshuah, shake up the heavens, the earth-we take the Kingdom-we take dominion-we rule the earth and the universe-we transform the whole of society with truth, justice and righteousness: We are that consuming fire of the Most High: Current Affairs-Events: President Barack Obama and Republican Candidate Mitt Romney speak at Bill Clinton’s Clinton Global Initiative: The 67th general debate of the United Nations-we analyze the speeches of President Barack Obama, Israeli P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya shone @ www.takingaimradio.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/23/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-23: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 09/30/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-30: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Faith Requires Mutual Love-Hebrews Chapter 13 Verses 1-3 and I Corinthians Chapter 13 Verses 1-11: The purpose of Church-Mosque-Cathedral-Temple-free the oppressed from the oppressor: Paul critiques the government, infrastructure and institutions of Caesar and the Roman Empire: The Christian Nation must set up institutions, infrastructure and government with the wisdom of the Most High: We the oppressed will confound the wickedly wise Rothschilds and Oppenheimers: Does Paul forbid women to preach? Phoebe a Minister and Priscilla a Minister: The woman-her head covering-the veil in the tabernacle-the holy of holies: The woman as the holy of holies representing the mission of life, freedom, justice and equality for the oppressed: Idolatry as covetousness-heathen sacrifice-slavery-colonialism-exploitation-materialism-militerism: Jesus Christ raised from a dead people: Identify with the oppressed: Identify with they who are imprisoned unjustly: Respect each other as angels-Gods and Goddesses: The international Christian Nation-the work of revolution-charity as the impetus and motivation for the work of revolution: How the CIA-FBI-agent provocateurs destroy revolutionary organizations: Charity and the sharing of the wealth of the universe equally: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Christian Origin-A People’s History Of Christianity by Richard Horsley: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Speeches: Guidance in a Time of Trouble-San Diego, CA-May 27, 2012 by Minister Louis Farrakhan: All is Vanity-Chicago IL-July 1, 2012 by Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.store.finalcall.com: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-You Can Change by Kim Burrell, Tye Tribbett and GA-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 09/30/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-30: continued...
Mind of God 09/30/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-30: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation and Current Events-Affairs: Scripture: I Corinthians Chapter 13-Verses 8-13: Revelation Chapter 2-Verse 29: The Original African Revolutionary Church institutes the ritual of Charity-Charity teaches us that all must partake equally in the wealth of the universe: All shall pass away in favor of the fullness of the perfect Christ within the person of every human being: The putting away of childish divisions and hatreds in favor of the fullness of the Kingdom of God and Heaven here and now on this earth: The spiritual and mental capacity to solve the problems, riddles and enigmas of this wicked world: Charity-Agape love is forever: Ahmadinejad speaks at the U.N. 67th debate and assembly in New York-calls for the Saviour of Saviours Jesus Christ, to put down all tyrants and despots: Expanding the Debate-Third party candidates Jill Stein-Green Party and Rocky Anderson-Justice Party-join Obama and Romney in the 1st presidential debate of 2012 @ www.democracynow.org and @ www.kpfa.org-October 3 , 2012-5:30-8:30: Turkey approves military action against Syria: U.S. drone strike kills five in Yemen: Pakistani politician and CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin proceed with anti-drone march-@ www.democracynow.org: Hugo Chavez-Henrique Capriles and the elections in Venezuela-Asad Ismi on September 24, 2012 edition of Your World News @ www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news: Unrest in South Africa-miners killed in South Africa-October 1, 2012 edition of Africa Today @ www.kpfa.org: 90 U.S. Senators vote for Netanyahu’s redline on Iran-October 1, 2012 edition-Connect The Dots @ www.kpfk.org:
Mind of God 09/30/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-09-30: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 10/07/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-07: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Stephen’s Arrest and Speech: Acts Chapter 6-Verses 1-15: The international African Revolutionary Church: The Hebrew speaking African Hebrews-the Greek speaking Hebrews-slavery and the taking care of widows: The African Revolutionary Church ministers to the poor and the oppressed: Choose seven honest and righteous Deacons to minister to the oppressed: By the revolutionary power of Christ, Stephen and the Deacons shake up Jerusalem: Caesar’s agents contend with and conspire against Stephen: Caesar’s agents give bribes to solicit false witness and fictitious narrative against Stephen and the revolutionary message of Christ: Moses a revolutionary-Jesus a revolutionary-Stephen a revolutionary-the fall of the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, the Herodians and their masters the Roman Empire: The law of Moses is freedom, justice and equality: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Christian Origin-A People’s History Of Christianity by Richard Horsley: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Let Go by Dewayne Woods-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/07/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-07: continued...
Mind of God 10/07/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-10-07: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: The Satanic work of Caesar and the Roman Empire-colonize, enslave, kill and steal and destroy: Caesar, the Roman Empire and the Israeli High Priests work against God, nature, the universe and the people: Stephen and Jesus prophecy the doom of Caesar and the Roman Empire: Stephen works to overthrow the Roman government and Roman institutions: Caesar’s CIA-FBI create fictitious narrative to destroy Stephen and revolutionary African Christian Movement: Yahshuah-the Church-Guardian of the oppressed people of the earth: Stephen an angelic messenger of the Most High: The dawning of the new day of the Kingdom of God-Heaven on earth: Hear and listen and understand the message of Mother Holy Spirit: Listen to the feminine: The sacred union and work of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine: Current Affairs-Events: Joseph Biden-Paul Ryan and the vice-presidential debate-2012: European Union receives Nobel Peace Prize: Turkey grounds Syrian plane: Hezbollah flies drone over Israel: U.S. drone strikes kill 16 in Pakistan: U.S. border patrol agent kills Mexican teenager: The Obama administration and the manipulation of jobless claims in U.S.: Romney says Americans don’t die from lack of health insurance: In Guatemala 9 soldiers detained for shooting of protestors: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/07/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-10-07: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 10/14/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-14: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Stephen’s Martyrdom: Acts Chapter 7-Verses 1-40: Stephen challenges Caesar’s puppets, the High Priests: Stephen challenges Caesar’s Sanhedrin: Stephen reminds the High Priests of the history of the African Hebrew Israelite Nation: Abraham perceives the glory of the Most High through scientific examination of creation: Abraham rejects colonialism and exploitation: Israel’s bondage-prophecy of the Black man and woman in America: The metaphorically reality of circumcision: The life of Joseph and prophecy of the Black man and woman in America: The rise of Moses: Moses-the burning bush-animism in the Bible and Africa: Moses chooses Christ’s message of liberation for the Israelite Nation: African Israelite leaders reject the revolutionary message of Christ: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Thank Ya Jesus by Darrell Petties and Strength In Praise-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/14/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-14: continued...
Mind of God 10/14/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-14: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: Acts Chapter 7-Verses 40-60: The Israelite Nation rejects Moses and Yahweh-Israelite Nation rejects new life: The golden calf is science-technology disconnected from Yahweh-Life: The High Priest worship warfare and bloodshed: Moloch-ruling class and ruling families construct a system that is destructive of the youth-children-babies: The star Remphan symbolizes a system that is devoid of life and full of death: Moses-the tabernacle-the sacred masculine-the sacred feminine and the work of life: The African concept of the life and power of the Most High in all things-the statue and the temple as powerful spiritual symbolism of the Most High: The High Priest resist Mother Holy Spirit and persecute the revolutionary prophets: The glory of God-Jesus Christ the Son of Man standing on the right side of God-the heavens opened-all symbolize the Kingdom of God and Heaven being taken from Caesar and the Roman Empire and being transferred to the masses of the oppressed: Current Events-Affairs: Was the assassination of Christopher Stevens in Benghazi carried out by the Mitt Romney Mormon faction of the CIA-Webster Tarpley on Guns and Butter-October 17, 2012 and Infowars-October 18, 2012 @ www.tarpley.net: Jill Stein and Cheri Honkola, Green Party presidential and vice-presidential candidates 2012-arrested outside of Obama-Romney presidential debate: How Mitt Romney, the government and GM conspired to destroy UAW Jobs -week of October 14, 2012-Democracy Now @ www.democarcynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/14/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-14: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 10/21/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-21: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: 2012-10-21: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Simon Want to Buy Power: Acts Chapter 7-Verse 56 through Acts Chapter 8-Verse 9: Mankind as the Son of Man ruling the earth and universe: Jesus the Son of Man stands up for the oppressed: The transfer of the power to rule the Kingdom is taken away from Caesar and given to the oppressed masses: The High Priests angry over the destruction of the power of Rome and Caesar: Stephen killed but not dead, only asleep: The righteous are not dead: Yahshuah receives the spirit and animating energy of Stephen, that we may tap into that spirit and energy: Pray for your ignorant brother and sister-turn the other cheek to your brother and sister: Saul helps Rome and Caesar persecute the Revolutionary African Church: The revolutionary gospel of Yahshuah spreads to Judea,(Praise), and Samaria, (Guardian): Phillip goes down to Samaria with the revolutionary gospel message: Phillip produces signs and wonders through the African knowledge of creation: Phillip relieves the people of Caesar’s demonic possession: The people of Samaria receive universal healthcare on every level-spiritual, mental, moral and physical: Great joy in the city of Samaria over the revolutionary gospel message of Yahshuah: Caesar sends Simon as an agent to overthrow the people-displace the people-drive them insane-astound and confound the oppressed masses-through sorcery, which is the misuse of creation: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Articles: Romney campaign, CIA Mormon Mafia both responsible for Benghazi attack by Webster Tarpley: Books: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-I Made it by Keith Johnson and the Spiritual Voices-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/21/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-21: continued...
Mind of God 10/21/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-21: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: Acts Chapter 8-Verses 9-24 and Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 1: Philip preaches the Kingdom of god and Heaven here and now on this earth: Philip preaches freedom, justice and equality-deliverance of the oppressed from the oppressor: Simon rejects Caesar and believes on the revolutionary message of Yahshuah: Peter and John go to Samaria and empower the oppressed with the power of Mother Holy Spirit and empower the oppressed with the power of the universe to overthrow the power of Caesar: Simon witnesses the miraculous power of Mother Holy Spirit and desires to purchase that power: Peter perceives that Simon is yet infested and infected with the mind of Caesar-wickedness, slavery, colonialism, exploitation and injustice: Simon requests prayer: Current Affairs-Events: Shane Bauer focuses on solitary confinement from Iran to the United States: Long Distance Revolutionary-Documentary focuses on the life of Brother Mumia Abu-Jamal: George McGovern, great crusader for peace, dies at 90: Obama and Romney agree on warfare and bloodshed-Third party candidates give alternative to warfare and bloodshed: Prop 37 and the fight to label GMO foods: Prop 34 and the fight to end the racist death penalty: Prop 36 and the fight to alter the racist third strike law: Suicide kills 40 worshippers in attack in Afghanistan: Democracy Now-week of October 21, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/21/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-21: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 10/28/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-28: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: 2012-10-21: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch: Acts Chapter 8-Verses 25-30: Philip takes the teaching of peace to the Ethiopian Eunuch: The Ethiopian Eunuch-royal official in the court of Candace the Queen of Ethiopia: Ethiopia a matrilineal society with true democracy and male and female equality: Mother Holy Spirit instructs Philip to join and unite with the Ethiopian-we the oppressed must join and unite with each other: Philip runs to the Ethiopian-we the oppressed must run to each other: Philip hears the Ethiopian-we the oppressed must hear each other: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 1: The Church at Sardis: Sardis a wealthy city: Sardis awash in precious metals and resources: Sardis a city built on theft of resources and the oppression of the masses: We talk to the preachers: Listen to Mother Holy Spirit: Access the feminine Spirit of Life: The zodiac-Yahshuah holds the seven stars: We define Yahshuah and Christ-The wisdom of the Africans: Current Events-Affairs: How President Barack Obama intends to betray his supporters and compromise with the Republicans-Webster Tarpley on World Crisis Radio-October 27, 2012 edition @ www.tarpley.net: Webster Tarpley speaks at the United Front Against Austerity-New York City-October 27, 2012 @ www.tarpley.net: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-All Things Working by LaShun Pace-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/28/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-28: continued...
Mind of God 10/28/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-28: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: Acts Chapter 8-Verses 30-36: Philip confers Christian authority to rule to the Ethiopian Royal official and Ethiopia: Philip preaches the revolution to the Ethiopian: Yahshuah-Jesus The Messiah-humiliated-denied justice-slaughtered and resurrected: The Black man and woman-The Messiah People-humiliated-denied justice-slaughtered and resurrected: We must completed the mission of freedom-justice-equality: The true symbolism of water baptism-The African ritual of becoming a God and Goddess on earth: The battle between Rome and Ethiopia for Christian authority to rule: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 1: The great African symbolism of Jesus-the seven Spirits-the seven stars-the seven candlesticks: The African science of Amen-Ra and Amenet-Rait: Current Events-Affairs: President Barack Obama’s interview with the De Moines Register-Obama set to compromise with Republican agenda through the Grand Bargain: President Obama set to lower the tax rate of the wealthy and cut and gut the masses of the poor and working class: Obama set to cut social security-Medicare-Medicare: The Republican and Democratic Parties have sold us out: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 10/28/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-10-28: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 11/04/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-04: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Paul Before King Agrippa: Acts Chapter 26-Verses 19-24: Paul works for Caesar and the Roman Empire: The Pharisees and Sadducees of that day are equivalent of the CIA and FBI-working for the Roman Empire: Paul as Saul persecutes the oppressed and the revolutionary Christians for the Roman Empire: Paul meets Jesus in the center of the Zodiac, on the road to Damascus: The symbolism of the sun-light-moon-stars-as Ma’at-truth-justice and righteousness: Paul must obey the order of the heavens and cosmos and preach revolution to the oppressed: The High Priests-that day’s CIA and FBI-plot to assassinate Paul to protect the Roman Empire: Paul as a student of the science of government-student of the science of politics-student of the science of institutions and governmental policies: Paul upholds the law of Moses-freedom-justice and equality: Christ the power within the universe to deliver the oppressed from the oppressor: The resurrection of Christ from a dead and impotent people: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 1: The African Science of Revolution: Yahshuah holds the seven Spirits-the seven stars-the seven candlesticks: The African science of Amen Ra-Amenet Rait: Africans taught the first of science as cause and effect: The power of the universe scientifically emanates from the pitch black and pitch dark center of the universe: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-All Things Working by LaShun Pace-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/04/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-04: continued...
Mind of God 11/04/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-11-04: Part 3 and Part 4-Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: Scripture: Acts Chapter 26-Verses 24-32: Paul, a political prisoner, defends the revolutionary Gospel of Jesus Christ: Paul hurls truth, (Ma’at-truth, justice and righteousness), at Caesar and the Roman Empire: Leaders who know the truth of the system and now side with the system against the people: What is a Christian and what is the purpose of a Christian? Paul now determined to go to Caesar and challenge Caesar: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 1: The Seven Spirits-seven stars-seven candlesticks-seven pole stars and Jesus as the Sun of God in the midst: The African science of Amen-Ra and Ament-Rait and the birth of the universe: Current Events-Affairs and Articles: HSBC Caught in New Drug Money Laundering Scandal by Tom Burghardt: It’s The Interest Stupid! Why Bankers Rule The World by Ellen Brown: Money Laundering and Offshore Fraud for the Rich, Economic Austerity for the poor by Julie Lévesque: Presidential Elections: Powerful “Special Interest Groups” Win Again by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Real Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan. It Was Not To End The War or Save Lives by Washington’s Blog: U.S. Dumps Syrian National Council, (SNC), Focus Exclusively on Arming “Alqaeda in Syria” by Tony Cartalucci: U.S. Elections: From “The Lesser to The Greater Evil”. The Demise of Critical Liberalism: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/04/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2012-11-04: Part 3 and Part 4- continued...
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Paul Sails for Rome: Acts Chapter 27-Verses 1-18: Paul and other political prisoners are transported to Rome: Paul has determined to confront Caesar and the Roman Empire: Augustus and the use of good titles to fool the people: Adramyttium and the system of death: We sail and move up and out from death: Aristarchus and the proper leadership: Sidon-Caesar hunting the oppressed-Paul and Jesus hunting Caesar: Paul allowed to visit friends and prepare to be perfect revolutionary weapon to oppose Caesar: Cyprus-The revolutionary message of love and Caesar’s resistance to this message: Pamphylia-The message is for every tribe and people so as to defeat Lycia-The wolfish system-through Myra-The prayers of the revolutionary saints: Italy-the calf and animal husbandry for independent trade and commerce: Cnidus-the system nettles-vexes and agitates the oppressed people: Crete-fight against the fleshy desire to bow to Rome: Salmone-The revolutionary message is spiritual clothing for the mind of the revolutionary: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Church Medley by Donnie McClurkin-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: continued...
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: Part 3-Part 4: Book of Revelation-Currents and Affairs: Acts Chapter 27-Verses 19-27: Lighten the load to continue to carry the message of revolution: When all hope is lost the woman or man of God stands up to restore hope: Paul and the Angel of the God confirm the preservation of life and restore hope: Paul must get to Caesar to preach the revolution: Life in the hands of the woman and man of God: Believe God: We must get to land: Current Events and Affairs: Israel attacks Gaza, killing 13: Obama vows to tackle climate change in 2nd term: Obama: no Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy un deficit deal: GOP Senators vow to block effort to promote Rice-Democracy Now-week of November 12, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: Part 3-Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: Part 5-Part 6: Book of Revelation-Currents and Affairs: Acts Chapter 27-Verses 27-35: We must get to land: Adria-without wood: The use of sound-mind-arithmetic: The numbers 15 and 20 as African symbolism: Lighten the load-offload the Republicans-Democrats-warfare-bloodshed: Paul advises to stay with the ship so that life may be saved: We fall into the hands of Christ that our lives may be saved: We fast from death-hell-destruction: We, through the fast, identify with the poor-impoverished: Provide meat and food for the whole of the oppressed: No poverty and impoverishment: We shall be saved: Current Events-Affairs: Israel attacks Gaza and assassinates Hamas commander hours after truce deal: BP agrees to pay 4.5 billion for deepwater horizon disaster-Democracy Now-week of November 12, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: Part 5-Part 6: continued...
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: Part 7-Part 8: Book of Revelation-Currents and Affairs: Acts Chapter 27-Verses 35-44: We give thanks and praise unto the Most High for providing bread-spiritually-mentally-morally and physically for all: All must eat and commune at the Lords table of the universe: 276-African science and symbols of numbers: Disconnecting from our ties to the empire: Cast aside all weights and make it to the Promised land: Break out of the enveloping system of warfare and bloodshed-colonialism and slavery: The reversal: The poor and afflicted are raised and made the head: The power of the wicked is broken and they are now made the tail: The soldiers conspire to kill the political prisoners: Favor among the powerful: Our lives are preserved-we make land-we are saved: Current Events-Affairs: Nowhere to run: Israel fires over 500 strikes in Gaza, civilian toll grows in humanitarian crisis: Israeli negotiator: Hamas commander was assassinated hours after receiving truce deal from Israel: BP agrees to pay 4 billion dollars for deepwater horizon disaster: Lawmakers call for preservation of social benefits ahead of fiscal cliff talks: Ron Paul blasts U.S. Policy in farewell address: U.S. trained, vetted and supplied Honduran unit accused of killing teen: Groups submit evidence on “Crimes against Humanity” against Honduras to ICC-Democracy Now-week of November 12, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/11/12: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-11: Part 7-Part 8: continued...
Mind of God 11/18/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-18: CORRECTION: The Thirteenth Tribe-The Khazar Empire and its Heritage was written by Arthur Koestler: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Paul Ministers in Rome: Acts Chapter 28-Verses 1-5: Political prisoner Paul and others escape danger and make it to the land of Honey, (Melita): The Barbarians show kindness to Paul and his companions: The barbarians show love and benevolence toward humanity: Who is the real barbarian-the poor and uneducated-or the wicked, vile ruling class and families? Paul goes to work gathering men and women together for the revolution: We are the Holy Ghost Fire people-we will break the system of oppression: The viper and the venomous beast as a symbol of the wicked beast mind of the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families: Paul shakes off the wicked and sick and violent and bestial attack of the wicked oppressor and suffers no harm: The so-called barbarians have a true sense of justice and see the woman as symbolic of justice: The so-called barbarians are suspicious of Paul: Current Events-Affairs: Girad Sharon, son of Ariel Sharon calls for total annihilation of Gaza: Girad Sharon says Israel should do to Gaza what America did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Obama defends Israel’s right to defend herself-News from Smiley and West Show-week of November 12, 2012 @ www.smileyandwest.com: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: Chosen People From The Caucuses by Michael Bradley-The Thirteenth Tribe-The Khazar Empire and its Heritage by Arthur Koestler-The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Order My Steps by The Mighty Clouds of Joy-Something Big by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/18/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-18: continued...
Mind of God 11/18/12: Pt.3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-18: Part 3-Part 4: Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: Acts Chapter 28-Verses 6-10: The so-called Barbarians have the capacity to think and perceive: The so-called Barbarians perceive that Paul is a God-Ye are all Gods and Goddesses-Children of the Most High: The popular island chief receives Paul and company courteously: Let us be courteous to one another: The father of Publius lay sick with diarrhea and bowl ailment: We are sick with the spirit of warfare-bloodshed-death-hell-division-destruction: Paul with the power of Christ and God enters into the situation to change the situation: We must change our situation here on earth: The root of Christ in the hands of Paul heals the father of Publius: We the oppressed need a healing from warfare-colonialism-slavery: Luke administers healing through healthcare and medicine to citizens of the island of Melita: All have a divine right to healthcare: The so-called barbarians of Melita shower Paul-Luke and their companions with honors-blessings and necessities: Every human being has the divine right to all the necessities of life: Current Events-Affairs: Israel possibly provokes war with Syria: Phyllis Bennis on the Israeli aggression against Palestine-Israel is the aggressor-Democracy Now-week of November 18, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Omali Yeshitela and Glen Ford on Israeli aggression against Palestine Gaza-will this cause the Muslim al-Qaeda fighters to turn on America-Israel-Britain?-Africa Live-November 18, 2012 @ www.uhurunews.com/radio: What is the motivation for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s aggression against Gaza-to garner votes in Israel’s upcoming elections in January 2013-to mitigate protest against austerity from European Israeli Jews?-November 19, 2012-Up Front @ www.comcast.net: The Stansberry Investment Advisory report on the rise of natural gas-the Levant Basin and Shimshon Block and 3.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas deposits-worth 19.5 billion dollars in Israel-17 years of production-all wars are about control of land-wealth and resources: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/18/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-18: Part 3-Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 11/18/12: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-18: Part 4-5-6: Book of Revelation-Current Events and Affairs: Acts Chapter 28-Verses 10-14: The African numerological meaning of the number three as the number of birth: Paul and Luke go up with the revolutionary message and board the ship Castor and Pollux: Zeus-the father of helps: Castor and Pollux-sons of Zeus-Gemini-Divine and Human-Gods commissioned with helping the sailors: Bringing the message down to Syracuse-Syrian hearing: The number three-trial-test-birth: The compass-navigate-father-male-sacred masculine-knowledge: Rhegium-Breach-the message repairs the breach: The south wind and the Gods and Goddesses blow life on Paul-Luke and the others: Puteoli-Sulfurous springs: Paul-Luke find brothers-sisters in the struggle for revolution: The importance of friendship-brotherhood-sisterhood: The number-African numerology-completion: The message goes toward Rome: Rome is strength: The proper use of strength: Rome uses strength to enslave and colonize: The strength of the Most High in Paul is greater than Rome and Caesar: Revelation Chapter 3-Verses 1-2: Yahshuah-Justice knows our works: Preachers of religion and politicians preach life but propagate death: Be watchful and strengthen the works of justice: Strengthen the poor and working class to stave off death: Current Events-Affairs: Rachel Maddow and MSNBC’s analysis of the political landscape-MSNBC is another war station: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/18/12: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-18: Part 4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 11/18/12: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-18: Part 7 continued...
Mind of God 11/25/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-25: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Paul Evangelizes in Rome: Acts Chapter 28-Verses 15-23: The revolutionary brothers and the sisters at Appii, give Paul encouragement: Paul thanks God for the encouragement: Paul put under house arrest as a political prisoner: Paul calls together the chief elite Jews in Rome and gives his testimony: Paul testifies of being falsely accused by the chief priests of Jerusalem and delivered to Rome: Paul understands politics-geopolitics-governmental institutions-appeals to Caesar in order to preserve his life-so that Paul may get to Rome and preach revolution to Caesar and the Roman Empire: Paul testifies of being chained and made a political prisoner for the revolutionary Gospel of Yahshuah Maschiach: The Jewish chief priests of Rome desire to hear more about the Christian men and women-they have heard many terrible rumors about these revolutionary Christian men and women: Paul begins to preach the revolutionary Kingdom of God and Heaven right here and now on this earth: This preaching is a threat to Caesar then and now: The Integration Gap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Broken But I’m Healed by Byron Cage-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You for listening!
Mind of God 11/25/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-25: continued...
Mind of God 11/25/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-25: Part 3-4: Book of Revelation-Current Events-Affairs: Acts Chapter 28-Verses 23-31: Paul preaches to Jewish leadership in Rome: Paul preaches the revolutionary message of the Kingdom of God and Heaven right here and now on this earth: Paul teaches the law of Moses-the law of freedom-justice-equality: Paul teaches Jesus-Liberation: Jewish leaders refuse to hear and do not understand the message of revolution: 6th century revolution-Isaiah in Israel-Buddha in India-Confucius in China-message is free the oppressed: No freedom-justice-equality in Israel-only oppression and theft of land from the people: The heart of compassion and soul for the oppressed: The Most High seeks to heal the Jewish leadership from the sickness of Caesar: Salvation from the molestation of the system is offered to the working class rank and file Caucasian Gentile: Political prisoner Paul, under house arrest, continues to preach the revolutionary message of the Kingdom of God and Heaven right here and now on this earth: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 2: The message to the preachers in Sardis-the wealthy city built on the backs of the oppressed: Preachers and politicians in America preach life and promote death: Yahshuah-Jesus tells us to turn to justice-strengthen the works of justice: Yahshuah-Jesus searches our works for justice: the leaders of this world preach democracy and promote death: The leaders of this world destroy workers-destroy industry-destroy education-destroy healthcare: Current Events-Affairs: Massive fire kills at least 118 factory workers in Bangladesh at Wal-Mart supplier: Congo humanitarian crisis worsens amidst renewed violence linked to rebels backed by Rwanda: Wal-Mart worker uprising-Protests held at 1000 stores on Black Friday-Democracy Now-the week of November 26, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Obama prepares to compromise with the Republican Agenda: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/25/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Frazier: 2012-11-25: Part 3-4: continued...
Mind of God 12/02/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 2, 2012: Book of Revelation Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 3: Remember the message of revolution that you received: Hold on to the gospel of deliverance of the poor and oppressed: Repent for our participation in colonialism, slavery and exploitation: Be watchful for the Yahshuah-Justice will appear suddenly: We must know Yahshuah-Justice and live Yahshuah-Justice: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Spiritual Blessings in Jesus Christ: Ephesians Chapter 1-Verse 3-6: Republicans and Democrats are controlled by Eugenics and Eugenicists and have disconnected the oppressed from the benefits of creation-healthcare-education-land-wealth-resources-living wage jobs: The Most High has adopted us into the divine family and chosen us and reconnected us to creation and the benefits of creation through Yahshuah Christos-Justice and deliverance: It pleases the Most High to defend and deliver the oppressed from the oppressor: Current Events and Affairs: Mahmoud Abbas-Palestinians attain statehood-Israel Netanyahu react by withholding 100 million dollars from Palestinians and building more illegal settlements-Democracy Now-week of December 2, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Documentaries: Blue Gold-World Water Wars: The Canary Effect: Books: A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues by Solomon Comissiong: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-So Good To Me by Vanessa Bell Armstrong-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/02/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 2, 2012: contined...
Mind of God 12/02/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 2, 2012: Part 3-Part 4: Current Affairs-Events: Scripture: Ephesians Chapter 1-Verses 7-14: Creating the divine family outside of the family of Caesar: Jesus deals with Caesar and the Roman Empire: Redemption-deliverance of the prisoners and the captives-forgiveness for the sins of the oppressed-wealth of creation for the oppressed masses: Knowledge-wisdom-understanding for the oppressed, we who have been locked out of Harvard and Yale-locked out of the Republican and Democratic parties: The Most High reveals hidden, (occult), knowledge of God and man to the oppressed: Every human being has purpose and value: The unification of the oppressed according to the truth and justice of the heavens and earth: We the poor, afflicted, needy and oppressed are now given inheritance-heritage-land-wealth-resources-health-education-love-friendship, for we who have been locked out of the system: We the oppressed have been chosen from before creation: Trust in Christ-become the glory of the Most High as children of the Most High: Africa and the African Hebrews are happy to teach this African knowledge-wisdom and understanding to our European Gentile sisters and brothers: Current Affairs-Events: Obama Administration sabotages climate change conference held in Doha Qatar: Morsi and the IMF takeover of Egypt: U.S. claims Syria preparing sarin gas: Clinton, Russian FM meet with UN envoy on Syria: GOP advance anti-union right to work bills in Michigan-Democracy Now-week of December 3, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/02/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 2, 2012: Part 3-Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 12/09/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 9, 2012: Scripture: Ephesians Chapter 1-Verse 7: Yahshuah, (Jesus), and the work of redemption: Yahshuah, (Jesus), overturns and overthrows all illegal laws of colonialism-slavery-exploitation-death-hell-destruction: The process of Yahshuah-Christos gives the oppressed equal access to the riches of creation: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 4: The few who have not been defiled by the system of colonialism-slavery-exploitation: The few who are walking in the revolutionary light of Yahshuah: To construct a society-civilization undefiled by colonialism-slavery-exploitation: Current Affairs-Events: How the International Monetary Fund-through Eugenics-austerity measures-is destroying the poor and working class of Egypt-World in Crisis Radio-December 8, 2012 @ http://tarpley.net/world-crisis-radio: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Documentaries: Inside Job by Charles Ferguson: Books: A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues by Solomon Comissiong: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-The Real Party by Mary Mary-It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/09/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 9, 2012: continued...
Mind of God 12/09/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 9, 2012: Part 3-Part 4: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 4: To construct our spirit-mind-body-soul-organizations-as undefiled and clean in the midst of a filthy and rotten system: Walk in the light of Ra-truth-justice-righteousness-freedom-equality: Ephesians Chapter 2-Verses 11-15: The unity of the poor and working class Black-Brown-Red-Yellow and White in the struggle for justice: Uncircumcision-circumcision-male organ-germ of life called sperm-we the people of life undefiled by the system of warfare and bloodshed: Disconnected from the wealth of creation and the power to rule as and Elohim-God-Goddess: The blood of Christ and the life of revolution: Politics-Geo politics-peace-national tranquility-exemption from the havoc and chaos of warfare and bloodshed: Breaking down the walls that separate the poor and working class Black-Brown-Red-Yellow and White: Yahshuah abolishes the wicked and illegal laws of Caesar: Current Events-Affairs: Thousands protest anti-workers and anti-union bills in Michigan: HSBC laundering money for the drug cartels and Middle Eastern terrorists-Al Qaeda: President says U.S. to recognize the Syrian Opposition Coalition-The Syrian Opposition Coalition is replete with Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda affiliates: Israel terrorizes Palestinians by withholding funds and raiding NGO’s: Dean Baker on the fictitious narrative of the fiscal cliff-November 14, 2012 edition of Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Afghan government fails to address violence against women: North Korea tests long range rocket: Cha’ves undergoes cancer surgery in Cuba: Susan Rice withdraws bid for Secretary of State over GOP challenge: Michigan governor Rick Snyder works to overthrow city governments in Michigan-Democracy Now-week of December 10, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/09/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 9, 2012: Part 3-Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 12/16/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 16, 2012: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 5: To overcome Satan-overcome Caesar-overcome colonialism-death-hell-destruction: To be clothed in the light of freedom-justice-equality: Create systems and institutions that protect rather than destroy: Your name-the book of life-working for life and promoting life: Sunday School Lesson and Scripture: Unity in the Body of Christ: Ephesians Chapter 4-Verses 1-6: To be a prisoner of Yahweh-LIFE: Remain true to gospel of freedom-justice-equality: Be humble-uphold one another-strengthen one another: The bond of peace-national tranquility-exemption from rage and havoc of war: The oneness of the divine revolutionary family: Yahweh as Lord rejects Caesar as Lord: Baptism-to become full God and Goddess on earth: Current Events-Affairs: Mall shooter kills 2, including self: Panetta, Karzai discuss enduring U.S. troop presence after 2014-week of December 10, 2012-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Documentaries: Forks For Knives: 2012 Time For A Change: Books: A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues by Solomon Comissiong: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Victory by Yolanda Adams- It Is Well by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/16/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 16, 2012: continued...
Mind of God 12/23/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 23, 2012: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verses 5-6: Overcome the system of warfare-death-hell-destruction: Be protected by the light of justice-knowledge-wisdom: Fight for justice-fight for life-live life and protect life-Yahweh is life: Yahshuah-justice will speak well of us before the Father-Mother Holy Spirit and creation: Listen to the teaching of Mother Holy Spirit: We must use our minds and be in possession of our right revolutionary minds: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Live In The Light: St. John chapter 1-Verses 1-5 and Ephesians Chapter 5-Verses 6-14: The Maya Calendar-The Winter Solstice-The coming of Christ within our person: The Word-Christ-quantum physics-quantum mechanics: We are the Word made flesh: African Origin of the Christ Story as the Winter Solstice: African origin of Mary-Christ-Mass: We are light-the children of light and the body of Christ: Current Events-Affairs: The raping and abuse of women in India and the world: Bankers and loan service industry takes advantage of victims of Hurricane Sandy-Black Agenda Radio-the week of December 10, 2012: President Obama-the chained CPI-COLA-and the scheme to squeeze and destroy social security: If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance by Alan Grayson: The FBI monitors-infiltrates and spies on Occupy Wall street Movement: NRA calls for guns in schools-codepink protests: U.S. admits to drone strike that killed 11 in Yemen: Top Syrian general defects to Syrian Coalition and Al-Qaeda: Egypt’s President Muhammad Morsi calls for unity after constitution takes effect: U.S. to sell surveillance drones to South Korea: U.S. deported record 400,000 immigrants in 2012: Books: A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues by Solomon Comissiong: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Your Name by Chante’ Moore and Kenny Lattimore-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/23/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 23, 2012: continued...
Mind of God 12/23/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 23, 2012: Part 3 and Part 4: St. John chapter 1-Verses 1-5 and Ephesians Chapter 5-Verses 6-14: Quantum physics-quantum mechanics-all are the word of God made flesh: Our participation as Christ in making of creation by the power of the Most High: Life-light-the sun-to dispel ignorance emplaced in the masses of the oppressed-to reveal the hidden things in the wombs of darkness: Reject Caesar-House of Rothschild-wicked ruling class and families-reject warfare: Become the children of the life-the children of the Most High-the children of light and life: Walk in the love of Christ-deliverance of the oppressed: Be not a tool and slave of the wicked system: Spiritual homosexuality-Spiritual lesbianism-Spiritual bestiality: Shed the thinking of covetousness-idolatry-warfare-bloodshed: The children of light proving and reproving the system of colonialism and slavery: Make manifest the works of wickedness committed by the system: Make manifest the wicked works of the CIA-FBI-FOP-IMF-ETC: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/23/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 23, 2012: Part 3 and Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 12/30/12: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 30, 2012: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verses 6-7: Listen to Mother Holy Spirit: Utilize our mental capacity to think: Critical, analytical political analysis is needed: Letter to the Pastor of the church at Philadelphia: The need for brotherly and sisterly love in a time of evil: Yahshuah Christos and the African Key to the Kingdom of God-Queendom of Goddess and heaven here and now on this earth: Sunday School lesson scripture and title: Live In The Light: Ephesians Chapter 5-Verses 13-18: You have the right to reprove and chastise those in government: The poor and working class Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and White, must wake up from spiritual death and oppose warfare, bloodshed, death, hell and destruction: The process of receiving the light of Christ: Walk circumspectly-think wisely-accurately-be diligent in the work for justice: Redeeming the time in an evil day: Some of the history of Eugenics-Eugenicists-Social Darwinism and Genocide: Understand the will of the Lord-reject Caesar-organize for freedom and justice: Don’t let the system intoxicate you: Do not support warfare and bloodshed: Republicans and Democrats negotiating austerity programs for the destruction of American citizens: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Videos-Documentaries: Scientific Racism-The Eugenics of Social Darwinism by the BBC: The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black and C-Span: Books: A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues by Solomon Comissiong: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Turn It Around by Israel and New Breed-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/30/12: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 30, 2012: continued...
Mind of God 12/30/12: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 30, 2012: Part 3 and Part 4: Sunday School lesson title and scripture: Christ’s Love For The Church-masses of the oppressed: Ephesians Chapter 5-Verses 18-31: The importance of music in the struggle: Giving thanks to the Most High: Submit to one another: Obey the truth within your sister and brother: The African Hebrew Temple teaches us of the sacred masculine as holy and the sacred feminine as the holy of holies: The sacred feminine must be loved, honored, cherished and respected: We the people as wife of Christ-Liberation message: Christ the savior-Christ cleanses-Christ sanctifies-To be free from the sin of this wicked and rotten system of slavery, colonialism and exploitation: As Christ loves the poor-afflicted-Husbands must love their wives: Christ and the church as one body-Husband and wife as one body: To be at one with and submit to the revolutionary message of Yahshuah-Jesus-Christos-freedom-justice-equality-The Kingdom of God and the Queendom of Goddess here and now on this earth: To be a true bride of Christ-Liberation: Current Affairs-Events: Five Things You Should Know About Last Night’s Vote by CREDO Action: President Barack Obama blames the elderly and rising cost of healthcare for the budget deficit: Michigan Governor Snyder overthrows city governments: Chicago teachers union sues Chicago for discrimination: NRA renews vow to oppose UN arms treaty: Indian rape victim commits suicide after police pressure to marry attacker-Democracy Now-week of December 24, 2012 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/30/12: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: December 30, 2012: Part 3 and Part 4: continued...