January 2014
The Mind of God Program 2014 with Deacon Charles Frazier
01-12- 2014: Pt.1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12:Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Topics: We revisit the Shabaka Stone and the God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem: The African Origin of Quantum Physics: The African Origin of Quantum Mechanics: The African Origin of the Atom: The African Science of Creation: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verses 93-95: Topics: Who revealed the Quran? A warning to the Mother of the towns: Who are the towns and who are the Mothers of the towns? What is the Hereafter? How the false leaders and politicians mislead and betray the people: How the false leaders and politicians work against Allah-The Ascender: How the Angels-Spirit and Soul Energies require the Christ Spirit and Soul energies that have been turned over to wickedness: Chastisement to the perpetrator of injustice and oppression: Every Christ Spirit and Soul energy is scientifically created with the knowledge to fight on behalf of the oppressed: We examine the wicked and evil spirit soul energies: How the wicked and evil spirit souls energies betray the human family:
01-12-2014: Pt. 2
Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: St. Luke chapters 2-6: Topics: Children are purposed to reestablish the laws of God and overthrow wicked institutions and governments: Prayer and fasting empathizes us with the poor and the oppressed: Prayer and fasting and the feasts and the African science of the Zodiac: Teach the children the science of the universe-solar-lunar-astral-planetary science: YHWH-EXISTING-the governing of the universe all the way down to the atoms and molecules: Yahoshu’ah challenges the temple leadership: John teaches common people to rebel against Caesar and the Roman Empire: John the Baptist becomes a political prisoner for confronting Caesar’s agents: The baptizing of Jesus and the opening of the science of the universe: The baptism ritual as the African science of the Waters of Nun-Ptah-Atum: The importance of the knowledge of the names of the ancestors of Yahoshu’ah-Jesus: The wilderness symbolizes the betrayal and desertion of the oppressed masses by the ruling class: Yahoshu’ah prays in the wilderness: Yahoshu’ah teaches us how to reject the offer of positions in the empire: Yahoshu’ah teaches revolution in the temple and challenges the leadership: Yahoshu’ah preaching the Kingdom of God as power to the people-power to the masses of the oppressed: Yahoshu’ah and the Zealots for justice: The disease of palsy and dropsy symbolizes deprivation and the disease of the system of oppression: Yahoshu’ah gives health care to the people free of charge: The Sabbath is purposed to free the oppressed from all oppression: Yahoshu’ah uplifts the oppressed and warns the oppressor of the fall of Rome: The oppressed poor working class must overcome enmity and love and take of one another:
Current Events-Affairs: 2014-01-12: Dennis Rodman seeks to make friendship in North Korea: “Humiliated” Christie fires aide who ordered bridge closure-Democracy Now-January 9, 2014 edition: 30,000 African migrants protest detention law in Israel-Democracy Now-January 6, 2014 edition: Socialist Kshama Sawant elected to Seattle city council in Seattle Washington-Democracy Now-January 6, 2014 edition@ www.democracynow.org: We pay respect to our Elder Amiri Baraka: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Videos: The Freedom Movie @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwnnXPVyb1Q&list=PL080415FC9233B349: Books: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Robert Audi: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Church Medley by Donnie McClurkin-Order My Steps by the Mighty Clouds of Joy-Catch Me and Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
01-12-2014: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Part 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-12-2014: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-12: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: St. Luke chapter 6: Topics: Yahoshu’ah-Jesus teaches the fall of Rome and the deliverance of all oppressed from all oppression: A warning to the wealthy and wicked ruling class: The origins of hatreds and enmity and animosity among the poor and the oppressed: The system causes criminality and violence and divisions among poor and oppressed peoples of the earth: The system cause the oppressed peoples of the earth to be the enemies of each other: We the oppressed must love one another and forgive one another: We the oppressed must help one another and uphold one another: We the oppressed peoples of the earth must unite and overthrow the system: : Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Robert Audi: Videos: Kaba Kamene (Booker T. Coleman) Lecture @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rt19coQG3s: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Broken But I’m Healed by Byron Cage-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Mary & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Events-Affairs: 2014-01-26: South Sudan Reaches Ceasefire, But Will Nascent State Survive Oil-Fueled Neocolonialism?-We Come As Friends by Hubert Sauper-June 24-2014 edition-Democracy Now: Racism in Israel- Max Blumenthal on "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel"-October 4-2013 edition-Democracy Now: Dog Whistle Politics: How Politicians Use Coded Racism to Push Through Policies Hurting All-January 14-2014 edition Democracy Now: Private Violence: Survivors & Advocates Confront Victim Blaming & the Epidemic of Domestic Abuse-January 22-2014 edition Democracy Now: Okinawa’s Revolt: Decades of Rape, Environmental Harm by U.S. Military Spur Residents to Rise Up-January 16-2014 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Geneva II-Iran-Ban Ki-Moon and the Syria Peace Talks-January 25-2014 edition-World Crisis Radio @ http://tarpley.net/world-crisis-radio: A true view of egalitarian African societies-by Oba T’ Shaka in the book-Integration Trap-Generation Gap: The true struggles and trials of Dr. King: A true look at the brilliant and analytical mind of Dr. King: Scientific Racism-Eugenics of Social Darwinism-by the BBC @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eX5T68TQIo: Thank You For Listening!
01-26- 2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: Scripture: Bible-Revelation chapter 3 verse 20: Topics: We define Yahoshu’ah-Jesus and the message and work of Yahoshu’ah-Jesus as health and wealth and prosperity and deliverance and liberation and warning for not implementing the definition and the message and the work of Yahoshu’ah-Jesus: We must infuse this Yahoshu’ah definition and message and work into the feminine door of the people-the mind and the soul and the heart: The people are ready: Scripture-Quran chapter 6 verses 96-97: Topics: The Quran is the African teaching of cosmology: The African science of the seed as the Atum-Atom and the three phases of creation: The grain as the seed of life: Death from life and life from death: We must die to the corrupt system and bring death to a corrupt system and bring life in the Kingdom-Queendom of Islam on earth: Allah and waters of Nun and the science of the sun and moon: The African science of the sun and the moon teaches us how to eliminate the corrupt system: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Robert Audi: Videos: Kaba Kamene (Booker T. Coleman) Lecture @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rt19coQG3s: Inequality For All by Robert Reich on Moyers and Company @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-rpkZe2OEo: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-So Good To Me by Vanessa Bell Armstrong-Something Big by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Events-Affairs: 2014-01-26: Prince Charles and son ask for support in protecting wildlife in Africa. Is there an ulterior motive? Senate Republicans Block Restoration of Jobless Benefits-February 7, 2014 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: How America is creating chaos in the Ukraine-February 3, 2014-Phil Taylor Report @ www.ciut.fm: We do an in depth analyses and study of President Barack Obama’s State of The Union Address 2014: Is President Obama really working for the Middle Class? The concept of the Middle Class has its origins in the Eugenics program: The Republican Party-Democratic Party-the Farmer’s Bill creates class division between poor and working White people and all other poor and working class: The issue of the minimum wage: The truth about the Trans Pacific Partnership: Miguel Gavilon Molina testifies about the struggles of the Chicano people-immigrant workers- and the work of Caesar Chaves and Delores Huerta among the Chicano people and immigrant workers @ http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/17392: Thank You For Listening!
01-26- 2014: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
01-26- 2014: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-01-26: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: The Introduction To The God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem-GAGUT-and the Shabaka Stone: We want to prepare the youth and prophecy to the youth: The youth will unite the religious and the scientific communities through the teaching of religion as pure science: The African religio-scientific cosmological knowledge of the universe: Scripture: Amos chapter 5 verse 8: Topics: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity-E=MC-squared-as rooted in the teaching of Africa: We define energy-we define mass and we define the speed of light: The feminine Pleiades and the masculine Orion: YHWH overturns the death system: YHWH brings life through the proper usage of darkness and light and night and day: The waters of the seas and the flooding of the Nile: The waters of the seas as the waters of Nun: The waters of the seas as the seed of life and the germ of life called sperm: We define YHWH as the Existing One: Hiyah the etymological root word of YHWH causes all to exist: The first law of science is cause and effect: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-The Real Party by Mary Mary-Bigger by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Mary & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
02-16-2014: Pt: 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: Topics: We share the African roots of the modern science of string theory-quantum physics and quantum mechanics-the concept of the atom: The African Dogon scientific teaching of creation: Sirius A-Sirius B: The Po Seed: The egg of the universe: The Po seed as the image of the universe and the image of the creator: The Po seed as light and sound invisible and inaudible and then visible and audible: The Po seed as Atum-Atom-Adam-masculine and feminine: The God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem and the Shabaka Stone: The African Khemet-Egyptian teaching of the science of creation: Three scientific phases of creation: Phase 1-the Waters of Nun: Phase 2-the rise of Ptah: Phase 3-the birth of Atum: Which is correct-Big bang theory-the word of God-the waters of Nun? The fictitious modern day table of elements: Hydrogen is the root element in the table of elements: The African roots of Chemistry and Alchemy: What is spiritual alchemy? Equip the youth to understand elements and metallurgy and smelting: Nun in the Bible: What is the Nunnery? Nun in the African Hebrew alphabet: The power available to the youth and the babies to build the Christ government and Christ Messiah civilization on this earth: The African science of the African Hebrew Temple: The sun and the solar science of the zodiac: The sun and the twelve month cycle clockwise through the zodiac: The sun and the 26,000 year cycle counter clockwise through the zodiac: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Victory by Yolanda Adams-Blind by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
02-16-2014: Pt: 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 13
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: We continue to share the African teaching of religion as pure science and science as pure religion: Topics: The African Hebrew Temple as the science of the universe: The holies-the curtain-the holy of holies-as the science of sacred masculine and sacred feminine unity: Khemet-Egypt-the mercy seat and sacred feminine: The garments of the high priest-the breastplate of righteousness-the urim-thummim-an instrument of divination: The African Hebrew Temple as an instrument of divination: Joseph and Laban as practitioners of divination: The African Hebrew Temple as a nuclear energy device: The Twelve Tribes of Israel and the science of precious metals and colors: The Twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve signs of the zodiac: Scripture: Bible-Genesis chapter 1 verse 1-12: Quran-chapter 6 verse 96-100: Topics: African cosmology and the science of quantum physics and quantum mechanics: We examine the etymological root words of the word Christ and we find the African cosmology and the science of quantum physics and quantum mechanics: Scriptures: James chapter 1 verse 17-18: Topics: The science of the sun and the shadow-the shadow as the image and likeness of God-Christ the image and likeness of God-mankind is Christ spirit and soul energy in human flesh: The original birth and nature of the human family: Scripture: Luke chapter 1 verse 35: Jesus and the womb of Mary as the science of the birth of every human being: Overshadow-shadow-image and likeness of God-Christ and Adam as male and female-the image and likeness of God-the same Christ and the same image and likeness of God: Scripture: James chapter 2 verses 7-8: The original nature of mankind as the nature of the Most High and the nature of the universe: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Your Name by Chante’ Moore and Kenny Lattimore-It Is Well by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
References: For information on the African origins of religion and science: The Integration Trap-Generation Gap-written by Oba T’ Shaka: Stolen Legacy-written by George G.M. James: Video presentations on the African Origins of religion and science: The Shabaka Stone and the Grand Unified Theorem by Booker T. Coleman and Dr. Gabriel Oyibo @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1oOx5moyQs: The God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem, (GAGUT), Math-Metaphysics by Dr Phil Valentine and Dr Gabriel Oyibo @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRusVagpmfA: The African Hebrew Temple as a nuclear device-Ancient Aliens-season 6 episode 10 @ http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/159396/Ancient_Aliens_S06E10_Aliens_and_The_Lost_Ark/: For a diagram of the African Hebrew Temple-Holeman Bible Dictionary-Pages 1326-1327: For information on the high priest garments and the urim and thummim as divining mechanisms-Holeman Bible Dictionary-page 372-left column-third paragraph: For information on the zodiac-The Coffee Table Book of Astrology-Edited by John Lynch: The jewel stones of Israel’s Twelve Tribes @ http://www.eifiles.cn/js-en.htm: The colors of the Twelve Tribes of Israel @ http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_colors_of_the_twelve_tribes_of_israel: The Zodiac signs and the Twelve Tribes of Israel @ http://milkywayastrology.wordpress.com/2010/06/13/the-zodiac-signs-and-the-twelve-tribes-of-israel-also-the-babylonian-zodiac/: Hebrew alphabet chart @ http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/28_chart.html: The Ark of the Covenant and the Holy of Holies in Egypt-Khemet-see the video presentation titles-Judaism The Stolen Religion From Africa by Ashra Kwesi: Research on the Zero done by my brother and co-worker Christopher Egger: For biblical definitions see the Strong’s Hebrew Greek dictionary and lexicon with the Blue Letter Bible @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm:
Current event-affairs and references: The CIA and FBI orchestrated killing of Malcolm X by Dick Gregory-Mosque # 7, New York City, New York-July 13, 2013 @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmtLlBSymeo: Michael Dunn and the killing of Jordan Davis-February 20, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Empire of Necessity-slavery as the roots of capitalism-February 06, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Death by metadata-February 10, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Up to 100,000 Stage "Moral March" Against North Carolina GOP-February 06, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: UPDATE: Kidnapped Anti-Drone Activist Karim Khan Has Been Freed-February 11, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: "Black Trans Bodies Are Under Attack"-February 19, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Ugandan President to Sign Anti-Gay Bill; Anti-Gay Mob Attacks 14 in Nigeria-February 17, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Ugandan President to Sign Anti-Gay Bill; Anti-Gay Mob Attacks 14 in Nigeria-February 27, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Silencing the Scientist: Tyrone Hayes on Being Targeted by Herbicide Firm Syngenta-February 21, 2014-edition-Democracy Now: A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup-February 20, 2014 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Additional information on the situation in Ukraine-World in Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley-February 23 and March 2, 2014 editions @ www.tarpley.net: The assassination of Minister Malcolm X-the innocence of the Nation of Islam-the guilt of the FBI and CIA-by Dick Gregory-July 13, 2013-Mosque #7 Harlem, New York @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hka-9I7kRok: Thank You For Listening!
02-16-2014: Pt: 14
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 15
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 16
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 17
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 18
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 19
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: continued...
02-16-2014: Pt: 20
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-02-16: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Sunday School Lesson Title: Son of David: Scripture and topics: LORD-YHWH as The Existing One and Living One: YHWH and the waters of Nun: The abundance of the creation for all: Tabor and Herman as Ptah-mind and thought: YHWH and Ma’at-truth and justice and righteousness: David is defined: David is raised and anointed: David-the waters of Nun and the birthing process: The sacred feminine Yahshu’ah: Adam-the son and daughter of God-Israel the firstborn of God-David the firstborn of God-Yahoshu’ah the only begotten of God-All human being are Christ spirit and soul in human flesh: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Videos: The Metaphysics of the Bible by Dr. Phil Valentine @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ4THGV2NqE: The Metaphysics of DNA by Dr. Phil Valentine @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-IMePnfqbQ:
Current events-affairs: 2014-03-09: 1-2-3-4-5-6: We give further commentary on Dick Gregory’s speech, given at Mosque No. 7, July 13 2013, Harlem New York: Topics: The manipulation of the Rodney King riots-the disappearing of 10,000 arrestees and the harvesting of organs: Lead poisoning may be the cause of police shootings and police suicides: Pollution and biological warfare as the cause of violence and enmity in the cities and the ghettos: The North America and the Caribbean ritual of the Dozens is connected to the slave master and the interbreeding of slaves @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hka-9I7kRok: Thank You For Listening!
03-09-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verses 20-21: Topics: How do we the human family overcome the system? We must allow Yahoshu’ah into our sacred and divine feminine spirit and heart and soul: We must listen to the voice of the sacred and divine feminine: The sacred and divine masculine provides the universe as a feast for the human family: To dine with Yahoshu’ah is to dine with health and wealth and prosperity and liberty and deliverance for the human family: The poor and the oppressed given the power and authority to rule the earth and the universe: Ground Zero-the Waters of Nun and the womb of Naunet: Zero not as nothing but as the birth place of the universe: Mathematics as the divine symbol of the birth process: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verse 99: Topics: Allah and the Waters of Nun: The creation of man from a single soul: The single soul of man as the One Christ-Atum: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: Thesis: Eunuchs Are Gay Men by Faris Malik: Books: Prayers Jesus Might Have Prayed by Philip Lambeth Green: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Celebrate by Smokie Norful-Walking by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Event-Affairs: 2014-03-09: Parts7-8-9-10-11-12: NATO Air Strike Kills 5 Soldiers in "Accidental" Bombing-March 6, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Afghanistan: AFP Reporter Among Dead in Wave of New Year’s Attacks-March 21, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Leaked EU Call: Opposition Behind Sniper Shootings in Kiev-March 6, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: We pay tribute to our dear Brother Chokwe Lumumba-February 27, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: Domino’s Workers Win Restitution for Stolen Wages-March 28, 2014 edition-Democracy Now: International Women’s Day Marked Across the Globe-March 10, 2014 edition Democracy Now: 7 Undocumented Immigrants Block Detention Center in Alabama-March 26, 2014 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Obama Administration backs fascists government of Ukraine-March 22, 2014 edition-World Crisis Radio @ http://tarpley.net/world-crisis-radio/: Putin and Russia reveal America to be hypocritical in international affairs-March 22, 2014 edition- World Crisis Radio @ http://tarpley.net/world-crisis-radio/: General Motors and the blatant disrespect for human life-March 21, 2014 edition-Economic Update @ www.kpfa.org: Thank You For Listening!
03-09-2014: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 13
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 21: Topics: How to overcome the system and sit on the throne of the Most High: How to empower the poor and the afflicted and the needy and the oppressed: The universe-the earth-the Ark of the Covenant-the footstool of the Most High-the divine and sacred masculine and the sacred and divine feminine-as the throne of the Most High: Sunday School Lesson Subjects and scripture: Peter’s Report: Psalm 110 verses 1-4: Acts chapter 2 verses 29-32: Topics: A scientific narrative of the prominence of the sun in creation: My Lord is Adon the Aton Sun Disk of Khemet-Egypt: How to convert the energies of your enemies and use the energies of your enemies for the benefit of the human family: How to achieve personal and material and social and political strength: Zion as the second phase of the African scientific narrative of creation: Zion the sunny mountain as Ptah and Atum: The womb of the morning and the original birth of mankind as the Waters of Nun in the womb of Naunet: The dew as the waters of Nun: The science of the overshadow and the one Christ Atum: The resurrection of the Christ-Atum from a dead people: Yahoshu’ah as health and wealth and prosperity and deliverance and liberty and the vengeance of the Most High: The work of Yahoshu’ah is to uplift the oppressed: Yahoshu’ah faces opposition and persecution: Your soul as Christ and your flesh as Yahoshu’ah shall not see corruption nor hell: An African scientific narrative on hell-Hades-Pluto: Orcus and the broken oath to the Most High: An understanding of Zeus and Chronos and the freeing of the elements from time finite into time eternal:
Continuing: Sunday School Lesson title and scripture: Worthy Is The Lamb: Revelation chapter 5 verses 6-13: Topics: The scripture as the science of the universe: The throne of the Most High, the Ark of the Covenant as the earth and the universe: The beasts and the elders as the sun and moon and stars and planetary bodies of the universe: The seven horns and seven eyes and seven spirits as the seven pole stars: The wobble of the earth and the wobble in human nature: The right hand as the feminine hand and the hand of favor and the prominence of the Sun-Disk in the universe: The importance of the Zodiac-The Lamb as the Ram and Aries: The principles of Yahoshu’ah redeem us from the wicked Wall Street marketplace system of trade and commerce-slavery and exploitation: The poor and the oppressed and the working class are to be empowered to rule the earth and the universe: The spherical and circular movement of the planetary bodies around the sun: The power of the Atom:
Continuing: Sunday School title and scripture: Triumphant and Victorious: Zechariah chapter 9: Mathew chapter 21: The scripture as prophecy: The land and the indigenous of the land ruled and oppressed by immigrants: How the Most High will rid the land of oppression: To be the daughter of the science of creation: To be the daughter of peace and salvation: Yahoshu’ah is health and wealth and prosperity and liberty and deliverance and vengeance: We must study Yahoshu’ah: We must transport Yahoshu’ah: We must be the vehicle for Yahoshu’ah: We must clothe and become Yahoshu’ah-health and wealth and prosperity and liberty and deliverance and vengeance: For information on the Zodiac see The Coffee Table Book of Astrology by John Lynch: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm:
Current events-affairs: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-1-18-19: The plight of the African immigrant in Israel @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUivyO5T_34: Crimea chooses to leave Ukraine and join Russia-March 17, 2014 edition-Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2014/3/17/after_crimea_votes_to_secede_how: We give critical examination to President Obama’s speech given in response to Russian Head of State Putin: Does America invade other countries? Does America overthrow governments? Does America steal land and wealth and resources? @ http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/03/26/day-3-president-obama-heads-belgium-speaks-us-europe-relations: Turkish officials caught planning false flag terrorist attack in order to escalate war in Syria-March 29, 2014 edition-World Crisis Radio @ http://tarpley.net/ukrainian-fascists-threaten-world-peace-night-of-long-knives-comes-early-muzychko-gas-princess-timoshenko-wants-to-nuke-kharkov-turkish-regime-caught-planning-false-flag-terror/: Thank You For Listening!
03-09-2014: Pt. 14
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 15
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 16
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 17
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 18
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19: continued...
03-09-2014: Pt. 19
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-03-09: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18-19: continued...
04-13-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-04-13: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: A Messianic Priest-King: Jeremiah chapter 23: Topics: A warning to all shepherds and rulers and leaders and teachers: The shepherds and leaders and rulers and teachers must feed the people spiritually and mentally and morally and physically and not destroy the people: We prophesy the coming of the babies and the children as the new leadership in the earth that will be truthful and just and righteous: The true meaning of Judah and Israel and the salvation of the oppressed masses of the earth:
Scripture: Zechariah chapter 6: Topics: The Lord Adon as the Hydrogen Atum ordering and constructing the universe: The Mountains of brass as Ptah the earth mound-the mind and the power of divination: The four chariots and the red and black and white and spotted horses-as the stars and the planetary bodies of the universe-the importance of the zodiac: The four chariots and the horses as the spirits of the Most High sent to every corner of the universe: Spirit-energy-disposition-gifts-attributes-characteristics-dispersed into the universe and the zodiac and the human family:
Current Events-Affairs: The destructive nature of NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: The twentieth anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide-a CIA operation to kill and control land and wealth and resources-April 07, 2014 edition-Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2014/4/7: Sen. Bernie Sanders: Supreme Court Undermines Democracy by Allowing Billionaires to "Buy Elections"-April 03, 2014 edition-Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2014/4/3/sen_bernie_sanders_supreme_court_undermines: Perry Stone reveals the zodiac in the floor of the African Hebrew Temple @ http://www.itbn.org/index/detail/lib/Networks/sublib/TBN/ec/9lYW9kbDqDp75FHMAbrOncsDyGssApu7: Biblical Definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Everybody by Baby Dubb and Men of Standard-Survive by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
04-13-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-04-13: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
04-13-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-04-13: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
04-13-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-04-13: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
04-13-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-04-13: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
04-13-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-04-13: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
05-25-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-05-25: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: Sunday School Lesson Title: A Messianic Priest and King: Scripture: Jeremiah chapter 23 verses 5-6: Zechariah chapter 6 verses 9-14: Topics: Building the Temple-Universe: The African Origin of the Calm Before the Storm: The science of the sun: The Hydrogen Sun Atum calls the forces out of captivity to build the temple: How the sun uses the table of elements to build the universe: We must use the science of the universe to rebuild our lives: The power of the Hydrogen-Christ-Sun-photosynthesis and the power of growth on the planet earth: Sunday School Lesson Title: The Third Day: Scripture: Hosea chapter 1-4: The science of the spring equinox-Passover-Atonement: The science of the sun traveling through the southern hemisphere of the zodiac: The symbolic light of the sun empowers us to control our passions and desires appetites-controlling the southern hemisphere of our physical structure: The resurrection of the oppressed masses on the third day: The original morning and the rising of the sun in the east and the spreading forth of the material waters of Nun: Rain-dew-the science of water as the seed of life: The science of life-covering-overshadow-humankind is the Christ image of the Almighty: Yahweh uses the universe and the clouds to divine the future of the human family: Water and dew-the seed of life and the spreading forth of the waters of Nun: How much do we truly love Yahweh-Existing for All: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Imhotep-The African-Architect of the Universe: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-You’ve Been So Good by Martha Minuzzi-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
05-25-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-05-25: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
05-25-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-05-25: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
05-25-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-05-25: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
05-25-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-05-25: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
05-26-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-05-26: Parts 1-2: Sunday School Lesson Title: The Third Day: Scripture: Hosea chapter 6 verses 1-4: Topics: Building The Temple-Universe: The African Origin of the Calm Before the Storm: The resurrection of the sun-Yahoshu’ah is the resurrection of the people: The first morning and the spread of the waters of Nun: The dew and the overshadow is Christ as every human being as the image and likeness of the Almighty: The science of the spring equinox-Passover-atonement: The science of Easter-the sun south of the earth’s equator-the human being must conquer the passions that are south of the equator of the human being-the waist: The resurrection of Yahoshu’ah is the resurrection of the people: We must shine in order to challenge the system: Yahoshu’ah-Galilee-the circuit of the sun travels through the zodiac: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Imhotep-The African-Architect of the Universe: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
05-26-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-05-26: Parts 1-2: continued...
06-08-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-08: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: Sunday School Lesson: The Third Day: Scripture: Luke chapter 24: Topics: The resurrection of Yahoshu’ah is the resurrection of the disorganized masses of the people: The stone rolled away is Ptah: The resurrected Yahoshu’ah is Atum-the Hydrogen Atom: The village of the poor and working class masses of the people: Emmaus-the mule and hot springs as Ptah and the watery waves of Nun: Christ as the Hydrogen-Atum-Atom-Sun in the south of the Zodiac controlling the lower passions and lower desires:
Sunday School Lesson: Jesus resists temptation: Scripture: Deuteronomy chapter 6 verses 13-16: Topics: The use of quantum physics and quantum mechanics in order to understand the spirit energy of the system: The wicked Elohim delay justice: The righteous Elohim administer justice and righteousness to the people: Scripture: Matthew chapter 4 verses 1-3: Topics: Jesus led by Mother Holy Spirit into the wilderness: The wilderness as the people as a neglected and rejected wife-neglected and rejected by her husband: The husband as the leaders of the earth whom have rejected and destroyed the people:
Sunday School Lesson: Jesus’ Mission on Earth: Scripture: Luke chapter 4: Satan control the world wide system of death and hell: How Satan obtained the kingdoms and governments of the earth: How Satan controls the elections process of the governments of the earth: Yahoshu’ah rejects Satan and stand up for the poor and the afflicted and the oppressed peoples of the proletariat of the earth: Yahoshu’ah in Galilee as the Sun traveling the circuit and the elliptic of the zodiac: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Imhotep-The African-Architect of the Universe: Music: Catch Me by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
06-08-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-08: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-08-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-08: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-08-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-08: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-08-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-08: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-08-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-08: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-16-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-16: Parts 1-2: Sunday School Lesson: Jesus’ Teaching on The Law: Scripture: Matthew chapter 14 verses 24-25: The science of Nun-Ptah-Atum: The ship tossed-the black touchstone-the veracity of the elements and the universe: The science of waves: Tried by the waves of life: Jesus went-evanescent-waves of light and sound: White light-prisms-rainbow-the power of dark matter the melanin of the universe: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Imhotep-The African-Architect of the Universe: Music: Catch Me by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
06-16-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier-2014-06-16: Parts 1-2: continued...
06-22-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-22: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Sunday School Lesson: Jesus’ Teaching on the Law: How the scribes and Pharisees misuse and abuse and manipulate the law: How the scribes and Pharisees withhold funds and revenues due the people: How the scribes and Pharisees transfer the peoples’ funds to Caesar and the Roman Empire: How the system corrupts the people: How the system divides the people and implants the mind of murder in the people:
Sunday School Lesson: The Greatest Commandment: Scripture: Leviticus chapter 19: YaHoWaH creates a righteous holy nation: The purpose of the Sabbath is to eliminate all debt: The system of death is idolatry: Provisions of food must be made for the poor and the oppressed: Do not lie and steal: Do not withhold the wages of the people from the people: Do not destroy the handicapped: No slander among the people: Create a clean judicial system: How the mingling and mixing of seeds can cause disease among the people IE Monsanto and big Agra-business: Love and immigrant as your own sister and brother: The seductive reality of this idolatrous system: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Programs: Cosmos by Neil DeGrasse Tyson @ Fox TV: Books: Imhotep-The African-Architect of the Universe: Music: Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Living For Remix by J. MossG7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
06-22-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-22: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-22-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-22: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-22-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-22: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-22-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-22: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-22-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-22: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-29-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Sunday School Lesson: The Greatest Commandment: Scripture: Leviticus chapter 19: Topics: How the wicked system solicits our participation: The symbols of our rejection of the system of death: Prostitution-a byproduct of the wicked system: The Sabbath and the elimination of all debt: Using our spiritual powers of divination for YaHoWaH-Life and not for death: Honor and respect our elderly sisters and brothers: Love the immigrant as if they are your own sister and brother: How to construct a whole society that is based on truth and justice and rightrousness:
The importance of the Zodiac and the African origin of the twelve signs of the zodiac: The deep African science and symbolism of Capricorn-the Goat-Saturn-Earth sign: Aquarius-The Water Bearer-Uranus-Air sign: Pisces-the Fishes-Neptune-Water sign: Aries-the Ram-Mars-Fire sign: Taurus-the Bull-Venus-Earth sign: Gemini-the Twins-Mercury-Air sign:
Current Events-Affairs: The CIA origins of Al Qaeda and Al Nusra in Syria: How the CIA and Saudi Arabia and Qatar trained ISIS in Jordan and are now using ISIS to destabilize Iraq-June 28, 2014 edition of World In Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/barroso-seals-semi-colonial-association-deals-with-ukraine/: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Imhotep-The African-Architect of the Universe: Programs: Cosmos by Neil DeGrasse Tyson @ Fox TV: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-You Know Me by George Huff-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
06-29-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-29-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-29-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-29-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
06-29-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-06-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-06-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-06: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Today we examine the African knowledge and African wisdom of the zodiac: By studying the twelve signs of the zodiac we learn of the characteristics and attributes of the YHWH-the universe and ourselves: The zodiac teaches us to liberate the human family-liberate the poor and the oppressed peoples of the earth: April 21-May 21 is Taurus the Bull-The sign of the builder of producer-Planetary ruler is Venus: May 22-June 21 is Gemini The Twins-The sign of the artist or inventor-Planetary ruler is Mercury: June 22-July 22 is Cancer The Crab-The sign of the prophet of teacher-Planetary ruler is the Moon:
Current Events-Affairs: Poverty- impoverishment-warfare and bloodshed are the read causes of the immigration of women and children from the south of America’s border: Texas Governor Perry suggests the use of drone planes to control North America’s southern border: The real reasons for Israel invading the Gaza and terrorizing the Palestinian people: The real July 4, 1776-liberation for the oppressed or the extension of the slave system of North America: Articles: Were the three settler kidnappings an Israeli “False Flag” Operation? By Karin Brothers: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Heaven Knows by Deitrick Haddon-Something Big by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
07-06-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-06: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-06-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-06: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-06-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-06: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-06-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-06: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-06-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-06: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-14-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-14: Parts 1-2: 2014-07-15: Parts 1-2: 2014-07-15: Parts 1: Today we return to the book of Revelation: Title: How we can overcome the system and establish the Kingdom of God and Queendom of Goddess and Heaven here and now on this earth: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verses 14-21: Topics: The church at Laodicea is the justice of the people: We talk to all leaders and rulers on this earth: Who is the Amen and when and how was the beginning of creation: The problem of apathy among the poor and working class proletariat peoples of the earth: The impoverishment of the people is indicative of the impoverishment of leadership: To be clothed and bathed in the light of the Sun-Solar-Christos-Atum: The Love of Yahoshu’ah: The chastening from Yahoshu’ah: Yahoshu’ah is health and wealth and prosperity and liberty for all: Yahoshu’ah is also vengeance against the wicked: Open your heart to Yahoshu’ah: Dine with Yahoshu’ah: converse with health and wealth and prosperity and liberty for all: How to overcome the system of death and hell and destruction and division and hatred among the poor and working class peoples of the earth:
Current Events-Affairs: Los Angeles cop beats Black woman: How the Fraternal Order of the Police have been made the enemy of the masses of the people: What is the real cause of the unrest in Israel-Palestine? Were the deaths of three Israeli boys really a false flag operation created by the Israeli government to justify brutality and terror against the Palestinian people in Gaza: Israeli Head of State Benjamin Netanyahoo-the Israeli government and their support of Al Qaeda: Israel’s military hospital built to support Al Qaeda and affiliates: Al Qaeda affiliates claim responsibility for the deaths of the three Israeli teenagers: Articles: Justified Vengeance”, The Pretext for Bombing Gaza: Was the Netanyahu Government behind the Killings of the Three Israeli Teenagers?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-What Do You Do by Dave Hollister-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
07-14-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-14: Parts 1-2: continued...
07-15-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-15: Parts 1-2
07-15-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-15: Parts 1-2: continued...
07-16-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-16: Part 1
07-20-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-20: Parts 1-2-3: YHWH-Existing-Living-raises the poor and the afflicted and the needy and oppressed into power to rule the universe: Yahoshu’ah-health and wealth and prosperity and liberty and deliverance raises the oppressed into power to rule the universe: We the oppressed must align ourselves with the science of the universe-living and existing for all: The throne of Yahoshu’ah is the universe: The throne of the Father is the universal truth and justice and righteousness: We go into the African narrative of the Mind of the Almighty Father as Nun-Huh-Kuk-Amun:
Current Events-Affairs: Are we headed toward World War Three? Putin Visits China and Brazil to organize against the dollar: BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa), create new monetary fund to rival International Monetary Fund and World Bank Organization: Is this the cause of the downing of the Malaysian plane? Was the downing of the Malaysian plane a false flag operation? Why was the Malaysian plane purposefully flown over warzone in Ukraine? Doctors on Malaysian plane were to attend AIDS conference in Malaysia to reinforce reality of AIDS as manmade disease made for the destruction of Black people: Did we forget about the coup of Ukraine by the State department of United States of North America? Fourteen minutes after downing of Malaysian plane the government of Israel attacks Palestinians in Gaza-the July 18, 2014 edition Alex Jones Show @ http://xml.nfowars.net/Alex.rss and the July 20, 2014 edition World Crisis Radio/w Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/: Videos: Obama and The New Old Order Part 2 by Dr. Phil Valentine-Time To Know Who Barry (or Barack), Really Is-by Dr. Phil Valentine-The Debate-The Historical Origins of Islam-Political Science and Social Economics by Dr. Ali Muhammad and Brother Polight-First Annual Conference For Melanin People by Dr. Delbert Blair and Dr. Phil Valentine and Brother Polight @ http://www.undergroundrailroadnet.com/: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Love Makes The World Beautiful by V Three-Blind by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
07-20-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-20: Parts 1-2-3: continued...
07-20-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-20: Parts 1-2-3: continued...
07-27-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Today we deal with the issues tied to power and the authority to rule: We deal with the metaphysical Yahoshu’ah within ourselves and the universe: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verses 21-22: The problems in the world today are rooted in the reality that the poor and working class disorganized masses of the proletariat peoples of the earth have not the power to rule our lives as we see fit: It is time now for the oppressed masses to unite: It is time now for the oppressed masses to align ourselves with the science of life and existing found in the scientific study of the universe: We must study the power of the Almighty YHWH-Father Mother within the universe and within ourselves: We must study the science of the Sun and Solar energy: We must study the signs of the Zodiac: We must understand the science of the mind and the relationship of the mind within the fabric of the material universe: We must possess our minds and our emotions: We must possess some portion of the universe-land and wealth and resources and health and wealth and prosperity: We examine the African teaching of the Zodiac sign of Leo: The attributes and characteristics and talents found in the Zodiac sign of Leo are found within ourselves: The earthly manifestation of Emperor Haile Selassie-July 23, 1892: The metaphysical reality of Haile I Selassie I within I and I: The prophecy of Haile I and Selassie I in this day and time: We must unite and overthrow the system: We can and we must defeat the system:
Current Affairs-Events: 2014-07-27: Russian head of state, Putin, travels to Cuba and forgives Cuba’s debt: Putin travels to China to set up economic system that will oppose the dollar: The BRICS nations, (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa), come together in order to create an alternative to the IMF and WBO and WTO: Now the Obama Administration has put sanctions on Russia: Think there is a connection? The Ukraine pro-Russian separatists are winning the CIA government of Ukraine: What really caused the downing of the plane over the eastern Ukraine? Why was the plane flown over the warzone in the eastern Ukraine? Were there AIDS scientists on the plane enroot to Malaysia in order to investigate the reality that AIDS is a manmade disease created to destroy Black people? Why is there war and a warzone in the eastern Ukraine what does the CIA and State Department of the U.S. have to do with this warzone? Was Benjamin Netanyahu ordered not to invade Gaza until 14 minutes after the plane was downed over Ukraine? Was the downing of the plane over Ukraine a NATO created false operation code named Breeze 2014? July 19, 2014 edition World Crisis Radio @ http://tarpley.net: July 18, 2014 edition Alex Jones Show @ http://xml.nfowars.net/Alex.rss: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Healed Heart by Darius Brooks-It Is Well by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
07-27-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-27-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-27-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-27-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
07-27-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-07-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
08-03-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-03: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 22: The poor and the oppressed need the power of self-determination: We the oppressed must listen to the Sacred Divine Mother Holy Spirit: We must remove our minds and ear and mind’s ear from the power of the wicked ruling class: Mother Holy Spirit teaches us to tie into existing and living an life within the universe and ourselves: Mother Holy Spirit is rational: Mother Holy Spirit is reason and cognizance: The spirit and energy of Mother Holy Spirit is the spirit and energy of life:
Current Events-Affairs: Israel’s continued mass murder of Palestinians -July 31, 2014 edition of Your World News @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news/2014/07/31/israels-continued-mass-murder-of-palestinians: We examine the Palestinian leadership: We look at the relationship of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and the enmity between the government of Egypt and Hamas: Israel shutting off Palestinian tunnels: How Israel uses and finances terrorism in order justify warfare and manipulate poor and oppressed people: The Ebola virus and the AIDS virus was created by the wicked in order commit genocide on Black people and oppressed people: The origin of cancer found in polio vaccine, (SV 40), administered to countless people by government scientists and government doctors-July 30, 2014 edition Guns and Butter @ www.kpfa.org: More truth on Israel’s illegal aggression against the Palestinian people-July 31, 2014 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: August 2, 2014 edition-World Crisis Radio @ www.tarpley.net: Argentina is facing a potential default on its sovereign debt if it fails to meet a Thursday deadline-July 28, 2014 edition Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2014/7/28/headlines#7289: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had weapons in his home to protect the lives of his family from the KKK and the government of the United States of America-July 21, 2014 edition Africa Today @ www.kpfa.org: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Precious Lord Take My Hand by Kelly Price-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
08-03-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-03: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
08-03-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-03: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
08-03-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-03: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
08-03-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-03: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
08-03-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-03: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
08-10-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 4 verse 1: Topics include: We must perceive the truth of the system in order to overthrow the system: The door of heaven is opened to us: The feminine door to heaven is the ancient African sacred divine feminine Naunet: The heaven is the ancient African sacred divine Nun: The first voice and the African teaching of time and space as Huh and Hauhet:
Current Events-Affairs: Radical Nigerians or a CIA front? By Askia Muhammad @ http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/World_News_3/nigerians_cia_front_101476.shtml: The impoverishment of the American people is connected to the 3 billion dollars a year given to Israel by the government of the United States of North America: The CIA created ISIS-ISIL is being used as a CIA operation in order to foment disorder in the Middle East and create fear in the people to justify preplanned wars and bloodshed, August 10, 2014 @ http://rss.infowars.com/20140810_Sun_Alex.mp3: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Soldier of Love by Sade-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
08-10-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
08-10-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
08-10-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
08-31-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-31: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12: Scripture: 2 Corinthians chapter 3: Topics: The science of Khemet-Egypt: Nun-Ptah-Atum: The mind of Ptah analyses the chaos and the disorder and then gives way to the transforming work of Atum-Christ: Moses and the Old Testament as the Mind of Ptah: Jesus and the New Testament as Atum: The African Hebrew Temple and the African science of dialectical materialism of the sacred union of the divine masculine and the divine feminine: Spirit-YHWH-Energy-positive spiritual force-E=MC-squared: The God and Goddess within: Our pre-incarnate relationship with YHWH: To be changed and formed into Christ-the image of Almighty YHWH:
2 Corinthians chapter 5: Topics: The misuse of our flesh-flesh of the universe-flesh of the Almighty: Living under a wicked system means living separated from YHWH-existing for all: Cease to know man after the flesh: Cease to know Christ after the flesh: Seek to know mankind and Christ after the spirit: How the spirit precedes all flesh: Know Christ as solar science on the atomic level: We reject the current system’s misuse and abuse of the universe and the misuse and abuse of Christ: In Christ a new creature means that we will create a new social order and a new legislature and a new government based on the science of the Atom of Life: Christ is Lord Shiva making all things new: The resurrection of Christ means the resurrection of trade and commerce and business and the marketplace and election and the public debate: The flesh symbolizes a system disconnected from the spirit energy disposition and vibration of YHWH within the Universe: The flesh symbolizes covetous and colonialism: The flesh symbolizes corrupt judges and corrupt prisons and corrupt election: The African scientific teaching of how all of creation began in the waters of Nun and began in the Mind of Ptah and began in the big bang as a single point of light-Atum-Christ:
The Atum-Christ work of reconciling the human family to the human family: Reconcile the human family to the universe: Reconcile the human family to the Almighty within the universe and within ourselves: 2 Corinthian chapter 6 verse 2: Topic: Now is the time of our salvation: Now is Nun and Nun is the universe: The universe is time so now and not later but now is the time for our salvation: Salvation is total freedom from the molestation of the system:
1 Kings Chapter 18: Elijah and the science of the Waters of Nun: The Dogon and the Po To Seed word of YHWH and the science of light and sound and the big bang and the power of light: The power of Nun and the power of ground Zero as the power of birthing 1-9: The African concept of the whole of the universe originating from the smallest point of light as Atum-Christos-the Po Seed Atom of Life:
Exodus chapter 20 and chapter 33: Moses enters the darkness symbolizes entering into the Waters of Nun and peace and order and tranquility and unity: Darkness and waters of Nun and speech and word as sound and transforming power of the Waters of Nun: Dew and rain and waters of Nun as the fixtures and beams of the material universe: The darkness and the waters of Nun as the Body of Christ and as the image of YHWH:
The Ancient Aliens-God Particle Episode August 2014 @ www.comcast.net : Topics: The Maya calendar and the prophecy of 2012: Geneva Switzerland-the Large Hadron Collider-the discovery of the God Particle or the rediscovery of the ancient teaching of the universe-the Higgs Boson as Atum-Christos: The Hindu Vedas and the teaching of the transforming power of light and the egg of the universe connected to the African Dogon: Democritus of 5th century Greece obtains the teaching of Atomos from Priests and Magi in Persia and Babylon-Chaldea and Khemet Egypt: The Lord Shiva statue outside the Large Hadron Collider inspires the work of the Geneva Switzerland scientists in their attempt to reproduce the big bang : The Lord Shiva and the Sun Disk and the cosmic dance of destruction and recreation: The Catholic Eucharist Monstrance Sun Disk is the same cosmic dance of Atum Christos for destruction and recreation of the universe:
Currents events-affairs: The expansion of NATO to the border of Russia: How NATO attempts to provoke Russia into World War Three-September 6, 2014 edition World in Crisis Radio @ www.tarpley.net and September 5 2014 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Videos-You Tube presentations: The Holographic Disclosure @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl0EwVR9YzE: August 8, 2014 edition-Ancient Aliens-The God Particle @ http://xfinitytv.comcast.net/watch/Ancient-Aliens/7790002953057004112/316580931945/The-God-Particle/videos: The Black Genesis-The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval-Sunday October 9, 2011 Brooklyn New York: Is Islam an Afrikan Religion? Intellectual discussion with Dr. Ray Hagins and Dr. Wesley Muhammad aka True Islam at the House of Consciousness in New York: Hidden Colors Part 3-the Rules of Racism-directed by Tariq Nasheed @ www.undergroundrailroad.net: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane- Soldier of Love by Sade-Love is in Need of Love by Stevie Wonder-Love Fire by Bunny Wailer-Love Train by the Ojays-Love Love by Peter Tosh-Sad to Know That You’re Leaving by Gregory Isaacs-Love Me Love Me by Jimmy Cliff-Harambe by Rita Marley-Brothers Sisters by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You For Listening!
08-31-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-31: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
08-31-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-31: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
08-31-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-08-31: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
09-21-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-21: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scripture: Jeremiah chapters 29-32: Topics: The process of peace: 1. Make the demand for peace after thorough study of the issues: 2. Pray for the intervention of YHWH-FatherMother-Existing and Living One-Universal Forces: 3. Reconciliation: 4. Redemption: 5. The universal laws of existing and living written on the hearts of every human being: 6. Love and friendship among all human beings: 7. The face of God-Goddess in every human being:
Scripture: Isaiah chapter 50: Topics: FatherMother-YHWH-spreads dark matter and le melanin all over the heavens: Dark matter and the melanin as the sacred and divine feminine: Walking in the ways of YHWH and hearing the voice of the servant of YHWH and the proper usage of the dark matter and melanin as the birth process: The wicked create missiles and implements of warfare and bloodshed and suffer great sadness from their own wicked creations:
Scripture: Revelation chapter 4 verse 1: Understanding the metaphysical science of the Universe: The Universe operates on the union of the sacred and divine masculine and the sacred and divine feminine: The feminine door opens to the masculine heaven: Creating the new civilization based on the science of YHWH’s governing of the universal bodies: The digit zero as the birth place of the 1-9: We must listen to the feminine voice of the feminine trumpet and uncover the truth of the system: We must study and investigate the wickedness of the system so that we may liberate the human family from the such wicked system:
Current Events-Affairs: The bombing of ISIL_ISIS in Syria: Reality of fictitious narrative: The CIA created Al Qaeda and Al Nusra and ISIL_ISIS is America now bombing them? The bombing of ISIL_ISIS used to bomb inside Syria and overthrow Assad: ISIL’s beheading of journalists create by CIA to maneuver people into supporting warfare and bloodshed: Syria sends fighter plane to Syrian Israeli border to fight Al Qaeda-Israel shoots down Syrian fighter plane: Israel protecting military medical facility used to rehabilitate Al Qaeda fighters: Senator John McCain photographed with Syrian rebels and Al Qaeda and ISIL_ISIS-September 20, 2014 edition World Crisis Radio @ www.tarpley.net: The fictitious CIA narrative of James Foley- James Foley on the Dehumanization of War: Acclaimed Filmmaker Haskell Wexler Shares 2012 Interview-September 12, 2014 edition Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2014/9/12/james_foley_on_the_dehumanization_of: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-Back In Our Minds Again by Funkadelic-Beautiful Brother of Mine by Curtis Mayfield-Love Fire by Aswad-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
09-21-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-21: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-21-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-21: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-21-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-21: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-21-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-21: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-21-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-21: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-28-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-28: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scripture: Revelation chapter 4 verses 1-2: Topics: What must be our mentality and consciousness as we work to liberate the human family: We must listen to the feminine voice of the universe: We must come up and rise up and raise our consciousness for the liberation of the human family: Father-Mother-Yahowah raises and exalts the oppressed for the liberation of the human family: Father-Mother-Yahowah gives us insight into that which must be: We examine the true spirit of the universe: The African ancestors teach us of the waters of the universe before the grosser matter: What was the nature of the universe before the Christ-Light transformed the waters into the mass and matter and material universe that live in today? The universe as the system of life and the universe as the great facilitator of life teaches us how to transform society and transform civilization and transform government and transform constitution into that which is obedient to the laws of life in the universe: We look into the science of the heavens and the universe in order that we may be empowered to recreate civilization obedient to the laws of life in the universe: Father-Mother-Yahowah-the black dark waters of Nun-womb of Naunet-Dark Matter-the Melanin of the Universe sits on the throne empowered to facilitate life and existing for all!
Current Events-Affairs: We continue to look at the situation in Syria and Iraq with ISIL_ISIS: We see the reality that those that work for the wicked ruling class are not safe: McCain and the Republicans and neo-cons push President Obama into escalating war in Syria supposedly against ISIL_ISIS and Khorasan through the use of two breaches of security at White House-September 27, 2014 edition World Crisis Radio @ www.tarpley.net: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Video Presentations: The Vampire of Consciousness by Dr. Phil Valentine @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUx7DrrYPMk : Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology edited by John Lynch: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-War by Edwin Starr-Things Are Going To Change by John Lee Hooker-Some Day We’ll Be Together by the Supremes-Hey World by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
09-28-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-28: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-28-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-28: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-28-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-28: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-28-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-28: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
09-28-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-09-28: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-05-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scriptures: Psalm division 97 verses 1-2: Revelation chapter 4 verse 3: Topics: We go deep into the science of the Waters of Nun: The Waters of Nun as Dark Energy and Dark Matter: The watermelon as symbolic of the waters of Nun: The Watermelon as symbolic of the science of the universe: The watermelon as symbolic of the Waters of Nun as the Water Melanin of the Universe: The purpose of the watermelon symbolizing racism and stereotypes: How the wicked ruling class give us the water melon as a racist stereotype in order to disconnect us from the science of the Waters of Nun-the Water Melanin of the Universe: The science of the clouds and the darkness around the throne of the Almighty YHWH: YHWH-the throne and clouds and the science of divination: YHWH-the throne and darkness and the science of the waters of Nun: How Christ transformed the waters of Nun-the rain the waters the dew into the mass material that live under today: The waters of Nun and the overshadow of the universe: Our identity as the Christ and the Shadow of the Almighty:
African Revolutionary Apostle John teaches us the science of the throne of the Almighty as the Waters of Nun-water melanin of the Universe: The Jasper and the Sardine Stone and the Rainbow and the Emerald: The science of Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The science of crystals and the science of light and glass: The Khamites and the science of the 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 sided pyramid-the meridians of earth and the energy grid in Khemet-Africa: The transforming of the original waters by the light through the 7 sided pyramid prism for the power of photosynthesis: The waters of Nun as the science of Plasma: Quartz and crystals-glass and atoms and molecules and the three dimensional nature of the universe: The science of the television-crystals-glass-cells-atoms-molecules-three dimensional colored picture mimicking the science of light and sound of the universe: The word-neutron of the Almighty compared to blood as the power that upholds and sustains life: We as the Christ-Light must use the science of the Waters of Nun in order to transform the society and civilization and constitutions and institution into the new reality:
Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-Dear Mr. Man by Prince-Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band-You’re a Friend of Mine by Clarence Clemons and Jackson Browne-Rainbow Children by Aswad-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
10-05-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-05-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-05-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-05-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-05-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-12-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scriptures: Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5: Job chapter 1 verse 27: Topics: The Zodiac-the Sun in the sign of Virgo: The Virgo is the virgin: The original virgin birth and Immaculate Conception-what is the real definition? The Virgo as the Womb of Naunet: The Virgo and the Womb of Naunet as the Womb and Mother in Job: The Virgo and the Womb of Naunet as the womb that we must return into: The origins of the human family in the original virgin birth and Immaculate Conception: The origins of the human family as the original body of Christ: The Virgo-the Sun and the fall season: The Virgo-the Sun and the Genesis and the fall of mankind: The Zodiac sign Leo-the seed of life leads to Virgo and the virgin birth and Immaculate Conception:
Words-talents-characteristics-attributes associated with Virgo: Craftsman-critic-a mutable earth sign-exact-methodical-industrious-discriminating-intelligent-chaste: The Zodiac was created by the Africans in order that the human being may know self: The Zodiac must be used to realize the power of the Almighty within the universe and within ourselves as we are mini-universes: The Zodiac must be used to liberate the human family from the tyrannical rule of the wicked ruling class and the ruling families: We must be exact in our political and critical understanding of the system that we live under: We must understand and study government and corporations and institutions: We must understand politics and economics and ecology: We must understand the universe and how the Almighty operates the universe so that we may transform society and civilization as the Body of Christ-Light of the Universe:
Current Events-Affairs: Who is Al Qaeda-Al Nusra-ISIL_ISIS-Free Syrian Army? How President Obama has been maneuvered into escalation of war in Syria: We examine the real reasons for the breakdown in President Obama’s security: With proper complex and critical analysis we show how the wicked ruling class manufacture these breaches in security to maneuver President Obama into escalation of war in Syria-October 11, 2014 edition World in Crisis Radio @ www.tarpley.net: We give our thoughts on all sides of the climate change debate: We give some thoughts on the Ebola virus: We look at how the European nations and America have broken the healthcare infrastructure of Africa through warfare and colonialism and exploitation: We look at how the immune system of the people of Africa is compromised through the administering of contaminated vaccines: Have scientists created antidotes to the major diseases of the world? What has happened to those scientists?-October 08, 2014 edition of Coast to Coast w/George Noory and Steve Quayle @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64KURr5F2pg: We give our thoughts on the great journalistic work of the late Gary Webb: We look at how Gary Webb, former San Jose Mercury News Journalist, through his persistent research, exposed the CIA connection to the cocaine drug trade and the crack cocaine epidemic-October 9 and 10 editions of Flashpoints @ www.kpfa.org:
Correction! I misquote Steve Quayle concerning the nature of the Ebola Hybrid: Real Ebola causes hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: This Ebola hybrid-biological and chemical weapon-does not cause hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: I give the full correction in the 2014-10-26 edition of the Mind of God Program: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-I Wish I Knew How It Feels To Be Free Live by Nina Simone-I’ll Take You There Live by The Staple Singers-There For You by Damian Marley-Dancin’ In The Street by Martha and The Vandellas-Exodus Live by Bob Marley and The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
10-12-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-12-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-12-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-12-2014: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-12-2014: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
10-26-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: Scriptures: Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5: Job chapter 1 verse 27: St John chapter 3: Topics: The real and original virgin birth and Immaculate Conception: We continue to examine the Sun in the Zodiac sign of Virgo the Virgin: Colors associated with Virgo: gray or navy blue-descriptions of the Water of Nun: Metal associated with Virgo: quicksilver=mercury-Atomic #80: 80 protons and 80 neutrons and 80 electrons: quicksilver mercury as 80 Hydrogens-80 Atums-80 Christos-80 Lord Shivas-80 Monstrances:
We also look at the Sun in the Zodiac sign of Libra: Characteristics and attributes associated with the Zodiac sign of Libra: Statesman-manager: Cardinal airy sign: Cardinal signs deal with issues concerning the soul and the development of the soul form the base animal level to through the human level up to the highest spiritual level: Also associated with Libra are: Alert-just-artistic-painstaking-honorable-well balanced-affectionate-sympathetic: The Planetary Ruler of Libra: Venus: Attributes of Venus: The love-nature-pleasure-children-art-luck-wealth-beneficent-the Lesser Fortune of the ancients: The Waters of Nun as Gems associated with Libra: Diamond-opal: The Waters of Nun as colors associated with Libra: indigo blue: The Waters of Nun as metals associated with Libra: Copper-abbreviation Cu- Atomic # 29-29 protons-29 neutrons-29 electrons-29 Hydrogens-29 Atums-29 Christos-29 Lord Shivas-29 Monstrances:
Current Events-Affairs: 2014-10-26: Correction! Real Ebola causes hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: This Ebola strain is a hybrid-biological and chemical weapon-it does not cause hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: October 8, 2014 edition Coast to Coast AM w/George Noory @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64KURr5F2pg: The Ebola outbreak in Africa connected to the scramble for wealth and minerals and resources in Africa by America Europe and Israel-The Underground Railroad Program @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27OBsF7zCeg&list=UUhHAk97MIj6AhbVigYAqyKw: There is no natural disease called Ebola by Richard Muhammad-Ashahad Muhammad-Brian Muhammad-The Final Call Newspaper @ www.finalcall.com: Correction! Andrew Adler, the publisher of The Atlanta Jewish Times calls for the assassination of President Obama The Jerusalem Post@ http://www.jpost.com/International/Atlanta-Jewish-newspaper-calls-for-Obama-assassination: We also look how President Obama’s security breaches are orchestrated by the wicked ruling class in order to maneuver President Obama into escalating warfare and bloodshed:
Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-CIA by Zach De La Rocha-KRS One and Last Emperor-Give More Power to The People by the Chi Lites-Exodus Live by Bob Marley and the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
10-26-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
10-26-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
10-26-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-07-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-07: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scriptures and Topics: Job chapter 1 verse 21: The science of born again and virgin birth and Immaculate Conception: We must return to Sheol-Mother Holy Spirit Womb of Naunet: We must strip mentally naked-strip ourselves mentally of the wicked mentality of the system: Job chapter 38 verse 9: The clouds and the science of the waters melanin of Nun: Soothsaying and magic and divination are talents from Yahowah-we must use them for Yahowah-the Existing One: The thick clouds of darkness-dark energy and dark matter and the drip and the trickle and the field of light that transforms the waters into mass and matter the material universe: The swaddling band and the womb that houses the waters of Nun: Job chapter 42 verse 7: Eliphaz-my God is fine God: El is the Ram of Aries-the strength and pioneer for freedom: The science of Christ as the Atomic chemical table of elements: Christ as the field of light that transform the waters melanin of Nun into the mass and matter and material universe: The Christos-Atum purges and cleanses the waters of Nun removing the dross and the gross from the element of gold: The Atum-Christos field of light transmutates and transmigrates the soul from the animal stage to the human stage and finally to the spiritual stage: Christ is al-chemy al-chemistry: Job chapter 42 verse 8: The African science of the Zodiac: 7 bullocks-the Taurus-producer and the builder of the universe: 7 rams-the Aries-pioneer for freedom and justice: The importance of the number seven: the number 7 and cessation of debt and exploitation and the return of land and wealth to the original owner:
Current events-affairs: We continue to examine the situation in Furguson: The real and root cause of segregation and exploitation in Furguson and the United States: Richard Rothstein on how government policy created Furguson-December 2-2014 edition of Letter and Politics @ http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/109042: Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Videos-Google Documentaries: Anthony Browder 22 Essays @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3360ZVld2Lc: The Nile Valley Contributions with Anthony Browser @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo7DVnchsSU: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Fame by David Bowie-Smile Live by the Itals-Exodus by the Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
12-07-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-07: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-07-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-07: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-07-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-07: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-14-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture and Topics: St. John chapter 3: The African science of born again-virgin birth-immaculate conception: How Caesar maintained control over the African Hebrew Israelite Nation: How the wicked ruling class and ruling families control the masses: Steve Cokely on the Boule as the Black Skull and Bones created to control the Black communities: Nicodemus represents the victory of the people over the system: Yahoshu’ah teaches the concept of born again: The science of the Kingdom of God and born of the water and the spirit: The science of the universe coming out of water: The science of light as the first born of creation and the power of the light to transform the waters of melanin of Nun into the mass and matter and material universe of today:
Current Events-Affairs: We continue to look at police brutality occurring all over the United States of North America and the root causes: We also look at the protests that are occurring all over the United States of North America: Budget passes with riders that empower banks to engage in derivatives trading: Democrats and Republicans collude together to empower the banks-December 13, 2014 edition World In Crisis Radio W/Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/: Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Videos-Google Documentaries: Taj Tarik Bey-Shut It Larry.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cLtAUYpZWU: The Proof is in The Pudding Part 1 with Dick Gregory-December 18, 2014 edition We All Be @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWj9zVCWROY: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-What a Fool Believes by The Doobie Brothers-Soldier of Love by Sade-Police Brutality by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
12-14-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-14-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-14-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-28-2014: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-28: Parts 1-2-3-4: The African Cosmological Science of Mary-Christ-Mass: Three stars in Orion’s belt as the three wise men from the east-the star in the east as the Sirius star system-the Sun and the winter solstice-the Sun on the celestial cross-the birth and rebirth and resurrection of the Sun-Fire-Light-the original virgin birth and immaculate conception: Scripture and Topics: The angels and the shepherds and the zodiac lead our souls out of the animal into the human and finally into the spirit energy stage of life: The hydrogen sun filed of light is Christ the firstborn: Christ wrapped in swaddling clothes is the sun as a weapon that transforms the human being the wicked animal state to the pure spirit energy state: Yahoshu’ah in the manger feeds the human being with the health and wealth and prosperity and deliverance and liberty from the universe: No room in the inn as the cities and villages and district government and institutions not having room the scientific light of the universe –the Christ Atum-therefore the institutions and the government of this world system are to be dissipated and overthrown and torn down in order that we may be transformed and enabled to facilitate the new society and the new institutions and the new Jerusalem here and now on this earth:
St Matthew chapter 14: Jesus teaching the multitudes-the poor and oppressed and working class masses the science of the universe: Bethlehem as the House of Bread-the word as the bread of life-the neutron as the bread of life: The ship as the hydrogen Christ Atum transporting the elements in the universe from waters to waters: The waters are the waters of Nun-Peter is Ptah the earth mound and mind of the Almighty-Jesus is the Sun-Hydrogen Solar Atum moving through the zodiac: The twelve disciples in the ship tossed with waves-12 disciples as the 12 signs of the zodiac: tossed with waves as the touch stone siliceous stone that tests the veracity and integrity of metals: Trials and chaos and turbulence tests our metal and resolve as true disciples of Yahoshu’ah: Jesus went to them walking on the sea-Jesus went as evanescence-the physics of evanescence teaches us of the properties of vibrations-energy in the universe-the properties of the vibrations and power and force of light: Jesus as the Hydrogen Atum calms the storm: To worship Yahoshu’ah is to follow the science of the solar hydrogen Atum-Christos as we obey the Almighty Father Mother Yahowah: The power of water and the Mind of Almighty and Atum-Christos is within us to transform ourselves and transform the whole of humanity and the whole of the earth into the will of Yahowah:
Current events-affairs: We examine the hatreds and biases and prejudices found in the human family emanating from the wicked mind of the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families: How the ranking file of the Fraternal Order of the Police are manipulated into destroying the lives of Black people: How the rank and file of the military are manipulated into killing poor and oppressed and working class in foreign lands: How Al-Qaeda mercenaries are manipulated into killing poor and oppressed and working class people in the Middle East and North Africa: Al-Qaeda leadership killing members who attempt to walk away from CIA control and reject the CIA created Al-Qaeda-December 27, 2014 edition-World Crisis Radio @ www.tarpley.net: What was really behind the Libyan revolution to oust Colonel Ghadafi and the US’s strategy to use Islamic terrorists, with James and Joanne Moriarty-October 7, 2014 edition Progressive Commentary Hour with Gary Null @ http://prn.fm/progressive-commentary-hour-100714/: http://tarpley.net/: Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Videos-Google Documentaries: The Panama Deception @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo6yVNWcGCo : Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Re Ya Dumedisa (We Wish You Well) by Mahlathini & The Mahotella Queens-Good Time by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
12-28-2014: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-28: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-28-2014: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-28: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
12-28-2014: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program with your Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2014-12-28: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...