Mind of God 2013
The Mind of God Program- Hosted Deacon Christopher Frazier.
Mind of God 01/06/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-06: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verses 7-8: The great work of Yahshuah-Liberation: Yahshuah works on behalf of the oppressed peoples of the earth: Yahshuah opens all of the blessings of creation to the oppressed: Yahshuah blocks the oppressor from accessing the blessings of creation: Yahshuah-Liberation sees our sincere work for revolution: Yahshuah-Liberation has opened the door to the Kingdom of God-the Queendom of Goddess and heaven here and now on this earth: The Devil cannot defeat the process of Yahshuah-Liberation: To keep the word of Yahshuah-Liberation: Never deny Yahshuah-Liberation: Why is there power in the name Yahshuah? What is the definition of Yahshuah? Why is Yahshuah’s name above every other name? Current Affairs-Events: Eugenicists-eugenics-genetics-social Darwinism-White supremacy and the killing of Jordan Russell Davis, (RIP-1995-2012): Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Videos-Documentaries: Scientific Racism-The Eugenics of Social Darwinism by the BBC: The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black and C-Span: Books: A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues by Solomon Comissiong: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Celebrate by Smokie Norful-Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/06/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-06: continued...
Mind of God 01/06/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-06: Part 3-Part 4: Sunday School Lesson Title and scripture: Proclaiming Christ: Philippians Chapter 1-Verses 1-26: Paul is a political prisoner-because Paul chose to stand for the oppressed and against Caesar the oppressor: The great work of freedom-justice-equality: Abound in love and justice: Clean ourselves from the mind of colonialism-slavery-exploitation-live in a righteous fashion: To spread the revolutionary gospel of Jesus Christ to the Commander in Chief: Christ preached for many reasons: What is true salvation? Paul is the revolutionary Apostle-Paul is the winner-living or dead: To rejoice and be joyful in Jesus Christ-what does that mean? Yahshuah Christos is the process of freedom-justice and equality: Current Affairs-Events: National Radio Forum on Police Brutality and Institutional Racism-January 9, 2013 edition of Your World News @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news/2013/01/09/national-radio-forum-on-institutional-racism-imperialism: Sandy Hook: Unanswered Question-with Professor James F. Tracey on Guns and Butter-January 9, 2013 edition @ http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/87874: Three years after the quake, how the world came to save Haiti and left behind a disaster: With Chaves ailing, Venezuela’s longstanding divisions threaten political upheaval: Bronx accosted by NYPD win landmark court ruling deeming stop and frisk tactic illegal: As Brennan tapped for CIA, case of Somali detainees highlights Obama’s embrace of secret rendition: Four years after vow to close GITMO, why has Obama signed NDAA bill barring transfer of its prisoners? Hacker group anonymous leaks chilling video in case of Steubenville rape-cover-up-week of January 7, 2013-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Future Is The Beginning-The Words And Wisdom of Bob Marley by Gerald Hausman: Articles: Dillon Read And Company Incorporated-And The Aristocracy Of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts @ http://www.dunwalke.com/introduction.htm: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/06/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-06: Part 3-Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 01/13/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-13: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 9: Hyksos part 2-section 1: The church at Philadelphia: The need for brotherly and sisterly love in a time of eugenics and genocide: The European Jew is not the Jew of your Bible: The modern day State of Israel is not the Israel of your Bible: The ruling class and ruling families of the European Jewish community are the synagogue of Satan: The synagogue of Satan as a gathering of the elites of Judaism-Christianity-Hinduism-Buddhism-Socialism-Communism-the Democrats-the Republicans-all working together to further eugenics and worldwide international genocide against the poor and working class Black-Brown-Red-Yellow and White: Satan and this Satan system are the longtime wicked adversaries of the Most High-truth-justice-righteousness-the oppressed peoples of the earth: The governmental-financial-educational institutions are infested and infected with the disease of the philosophy of eugenics and the propagation of worldwide international genocide: Yahshuah-the principles of truth and justice-will make the ruling class and ruling family fictitious Jew to bow and worship we the despised and rejected: We the Black and man and woman in the western hemisphere are the real and true African Hebrew Israelite Nation: Yahshuah-Justice loves the despised, rejected and oppressed peoples of the earth: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Books: The Future Is The Beginning-The Words And Wisdom of Bob Marley by Gerald Hausman: Articles: Dillon Read And Company Incorporated-And The Aristocracy Of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts @ http://www.dunwalke.com/introduction.htm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Message 4 Ya by Bootsy Collins and Nicole Mullin-Walking by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/13/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-13: continued...
Mind of God 01/13/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-13: Part 3-Part 4: Hyksos Part 2-Section 2: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 9: Genesis Chapter 2-Verses 10-14: Amos Chapter 9-Verse 7: Zephaniah Chapter 1-Verse 1: Ezekiel Chapter 39-Verse 1: Genesis Chapter 15-Verses 12-15: Deuteronomy Chapter 28-Verse 68: The true history of the Hyksos-Egypt-Slavery-Moses-as a prophetic window into America: Healing and uniting the oppressed Black-oppressed Brown-oppressed Red-oppressed Yellow and oppressed White-through critical and true analysis of the true history of the human family: The African Edenic origins of the human family: Origins of the Hebrew Israelite Nation: Origins of the European Jew and the modern day state of Israel: Look deeper into the identity of the Black man and woman living in the western hemisphere: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: References: The Integration Trap-Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Judaism and Christianity-Stolen Religion from Africa-both parts one and two-DVD-Ashra Kwesi: The 13th Tribe by Arthur Koestler: Chosen People From the Caucuses by Michael Bradley: The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/13/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-13: Part 3-Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 01/20/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-20: Hyksos Part 2-Section 3: Scripture: Deuteronomy Chapter 28-Verse 68: Genesis Chapter 15-Verse 14: The Hyksos-Egypt-Moses-a prophetic window into America: God’s judgment on America: The roots of warfare-bloodshed: The underlying philosophy that controls our governmental-educational-financial and religious institutions: The rise of the House of Rothschild and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913: World War I and the rise of the Oppenheimers and the diamond industry: The 7 nation 5 year plan of the Bush and Obama Administrations: The Greater Middle East Project-order out of chaos-the remaking of Africa and the Middle East: Democrats and Republicans to shrink government and cut social security-Medicare-Medicaid: The destruction of living wage jobs-destruction of neighborhoods-city governments-unions and the connection to the drug economy and the prison industrial complex: Eugenics-genocide and the destruction of poor and working class Black-Brown-Red-Yellow and White: Eugenics and genocide are rooted in slavery and colonialism: Death camps and concentration camps in Tasmania-India and Southwest Africa years before Hitler: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: References: Money Masters by Bill Still-Jesus Saves by Minister Louis Farrakhan, (Saviours Day 1995)-Scientific Racism and the Eugenics of Social Darwinism by the BBC-The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black-Presented by C-Span: Northern Syria learns to hate occupation by the “fee Syrian army;” NATO commits decisive error by adding a new front against Algeria-Mali by Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/: Dillon Read & Co. Inc.-And The Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Everybody by Baby Dubb and Men of Standard-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/20/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-20: Hyksos Part 2-Section 3: continued...
Mind of God 01/20/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-20: Hyksos Part 2-Section 3: continued...
Mind of God 01/20/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-20: Hyksos Part 2-Section 4: The philosophy of Eugenics-genocide-scientific racism: Eugenics creators turn on the poor and working Caucasian, so-called White people: Eugenics creators turn on the mentally and physically deficient for destruction: The philosophy of Eugenics permeates governmental-educational-financial-medical-religious institutions: The American Eugenics society: The House of Rothschild-the Rockefeller Foundation-Eugen Fischer and the Eugenics program of Germany: The House of Rothschild finance the creation of Hitler and Nazi Germany: The House of Rothschild raise Hitler to be a student of Eugenics-genocide-social Darwinism and scientific racism: Hitler sterilizes and kills mix breed: Hitler kills Gypsies: Hitler kills mentally and physically deficient: Hitler kills socialists and communists: Hitler is the biggest financial backer for the creation of the modern day state of Israel: Hitler and the Zionists strike a deal to save wealthy and moneyed and skilled elite Jews while killing the poor and working class Jews: Hitler provides infrastructure and financial backing for the creation of Israel as a Eugenics and genocide program: The House of Rothschild-the Oppenheimers-the Zionists all illegally usurp the boycotts to do business with Hitler and the Nazi government of Germany: The modern day state of Israel helps to create and arm the wicked-racist-apartheid government of South Africa: Hitler’s Nazi Germany-Israel-South Africa-eugenics-genocide-social Darwinism-scientific racism: Solutions: Nationalize Federal Reserve Bank: Education for all: Healthcare for all: Guaranteed living wage earned income for all: Cessation of warfare and bloodshed: Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 21-Verses 40-43: Jesus the doom of Caesar and the wicked ruling class and families: Scientific Racism and the Eugenics of Social Darwinism by the BBC-The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black-Presented by C-Span: Mad In America by Robert Whitaker: The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman and Maya Shone: Dillon Read & Co. Inc.-And The Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/20/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-20: Hyksos Part 2-Section 5: The Youth Are The Solution! Scripture: St. Matthew Chapter 21-Verses 40-43: St. Matthew 24-Verses 23-28: 1% Wall Street sales tax as a solution: The parable of the vineyard and the wicked husbandmen: The LORD takes the Kingdom-earth from the wicked ruling class-ruling families: The LORD gives the Kingdom-earth to the youth and babies of today: The youth and babies must learn all of the wisdom Egypt-Africa: The youth must learn to be builders of civilization-government-institutions: Teach the youth economics-mathematics-geometry-solar science-lunar science-astrological science-the science of the universe: America is a false Christ: The heads of governmental-educational-financial-religious institutions are false Christs and false prophets: Black man and woman as the son of man-Messiah People: America is the eagle: The Black man and woman are the carcass: Poor and working class people of the earth made dead with eugenics-genocide-social Darwinism: The Masonic symbols of the dollar bill as African symbols of the resurrection of the oppressed: Biblical definitions @ www.eliyah.com/lexicon: Music: G7 Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/20/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-01-20: Hyksos Part 2-Section 5: continued...
Mind of God 02/03/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-03: The Supremacy of Jesus Christ: Sunday School Scripture: Colossians Chapter 1-Verses 12-20: The Most High enables the oppressed masses to partake in the inheritance of the universe: The Most High delivered from the oppressive and wicked governments and authorities and powers: The oppressor ruling class moved out of leadership and the babies and youth of the oppressed peoples of the earth moved into power and leadership in the Kingdom of God and the universe: Redemption is to be redeemed from the death sentence of the system-redemption is the act of abolishing the wicked and illegal laws of slavery-colonialism and exploitation: Christ as the image of the invisible God-Amen-invisible Goddess-Ament: Christ as the image of creation: Christ is the atom-the seed of the creator: Christ is quantum physics and quantum mechanics: Christ is the process of creation: Christ and Sirius A-Christ and Sirius B: Christ as the Po Seed of Africa: The teachings of Moses-Genesis to Revelation-African teaching of science: Etymological root of Christ as Ma’at-truth-justice-righteousness: Christ as the power and anointing in the universe that is in our hands-here and now to deliver the oppressed: Christ the first born principle from a dead people now resurrected: Peace and the cross: The cross symbolized the successful stance Jesus took against Caesar and Rome: Peace is national tranquility and exemption from war and havoc: Teach the babies politics-geopolitics-the universal government of the Most High: Biblical definitions@ http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Integration Trap-The Generation Gap by Oba T’Shaka: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 02/03/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-03: continued...
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 9-10: The Most High loves the oppressed and is here to deliver the oppressed: Yahshuah loves the oppressed and is here to deliver the oppressed: Live the process of Yahshuah: Study the definitions of Yahshuah: Our need for Sisterly-Brotherly Love-Philadelphia: We must keep the word-work-mission of Yahshuah-Jesus-which is revolution-spiritual evolution-deliverance of the oppressed from the oppressor and oppression: A deep analysis of the Word-Logos as quantum physics and quantum mechanics-the atom-Adam-dark matter-the God particle: Current Affairs-Events: Former member of FOP kills members of Los Angeles police force-accuses police of hypocrisy-criminality: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-No Never by Kierra Ki Ki-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: continued..
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: Part 3-4: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Full Life In Christ: Colossians Chapter 2 verses 2-15: Paul preaches a Christ that has material affect: Paul preaches knowledge in Jesus and knowledge in Christ: Define Jesus and define Christ: Yahshuah-Jesus and freedom now: Philosophy and vain deceit-empty language to spoil-delay our freedom: The world system of wickedness verses the liberation of Christ: The indwelling of the feminine Godhead: Christ setting up government-institutions-systems outside Rome-Caesar: Circumcision and the cleaning up from colonialism-slavery-exploitation: Baptism as the African ritual of the birthing of a God and Goddess: Christ blots out-abolishes illegal laws from the Roman Senate: Misuse and abuse of the law of Moses and the words of the apostles: The cross as the symbol of resistance to the Roman Empire: Current Events-Affairs: Republican house vote to freeze wages of public workers: Michael Moore-Chris Hedges resist NDAA Act: Pope Benedict resigns: Christopher Dorner Incinerated in house: The roots of the enmity and animosity between North Korea and the United States of North America: Biblical definitions@ http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: Part 3-4: continued...
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: Part 5-6: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 10: We must be patient in the revolution for evolutionary change: Beware of FBI-CIA infiltrators who sow discord-entice to sin-entice us from the work of justice: Yahshuah keeps us in struggle-Yahshuah protects our possession: We must go through trials-testing-challenges: Will we be proven righteous-will we turn on the revolution? We analyze the divine powers on the earth and within our souls and within our flesh-physical structure: The wicked test the justice of the Most High: The wicked want that we turn against the Most High and the revolution: We must meet and overcome the challenge: Current Affairs-Events: We analyze the FBI’s infiltration of the Nation of Islam-How the FBI turned Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad into enemies-How the FBI-CIA-FOP all instigated and orchestrated the assassination of Malcolm X: Movie Betty and Coretta airs on Lifetime T.V.-Nation of Islam-Farrakhan falsely blamed for assassination of Malcolm X: How the FBI-CIA-FOP infiltrated the Black Panther Party-Split the Black Panther Party-Turned Black Panther members into enemies-East Coast faction against West Coast faction: The FBI-CIA-FOP turned the Black Panther Party against the US organization: The wicked work of the FBI-CIA-FOP in the Black community: Biblical definitions@ http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: Part 5-6: continued...
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: Part 7-8: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3-verses 11-12: We must live Yahshuah-liberty-deliverance-health-wealth-prosperity: Live the principles and tenets that Yahshuah defines: Hold on the revolutionary message of Yahshuah: Hold on to your mental faculties: Let no one take away your destiny to rule the universe: Overcome the system and become a pillar in the Kingdom of God-Queendom of Goddess and heaven here and now on this earth: To dwell in the Temple of the Universe and remain forever: The new name of God-Theos-Yahweh-Yehovah: The new name of the city of God-New Jerusalem: We are the teacher of peace: To go to heaven or heaven and New Jerusalem out of heaven out of the sky down to earth: New Jerusalem-heaven within the soul on earth: Rastafari Selassie I as the new name of Jesus Christ: Current Affairs-Events: U.S. Increases Aid to Syrian Rebels; Training Underway in Regional Country: The lessons of the fall of Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. @ www.democracynow.org – February 28, 2013 edition Democracy Now: Biblical definitions@ http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 02/10/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-02-10: Part 7-8: continued...
Mind of God 03/03/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-03-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Spiritual Disciplines for New Life-Colossians Chapter 3: Christ-the deliverance of the oppressed-our life: The appearance of Christ-the appearance of our original self-the glory of Christ: Cease the criminal intercourse with a wicked system: Cease prostituting for this wicked system: Cease playing the harlot for this wicked system: Spiritual homosexuality-spiritual lesbianism: God angry with our being children of Caesar: The use of slander-wicked and foul speech to kill members of the human family through warfare-bloodshed: In Christ is total freedom for all: The fathers of today’s civilization have broken the spirit of the youth: The strategy of obeying the master while the revolutionary community works for the purchase of your freedom and works for the purchase of property and inheritance for you: Reject Caesar as Lord: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Daniel’s Vision of Change-Daniel Chapter 7-Verse 14: The wicked authorities-powers-thrones of this world must be cast down in our minds: How the governments deceive and beguile the people: God’s throne-the heavens as wheels-the potter’s wheel-cycles of time-spherical nature of the universe-circles-sun-moon-stars-planets-wheels-cycle of zodiac and time: Time is over for the wicked ruling class and ruling families: the governments and rulers and beasts and blood shedders: The Wooly haired Ancient of Days as the Black man and woman setting justice in the earth for all people: The Christ people to deliver the oppressed all over the earth: All people-nations-languages-religions living under peace and freedom and justice: Current Affairs-Events: AIDS as a fictitious narrative and program of eugenics-genocide and social Darwinism-March 4, 2013 edition of the Progressive Commentary Hour w/Gary Null @ http://prn.fm/category/archives/progressive-commentary-hour/#axzz2N7BAhBwk: Books: Integration Trap/Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka-A People’s History of Christianity by Richard Horsley: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Livin’ 4 by J. Moss-Catch Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/03/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-03-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/10/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-10-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Daniel’s Prayer: Daniel Chapter 9-Verses 4-12: More scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-Verse 12: I Samuel Chapter 1-Verses 1-12: The end of the modern day system of slavery-colonialism-exploitation: We who overcome the system will be pillars in the Temple of the Most High: What are the pillars? What is the root knowledge of the pillars? Hannah prophesies the rise of the impoverished and the fall and demise of the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families: The LORD-Yahweh-is LIFE: The Elohim are our Gods and Goddess-holy and righteousness-working to destroy the wicked and evil works of the wicked: The arrogance of the wicked ruling class shall cease: The power of the wicked ruling class to create warfare and shed blood is done away with and broken: How the wicked ruling class will reap what they have sown and suffer: The LORD-Yehovah-Yahweh-LIFE destroys a system of death: The LORD-Yehovah-Yahweh-LIFE-makes the wealthy poor and the poor wealthy: Current Affairs-Events: Bill Gates speaks at Texas University-is confronted about his connection to eugenics by Infowars’ reporter @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coHf5UEFUl8: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-You Know Me by George Huff-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/10/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-10-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued..
Mind of God 03/10/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-10-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3-verse 12: 1Samuel chapter 2-verse 8: We that overcome Satan will be pillars in the temple of God: We are the temple of God: We are New Jerusalem: We are the new name of Jesus Christ: The pillars of the earth-the world sits on the pillars of the LORD: The oppressed now being raised into power: The wicked now being taken out of power: The pillars of the earth are the pillars of Life-Yahweh: A tribute the our Dear Departed Brother Hugo Chavez: Current Events-Affairs: Fukushima Meltdown’s 2nd Anniversary Brings Protests Against Japan’s Reliance on Nuclear Power: White House Changing Story on Anwar Al-Awlaki-A Debate on NYT’s Inside Account of ’11 Drone Strike: March 11, 2013 edition of Democracy Now: After Vowing Greater Transparency-Obama Administration Increasingly Censoring-Withholding Info From Public: This War is Continuing- As U.S. Prepared for 2014 Pullout-No End in Sight to Afghan War: Daniel Ellsberg: In Hearing Bradley Manning Act Out of Conscience, Secret Tape Refutes Media Slander: Bradley Manning Speaks: In Leaked Court Recording, Army Whistleblower Tells His Story for First Time-March 12, 2013 edition of Democracy Now: Overturning Citizens United: Is a Constitutional Amendment the Best Path to Limit Dark Money? As Gitmo Prisoners Revolt, Obama Admin Challenged on Indefinite Detention at OAS Hearing: Over 100 Guantánamo Prisoners on Hunger Strike, Citing Threat of Return to "Darkest Days Under Bush"-March 13, 2013 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/10/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-10-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/10/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-10-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/17/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-17-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3-verse 12: I Samuel chapter 2-verse 8: The African teaching of the pillars of the temple of God? The pillars of the earth: The Lord’s pillars: The word set upon the pillars: The pillars as symbolic of the characteristics and principles of life that uphold the universe and the earth: The pillars of a righteous civilization: The pillars of a righteous nation: The sacred feminine and the symbols of the sacred feminine as pillars of the universe: The sacred masculine and the symbols of the sacred masculine as pillars of the universe: The African teaching of the pillars of the universe constructed in the African Hebrew Temple: The Masonic square and the compass as African symbols of the pillars of the universe: How to become a pillar in the temple-universe-creation of God: Books: Integration Trap/Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Heaven Knows by Deitrick Haddon-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/17/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-17-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/17/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-17-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/17/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-17-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Daniel Chapter 9 Verses 4-14-Daniel’s Prayer: Daniel Chapter 8 Verses 19-26-Gabriel’s Interpretation: It is end of all wickedness and tyranny all over the earth: The oppressed masses of the peoples of the earth will be delivered from all oppressive governments and systems: We the oppressed must repent for joining the wicked ruling class in the destruction of other poor and oppressed people: We have disobeyed the covenant of God: We must repent for leaving the justice of God and joining the oppressor in their wicked wars against poor and oppressed people: The shame of selling out to the system and selling out to the oppressor: The shame of the leaders of this wicked world of injustice: the Lord is forgiving and merciful toward we the oppressed: We have not obeyed the voice of LIFE-YAHWEH in the person of our prophets: We are cursed with warfare-death-hell-destruction through disobedience to Moses and the revolutionary Covenant: God speaks against us and our wicked judges: The suffering of Jerusalem is the suffering of the oppressed under the evil of oppression: The Empires of Media and Persia-Greece and Alexander the Great-Antiochus Epiphanies: How the politicians wickedly use wisdom and intelligence in order to deceive the masses of the people advancing deceit and treacherous betrayal and destruction of the people: The Prince of Peace shall break the power of the wicked: Current Affairs-Events: President Obama visits Israel-Palestine to deny Palestinians right to statehood: Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq with Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers-March 20, 2013 episode-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/17/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-17-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/17/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-17-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/24/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-24-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: The Lord’s Supper-St Luke chapter 22-verses 14-30: The disciples-we must change our way of thinking from the thinking of the wicked ruling class-families: The wicked rule of the Roman Empire-Caesar-ruling class of Europe: The elevation of the poor-afflicted-needy-impoverished-oppressed: The leader and ruler must serve the Most High-serve the people: The temptations of Yahoshu’ah-the temptations of a revolutionary: The uplift of the poor and oppressed: The Kingdom and the oppressed as rulers of the universe and creation: The universe-creation-earth as the Lord’s Supper: All must be fed equally in the universe-creation-earth: To serve each other and feed each other from our souls: The new testament and the giving of creation to the oppressed: The whole of the oppressed are part of and have a part of the solution: How and why we have played the Judas role and betrayed the revolution of Yahoshu’ah: The power and misuse of the Christ power within your hands: Let us remain loyal to the revolution of Yahoshu’ah: Let us remain loyal to the Most High and the poor and impoverished peoples of the earth: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-What Do You Do by Dave Hollister-Something Big by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/24/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-24-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/24/13; Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-24-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/31/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-31: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: The Lord Is Risen-St. Luke chapter 24-verses 13-35: The African teaching of the Black Christ and the resurrection of the oppressed peoples of the earth: The sun-moon-stars-earth-nature-zodiac-seasons-vernal equinox teach about the resurrection: Our promise to the Most High: The resurrection of the principles defined by Yahoshu’ah-Chrestos resurrected within our construct: A history of the revolutions of Palestine: Rome and Roman puppet Herod crush the revolutions in Palestine: From the Essenes to John the Baptist to Yahoshu’ah to the oppressed masses: The weapon of Yahoshu’ah is the truth sharper than any two edged sword: We reject Caesar as Lord: Yahweh-Yehovah’ is our Lord: We reject Caesar as our Savior-Yahoshu’ah is our Savior: Caesar does not bring peace-Yahoshu’ah brings peace and salvation: We raise up Christ in the person of Dr. King-Malcolm X-Elijah Muhammad-Fannie Lou Hamer-Medgar Evers-Hugo Chavez-Fidel Castro: We reject the modern day Caesars-presidents-prime ministers and puppets: The eternal and universal Christ is here to empower the poor and working class and impoverished peoples of the earth: Books: The Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves-Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi-The Integration Trap-Generation Gap by Oba T’ Shaka: DVD’s: Christianity-The Stolen Religion From Africa by Ashra Kwesi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Loves Makes The World Beautiful by V 3-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/31/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-31: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/31/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-31: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/31/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-31-Part 4-5-6: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: The Lord Is Risen-St. Luke chapter 24-verses 13-35: The importance of talking to each other: Stay together through calamitous situations: Commune and reason together: Christians-Muslims-Hindus-Buddhists-Krishnas-Communists-Capitalists-Democrats-Republicans must talk to each other: Yahoshu’ah is Liberation Theology: The teaching of Nazareth is separation from wickedness-death-hell-destruction: Yahoshu’ah is great prophet-messiah-for the working and poor class: Man-woman-the oppressed-the glory of God-Christ must enter man-woman-the oppressed-the glory of God: The chief priests sold out to Caesar: The high priests destroy the working class and oppressed people: Yahoshu’ah the deliverer of the poor and oppressed masses: The third day-three the number of trial and test and birth and rebirth and resurrection of liberation: The village-the working class and oppressed class: Yahoshu’ah-Liberation-the Lord’s table-the Universe-the Creation-made accessible to all people: The food of the universe made equally accessible to all humanity: Current Events-Affairs: The Monsanto Protection Act? A Debate on Controversial New Measure Over Genetically Modified Crops- Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America from Monsanto to Wal-Mart-April 2, 2-13 edition Democracy Now: On 45th Anniversary of His Death, Martin Luther King Jr. on the Power of Media and the Horror of War-New Era of Nuclear-Armed North Korea Forces U.S. to Reconsider War Games at Regime’s Door-April 4, 2013 edition Democracy Now: Connecticut Gov. Signs New Gun-Control Law-Obama Budget to Endorse Cuts to Social Security, Medicare- NATO Strike Kills 6 in Afghanistan - U.N. Suspends Aid to Gaza over Safety Concerns-Over 400 Fast Food Workers Take Part in NYC Strike-Federal Gov’t Agrees to Limit Immigration Raids: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/31/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-31-Part 4-5-6: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 03/31/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-2013-03-31-Part 4-5-6: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 04/14/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-14-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: The Lord Has Risen Indeed-The Lord Appears: St. Luke chapter 24 verses 30-47: To Know Yahoshu’ah-Jesus: Know Yahoshu’ah-Jesus through Lord’s Supper-Communion-Passover: What is the Lord’s Supper-Communion-Passover? The braking of bread and the feeding of the masses spiritually-mentally-morally-physically: Making the universe and creation equally accessible to all! The mission of the Lord’s Supper opens our eyes to Yahoshu’ah-Jesus: The resurrected Chrestos-Yahoshu’ah is the resurrection of the power of liberation within our minds-bodies-souls-spirits-bodies: Seek and work for Peace-Shalom-national tranquility-exemption from the havoc of warfare: The Lord’s Supper-Passover is the mission of delivering the oppressed and bringing peace to humanity: The power of Yahoshu’ah has material effect in the material world-to empower the people the oppressed people to change our condition: The eating of fish and the control of resources in the hands of the people: The eating from the honeycomb-the bees-organizing for liberation: Moses the law-prophets-Psalms-Yahoshu’ah is fulfillment-deliverance and liberation of the oppressed: The resurrection of the Liberation-Christ power: Remission of sins-colonialism is sin-poverty is sin-slavery is sin-bondage is sin-exploitation is sin:
Mind of God 04/14/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-14-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Pt. 2 and 3 continued: Current Events Affairs-2013-04-14: Texas Prosecutor Linda Geffin, Victim of Brutal Attack at Home, on the Killing of DA Mike McLelland Following the killing of Texas District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia McLelland: Prosecutor Seeks Stay of Execution for Texas Prisoner Duane Buck, Sentenced to Death for Being Black: Texas DA Killed Two Months After Deputy Shot Dead; Aryan Brotherhood Probed in Killings: NRA’s "School Shield" Call for Armed Guards Seen as Path to Further Criminalize Youth of Color: Testimony, Recordings at Trial Reveal the Racial Biases and Arrest Quotas Behind NYPD’s Stop & Frisk: Shadows of Liberty": New Film Explores How Corporate Control of Media Erodes Press Freedoms: Colorado Independent: Suspect in Killing of Prisons Chief Tormented by Years of Solitary Confinement: Israeli Journalist Amira Hass Sparks Furor at Home for Defending Palestinian Right to Resist: The Way of the Knife: NYT’s Mark Mazzetti on the CIA’s Post-9/11 Move from Spying to Assassinations: Sharif Kouddous & Lina Attalah on Egypt’s Media, Sectarianism & State Violence from Mubarak to Morsi: Juan González: Immigration Debate "A Battle Over What America Will Look Like in 21st Century"-Democracy Now-weeks of April 1 and 7, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: President Obama and the Democrats attack social security with Chained CPI: Obama Administration provokes North Korea-the real reasons: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Healed Hearts Darius Brooks and Ramsey Lewis-Blind by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 04/14/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-14-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Pt. 2 and 3 continued...
Mind of God 04/14/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-14-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4 and Part 5: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: The Holy Spirit Comes-Acts chapter 2 verses 1-13: The Lord’s Supper-Communion-The Universe as Communion: The Passover and the celebration of deliverance from the sin of slavery-colonialism-exploitation: The Pentecost-The Jubilee-The Sabbath-The Ten Commandments-The Covenant-God’s promise to deliver the oppressed from all oppression: The coming of Mother Holy Spirit to confer the Kingdom-the power to rule-to the poor and working class masses of the earth: African-Egypt-the power to rule through the womb of the Sacred Feminine: The Sacred Feminine as Ma’at-Truth-justice-equality: Tongues as fire-to judge and chastise the wicked oppressor and oppression-purify cleans up the earth-universe-creation-from wicked system of oppression-the anger of the Most High at wicked system of oppression: Mother Holy Spirit empowers us to elevate international discourse-discussion:
Mind of God 04/14/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-14-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4 and Part 5: Current Events-Affairs-2013-04-14: The Boston Marathon Bombing as a false flag operation to manifest confusion and chaos: The government use of drills to cover up false flag operations: No one should participate in any government drills: Obama’s budget to cut social security-Medicare-Medicaid: Week of April 15, 2013-The Alex Jones Show @ www.gcn.com: Week of April 15, 2013-World Crisis Radio @ www.gcn.org: 2 People Subjected to Violent, Anti-Muslim Attacks-Speculation about the backgrounds of those behind the bombings prompted at least two violent attacks: Mississippi Resident Detained for Ricin: Week of April 15, 2013-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Connection of suspected bombers to CIA created rebels in Chechnya: Israel and America continue march to war in Syria: Books: Love In The Quran by Prince Ghazi: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 04/21/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-21-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Living With Hope-1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 1-18 and 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1-11: How to remain clean in a wicked anti-Christ system: Intercourse with the idolatrous anti-Christ system: Spiritual homosexuality-spiritual lesbianism: Idolatry is covetousness: Warfare and bloodshed is covetousness: Do not defraud and rob your sisters and brothers: Do not lust after resources like the European Gentiles: The Second Coming of Jesus The Christ and the resurrection of the dead-traditional teaching: Africa the origins of knowledge of eternal reality of soul and the resurrection: Holy Quran teaches Allah and the resurrection of the dead: The Second Coming of Jesus The Christ as metaphor of the resurrection of the poor and working class masses to rise up and deliver the poor and working class from the oppressor and oppression: Caught up in the cloud-Leading the oppressed to total liberation and salvation: Meet Jesus in the air-Rise up to meet power of Liberation-Destroy power of Satan to control airwaves: We elevate the revolutionary examples of Dr. King-Malcolm X-Elijah Muhammad-Fannie Lou Hamer: Children of Light verses children of darkness: Shine light expose wickedness secret actions of government-systems: The day of the Kingdom of God-Queendom of Goddess and heaven here and now on this earth-Breastplate of faith-love: Helmet of hope-salvation:
Mind of God 04/21/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-21-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 04/21/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-21-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 3 and Part 4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 12: To overcome the system-Babylon system: To be a pillar of righteousness-fire and judgment on the wicked system of Babylon: The poor and oppressed are temple of God and the image of God: The poor and the oppressed have power to defeat the Babylon system and awaken the innate and laden Kingdom of God and Queendom of Goddess here and now on this earth: Books: Slave Nation by Alfred and Ruth Blumrosen: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 04/21/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-21-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 3 and Part 4: continued...
Mind of God 04/21/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-2013-04-21-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 5: continued...
Mind of God 04/28/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: 2013-04-28: Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: A Message To My Communist Atheist Revolutionary Sisters and Brothers: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Hope Comes From God’s Grace: 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1-17: The church at Thessalonica fights the falsity of Caesar and the Roman Empire: We fight the falsity of today’s system: The infiltration of Caesar and Rome: The coming of Lord Jesus Christ is the coming of liberation: Do not be fooled by the falsity of the system: Do not let the system shake up your mind: Do not give up the struggle: The deception of the system and the falling away from the revolutionary struggle of the oppressed: We reveal the son of perdition and the wicked ones as the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families-House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers: Wicked ruling class exalt themselves above all Gods and Goddess: The arrogance and insolence of the wicked ruling class: The wicked ruling class seek to control the temple of God-the temple of God being the oppressed people of the earth: Christ in us the spirit and power of the Lord to destroy this wicked system: We the oppressed are the bright fire of Yahoshu’ah-Jesus: The wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families work for Satan to destroy the oppressed peoples of the earth: Satan and the House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers oppose the deliverance of the oppressed: Books: Slave Nation by Alfred and Ruth Blumrosen: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-The Blessing of Abraham by Donald Lawrence and the tri City Singers-Never Wave my Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 04/28/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: 2013-04-28: Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Pt. 2: continued...
Mind of God 04/28/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: 2013-04-28: Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Pt. 3: continued...
Mind of God 04/28/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: 2013-04-28: Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4-5-6-7: A Message To My Communist Atheist Revolutionary Sisters and Brothers: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Hope Comes From God’s Grace: 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1-17: Satan uses powerful men and women to deceive the oppressed masses: The system uses lies to make us wonder and manipulate the oppresses masses: Satan-the House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers-use of deceit to maneuver the oppressed into unrighteousness-warfare-bloodshed-against the salvation of the oppressed masses: Satan-Son of Perdition-House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers-work to destroy the poor and working class and oppressed peoples of the earth: 911 is a delusion-George W. Bush is a delusion-Barack Obama is a delusion-the Oklahoma bombing is a delusion-the Boston bombing-state terrorism-delusion to deceive the people into damnation-unrighteousness-warfare and bloodshed: The poor and working class and the oppressed are chosen by the Most High to rule the earth: The tradition of Yahoshu’ah-the wicked must give up power and give up power over cities-land-earth:
Mind of God 04/28/13: Pt. 5
Current Events-Affairs-2013-04-28: Woman soldier jailed for refusing to kill: Lesbian woman suffers loss of job-discrimination: As Migrant Toll Mounts, Mexicans Urge Obama to Put Human Rights at Center of Immigration Reform: Angela Davis and Assata Shakur’s Lawyer Denounce FBI’s Adding of Exiled Activist to Terrorists List: Bangladesh Garment Building Toll Hits 500; Engineer Detained: Obama Faces Immigration Protests in Mexico Visit: Obama Defends Challenge to Emergency Contraception Ruling: Pro-Assad Forces Accused of Killing up to 100 in Raid: April Was Iraq’s Deadliest Month Since 2009: U.N.: Close to 260,000 Died in Somali Famine: At Least 60 Killed in Sudan Mine Collapse: Obama Unveils Trade, Commerce Cabinet Picks-Democracy Now-week of April 29, 2013 edition @ www.democracynow.org: Books: Killing Hope-U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum- Slave Nation by Alfred and Ruth Blumrosen: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 04/28/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: 2013-04-28: Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 04/28/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: 2013-04-28: Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 05/05/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-05: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Scripture: Revelation Chapter 3-verse 12: A Message to my Revolutionary Communist Atheist Sisters and Brothers: The poor and working class and proletariat must overcome all of the machinations of the wicked Babylon system: To be a pillar of fire and judgment in Babylon: To be a pillar of justice-truth-righteousness: Our physical structure is the Temple of God: The power of God within the proletariat-power of energy within the proletariat-The scientific power of the invisible spirit within the proletariat: The African Dogon’s Po is the Bible’s Adam and the Atom of modern day science: The Po-Adam-Atom is quantum physics and quantum mechanics: The proletariat must create the kingdom and queendom of the Messiah which will last forever! Man and woman are the original body of Christ: Yahoshu’ah writes the name of God on man and woman: The name of God-Yahweh-Father and Mother is existence and life: Yahoshu’ah writes righteousness and justice on our consciousness to oppose warfare and bloodshed: The proletariat works on behalf of a system of life: Yahoshu’ah writes the name New Jerusalem on the poor and working class: New Jerusalem is Teacher of Peace and Double Peace-We the proletariat must become the teachers of double peace in a time of warfare and chaos:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-05-05: Following the wicked dictates of the wicked ruling class House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers-the Obama Administration-the democrats and republicans-all conspire to use the sequester to destroy programs needed by the people: The following are the programs targeted for destruction by the Obama Administration-democrats and republicans: Meals on wheels-Student loan interest rates going up-2 percent cuts in Medicare-Wick program for women children-FEMA faces 1 billion dollars in cuts-Cuts in unemployment benefits-Cuts to air traffic controllers-Cuts to exhibits in Smithsonian-Food safety suffers cuts-National Institute of Health research in Alzheimer’s disease suffers cuts-May 3, 2013 edition World Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/world-crisis-radio/ : The Modern Day State of Israel attacks Syria to get at Lebanon-7 nation five year plan: Books: Slave Nation by Alfred and Ruth Blumrosen: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Psalm 68 Let our God Arise by Kurt Carr-Walking by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 05/05/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-05: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 05/05/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-05: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 05/05/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-05: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4-5-6: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: A Living Hope: 1 Peter chapter 1-chapter 3: The system defiles and taints our consciousness-spirit-mind-souls: How to cleanse our souls from the filth of this wicked system: The true origin of Mothers’ Day-Mother Holy Spirit-Pentecost-Liberation for the oppressed international: The strategy of revolution and organization: The importance and value of the woman and the womb: The sacredness of the woman-the womb-female-feminine: Sacred masculine and the sacred feminine giving birth to life: The wife and woman must be honored and respected: The African origin of Noah and the flood: Noah and the flood as metaphor for the baptism of Jesus Christ: The baptism of Jesus Christ is baptism in liberation and freedom and justice:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-05-05: Man Accused of Holding 3 Women Captive in Ohio Could Face Death Penalty- 3rd U.S. Military Official Tasked with Sexual Assault Prevention Is Accused of Abuse-"Astoundingly Disturbing": Obama Administration Claims Power to Wage Endless War Across the Globe-Democracy Now-week of May 13, 2013 @ www.democarcynow.org: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 05/05/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-05: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 05/05/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-05: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Part 4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 05/19/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-19: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Scriptures: Revelation Chapter 3 verse 12: 1 Peter chapter 4 verses 1-2: Sunday School Lesson Title-Hope Through Stewardship: How to overcome the wicked Satanic system of colonialism-slavery-exploitation: How to be a pillar in the Temple of God: You are the temple: You are the pillar of fire against the Satanic system: To have the name of God-Yahweh-Life: We preach and promote life and not death: The name of Jerusalem written on you: Jerusalem is double peace and teacher of peace: The oppressed and rejected are now the teacher of peace: Jerusalem the wife of Christ-The church the wife of Christ: We are New Jerusalem: Jerusalem comes down out of sky: The teaching of peace reaches and raises the despised the rejected the homeless and the oppressed: Christ suffers in the flesh-takes a stand against the Roman Empire: You suffer in the flesh when you stand against wicked Satanic system: You are Christ in the flesh:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-05-19: "Astoundingly Disturbing": Obama Administration Claims Power to Wage Endless War Across the Globe: IRS Apologizes for Scrutiny of Tea Party Groups- Democracy Now-week of May 13, 2013 @ www.democarcynow.org: Republicans gin up Benghazi incident, hope to impeach Obama-But real story is early October surprise as part of attempted coup d’état by Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/2013/05/16/gop-gins-up-benghazi-to-impeach-obama-real-story-is-october-surprise-coup-detat/: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Walking by Mary Mary-Faithful Is Our God by Hezekiah Walker-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 05/19/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-19: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 05/19/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-19: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 05/19/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-19: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7: Scriptures: 1 Peter chapter 4 verses 1-6: Christ suffered in the flesh-You suffer in the flesh: Christ delivers the oppressed-You deliver the oppressed: Christ made lower than the angels to rule creation-You made lower than the angels to rule creation: Christ’s pre-incarnate reality-Your pre-incarnate reality: You are original body of Christ in your flesh: Cease being used for the lust of the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families: Cease killing and destroying the human family-cease warfare and bloodshed-cease division and hatred within the human family: Cease the use of our resources and wealth for the Gentile wars and military and war industrial complex: Cease being distracted by drunkenness-sport-play-frivolity-vanity: Cease participation in the system of blood sacrifice idolatry:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-05-19: President Obama gives speech justifying warfare and bloodshed: British Soldier Hacked to Death in London Attack: Grandson of Malcolm X Reportedly Killed in Mexico: Hate Crime Alleged in Shooting Death of Gay New Yorker: Mobilize Now for Elizabeth Warren’s Bill to Cut Student Loan Rates to 0.75%: "The Unimaginable Has Happened": Massive Tornado Kills Dozens, Flattens Suburb of Oklahoma City: Geo-engineering: Can We Save the Planet by Messing with Nature? Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 05/19/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-19: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 05/19/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-19: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 05/19/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-19: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 12: To overcome the system: To be a temple of God: The whole universe as the temple of God-Goddess: Jerusalem-the teacher of peace: To be whole-complete-a God-Goddess on earth: Knowledge-wisdom of material universe reaches we who are at the bottom of society-the oppressed proletariat: We are the new name of Jesus Christ in this time: The Dogon Po-the atom-the Adam-the man and woman-the Christ spirit-quantum physics and quantum mechanics-the holy and sacred writing of God-Goddess: You are the writing of the Most High in human flesh: You are the writing of the universe: Your spiritual-mental-physical structure are the writing of the Most High: Your very anatomy is the writing of the Most High: You are the Christ body-reflection-writing of the Most High and reflection-writing of the universe:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-05-26: President Obama speaks at Morehouse College: John McCain travels to Syria to work with CIA created Al-Qaeda and affiliates: More American citizens believe government of Syria have used chemical weapons: Syria’s Assad rewrites constitution in favor of people-Al-Qaeda rebels not satisfied and continue to kill-May 20, 2013 edition of Taylor Report @ http://www.taylor-report.com/audio/: Seattle Teachers, Students Win Historic Victory Over Standardized Testing- Coalition of Immokalee Workers Targets Wendy’s in Fair Food Campaign to Improve Wages, Conditions- Why Austerity Kills: From Greece to U.S., Crippling Economic Policies Causing Global Health Crisis- Other than Honorable: Army Strips Benefits of Wounded Veterans by Kicking Them Out for Misconduct- After 3 Trials, Memphis Prisoner Timothy McKinney Wins Freedom by Pleading Guilty to Crime He Denies- Ríos Montt Genocide Verdict Annulled, But Activists Ensure US-Backed Crimes Will Never Be Forgotten-Democracy Now-the week of May 20, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-That Place by Levin and Myron Butler-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: continued...
MInd of God 05/26/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Sunday School Titles and Scripture: Holy Holy Holy-Isaiah chapter 6 verses 1-13: Hope In The Day Of The Lord-2 Peter chapter 3 verses 1-10: The Most High demands justice and righteousness from the Hebrew Israelite Nation: The death of Uzziah-the death of the strength of Yahweh in religious and political leadership-the death of the principles of life and existence for all through moral neglect: The African science of the material universe: The universe as the original temple-holy and holy of holies: The science of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine: The throne-the woman-Ma’at and truth justice and righteousness: The seraphim-cherubim-the fiery serpents as symbols of wisdom and healing: The smoke of Yahweh-angry at the wicked system: We are defiled and corrupted by the system: The seraphim-wisdom cleans our consciousness from the wickedness of the system: The peoples’ hearts and ears and eyes are covered with callousness: Isaiah works on behalf of Yahweh-principles and tenets of life and existence for all: The conversion and healing of the people: The destruction of people and cities laid waste: The tenth and seed of life-quantum physics and quantum mechanics-Sirius b-Eme Yah: The work of salvation removes the disease-the system: We must remain faithful to liberation despite scoffers: Water as the base element: The flood as symbolizing baptism and cleansing earth of wickedness and corruption: The power of the fire of truth in our mouths speaking the language of liberation destroys the wicked system:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-05-26: Obama Taps Billionaire Fundraiser Penny Pritzker for Commerce Despite Anti-Labor, Subprime Legacy: Chicago to Shutter 50 Public Schools: Is Historic Mass Closure an Experiment in Privatization? Assange: U.S. Probe of WikiLeaks & "Show Trial" of Bradley Manning Aims to Scare Whistleblowers: As Lawmakers Target Food Stamp Funding, New Report Finds 1 in 6 in U.S. Are Going Hungry: Did Public Television Commit Self-Censorship to Appease Billionaire Funder David Koch? Four Years After Murder of Dr. George Tiller, His Wichita Abortion Clinic Reopens Despite Threats: In Civil Rights Victory, Virginia Restores Voting Rights for Hundreds of Thousands Nonviolent Felons: As FBI Seeks Capture of Assata Shakur, NAACP Head Calls for U.S. Truth & Reconciliation Commission-Democracy Now-week of May 27, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: IRS targets Tea Party and right wing groups: CIA target AP members of the media: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed: Music: Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 05/26/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: 2013-05-26: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Correction: Attila the Hun-The Huns in the 5th century A.D. and the Muslims of the 7th century A.D. were they who fought the Roman Empire-driving Europe into the Dark Ages-Not Genghis Khan: Parts 1-2-3: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 12: Overcome the system: Become a pillar in the Kingdom of God-Queendom of Goddess and Heaven on earth: You are the Christ spirit living in human flesh: Your physical body is the temple of God: The universe and creation as the temple of God: The new name of Jesus The Christ: The coming of Christ in the person of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I: Haile I Selassie I Rastafar I as the new names of Jesus The Christ: A history of ancient Ethiopia and a history of the life of Haile Selassie: A true history of Christ and his message of liberation: Revelation-Rome-Caesar-Vatican city-Constantine-the co-option of Christianity-the Nicene and Chalcedon Creeds: The original Monophysite Christian philosophy of Ethiopia verses the Christian philosophy of Rome-Vatican City: The separation of Ethiopia from Rome-Vatican City: Rome-Vatican City-colonialism-slavery-exploitation: The 1000 year Dark Ages of Europe and the flourishing of Africa and Asia: The 16th century and European empires of Spain-Portugal-Britain-France-Belgium-Rome: Global European colonialism: Rome-Ethiopia-1896-The Battle at Adwa: The Berlin Conference of the 19th century: The birth and baptism of Lij Tafari Makonnen: World War I and the root cause of warfare: The ascension of Haile I Selassie I to the throne of Ethiopia-November 2, 1930: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-We Praise You by The McClurkin Project-Survive by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 4-5-6-7-8: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 12: November 2, 1930 Haile Selassie ascends the throne of Ethiopia: Ethiopia joins the League of Nations and signs the charter of the League of Nations: World War II and the rise of Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler: The power of the House of Rothschild: Mussolini and Italy attack Ethiopia: 1936 Haile Selassie speaks at League of Nations headquarters-Geneva Switzerland: Haile Selassie speaks on the hypocrisy of Europe and the lack of international morality: Haile Selassie rebukes and warns Europe: Haile Selassie five years in exile: Britain finally helps Ethiopia: The return to Ethiopia of Haile Selassie: The grace and character of Ethiopia and Haile Selassie: Rastafari and the teaching of Christ in the person of Haile I Selassie I: The teachings of the Rastafari sisters and brothers of Jamaica: Haile Selassie’s speech in 1963 at the United Nations: Current Events-Affairs: 2013-06-09: Correction: Ray McGovern gave us the information on Obama’s fear of the CIA: The real reasons for protests in Turkey: The Bilderbergs’ raising of David Petraeus and the use of scandals and leaks to put pressure on President Obama to employ full out war in Syria with American soldiers on the ground: The matter of war tactics-Republicans and the Bilderbergs prefer soldiers on the ground in Syria-Obama and the Democrats and Zbigniew Brzezinski favor drone warfare and assassinations: Robert McGovern on President Obama’s fear of the CIA: Will President Obama’s presidency go the way of Kennedy or Nixon?-Word In Crisis Radio-June 8, 2013 edition @ http://tarpley.net/world-crisis-radio/: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 4-5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 4-5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 4-5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 4-5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 9-10-11-12: Sunday
School Lesson Title and Scripture: Give Thanks-Isaiah chapter 12 verses 1-6: We look at the fulfillment of Rastafari Prophecy of the fall of Babylon: The coming of the Messiah Yahoshu’ah Maschiach within our person: We are the Messiah People that will bring in the everlasting society of justice: Yahweh-Yehovah’-the principles and tenets of existence and life for the whole of the human family: Praise and the African tradition of the use of music and dance and science and mathematics in the music and dance: Salvation-Yahshu’ah-health and wealth and prosperity for all-the principles seen in our Elohim-our new leadership of men and women: Yah-Yahweh-Yahovah’-life-existence for all-material-personal-physical-social-political strength: The joy of a society of righteousness and justice: Yahweh-Yahovah’-the declaration of the works of life and existence for all: Yahweh-Yahovah’-the works of life and existence seen in the whole of the human family: Zion-the place of refuge for the oppressed-light and life and knowledge and wisdom of Ra-Rait: Israel-Ast-Ra-El-we shall rule this earth as Gods and Goddesses children of the Most High God and the Most High Goddess:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-06-09: Due to pressure from the Bilderbergers-the Republicans-the House of Rothschild and the various governmental scandals-President Obama is now escalating support for the CIA-Al Qaeda-Al Nusra-terrorist mercenary nexus: Patrick Cockburn on U.S. Plans to Arm Syrian Rebels: Where is the Skepticism About Chemical Weapons? Report: Obama Admin to Arm Syrian Rebels: U.S. Youths Reunite with Mothers at Mexican Border After Years of Separation-Democracy Now-week of June 10, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: London Bashes Obama with Scandals to Extort a US Attack on Syria, Save Death Squads; Petraeus at Bilderberg Prepares Regime Change in US-by Webster Tarpley: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed-Emerging Viruses AIDS & Ebola Nature, Accident or Intentional by Dr Leonard Horowitz @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=6bPDBND2jL4&NR=1: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 06/09/13; Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-09: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 06/16/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-16: Part 1-2-3: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 12-13: Rastafari Prophecy Must Fulfill: We must overcome the Babylon system of death-hell-destruction-division-warfare-bloodshed: The whole universe as the temple of God: Names of God-Yahweh-Allah-Illah-Elohim: We are the bride of Christ-Jerusalem-The bride of Christ-the teacher of peace-the people of peace: Rastafari Haile I Selassie I as the new names of Jesus Christ: The importance of a name in Africa: To have a good name or a bad name: The name of a cause-revolution and liberation: To have possession of your mind and emotions: To posses the universe as property for the whole human family: The bonds of blood-marriage-friendship-companionship: We must erase the divisions and cling to one another and cling to the cause of freedom:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-06-16: Striking Workers, Bangladeshi Activist Challenge Wal-Mart on Labor Conditions at Stores & Factories-As Judge Weighs Legality of NYPD’s Stop and Frisk, Justice Dept. Calls for Court-Appointed Monitor-Medgar Evers’ Murder, 50 Years Later: Widow Myrlie Evers-Williams Remembers "A Man for All Time"-Civil Rights Veteran Chokwe Lumumba Elected Mayor of Jackson, Miss., Once a Center of Racial Abuses-Democracy Now-week of June 10, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: Victims of the prison industrial complex conducting hunger strike to protest deplorable conditions-The real reasons for the NYPD’s illegal Stop and Frisk policy-Carl Dix is interviewed-Your World News @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news/2013/06/05/americas-prison-system-racism-classism-torture: George Zimmerman trial to begin-the denigration of Travon Martin: Minister Farrakhan speaks in Detroit-Illuminati and B’nai Brith put pressure on Detroit leadership-Minister Farrakhan joins activists in Alabama-voting rights at risk: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed-Emerging Viruses AIDS & Ebola Nature, Accident or Intentional by Dr Leonard Horowitz @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=6bPDBND2jL4&NR=1: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/16/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-16: Part 1-2-3: continued...
Mind of God 06/16/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-16: Part 1-2-3: continued...
Mind of God 06/16/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-16: Parts 4-5-6: Sunday School Lesson Title and Scripture: Meaningless Worship: Isaiah chapter 29 verses 9-16: Ariel-the lion and the lioness: The people of God and our political and religious rituals and festivals: Politics and religion used to bring the people of God down low-low speech and low actions of hatred and division: The destruction of the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families through the visitation of the Yahweh-Yahovah’-the principles of life and existence-through Mother Nature: How the system is never satisfied-the hunger and thirst of the system is never satisfied: The system-to be drunk with money power and fame: The system causes deep sleep and trance: The condition of ignorance among the people-no guidance from the learned and degreed ones among us: Religion and politics turns the peoples’ heart away from Yahweh-Yahovah’-the principles of life and existence for all: The marvelous work of the Yahweh-Yahovah’ in the redemption of the oppressed and the destruction of the power of the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families:
Current Events-Affairs: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-16: Edward Snowden flees Hong Kong and arrives in Moscow, Russia: Edward Snowden seeks asylum from Ecuador and solicits help from Venezuela and Cuba: Is Edward Snowden a triple agent or a disciple of Christ? The use of political scandals and controversy to force President Obama to emplace American boots-soldiers-troops on the ground in Syria: We talk about freeing the political prisoners-Mumia-Assata-Peltier-Cuban 5-The Time and What Must Be Done-w/Minister Louis Farrakhan @ www.noi.org: The Sassoon Family-China-the British Crown-the opium trade-Wesley Muhammad on Elevated Place w/ Sister Minister Ava Muhammad @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/elevatedplaces/2013/06/14/roundtable-with-dr-wesley-muhammad: The Sassoon Opium Wars @ http://inpursuitofhappiness.wordpress.com/2007/10/01/the-sassoon-opium-wars/: The fixing of the George Zimmerman trial: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed- LOVE, JOY, FAITH, BRAVERY and 528 MUSIC by Dr Leonard Horowitz @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VSO5o-WmXo: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/16/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-16: Parts 4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 06/16/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-16: Parts 4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 13: The African study of the anatomy of the human being: The African study of the ear-the faculty and capacity of perceiving with the mind: The ear as the sacred vaginal tract of the mental womb: To understand and know the reality of the system: The faculty of the ear is used to understand the Most High and see and hear the truth of the wicked system: The right to learn and the ability to teach: The right to comprehend and to understand-education is a human right: The insatiable desire of the African to learn and understand: The Holy Spirit as our Mother in the African Hebrew culture: The Africans and the concept of the Goddess: The male chauvinism of the European scholars: How Mother Holy Spirit was first neutered and then transgendered into a male: How we the revolutionary Christ spirit have been neutered and transgendered into docile Christians by the wicked use of skillful politicians:
Current Events-Affairs: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: LGBT Movement Wins Defeat of DOMA & Prop 8: In Affirmative Action Ruling, Supreme Court Upholds Importance of Diversity in College Admissions: Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act: Texas Showdown: Anti-Abortion Bill Fails: Federal officials have denied a compassionate release to the cancer-stricken civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart-Democracy Now-week of June 24, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: Pentagon opening front-line combat roles to women- Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY 2:54 p.m. EDT June 18, 2013: The reality of the transpacific partnership-Guns and Butter-June 12, 2013 @ www.kpfa.org: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed- LOVE, JOY, FAITH, BRAVERY and 528 MUSIC by Dr Leonard Horowitz @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VSO5o-WmXo: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Sunday School Lessons and scriptures: The Glorious New Creation-Isaiah chapter 65 verses 17-21 and verses 23-25: Joyful Worship Restored-Ezra chapter 3 verses 1-7: How do we build the Kingdom of God-Queendom of Goddess and Heaven on earth: The human being as the new creation: The new government-system-civilization of freedom and justice: Joy for the oppressed: The oppressed become Jerusalem-teachers of peace: No more crying and no more death hell and destruction-no more warfare and bloodshed: All shall fulfill their potential in the Kingdom-Queendom: The potential to live a full and complete life-Methuselah lived a thousand years? Adequate pay for your work in the Kingdom-Queendom: Labor will not be used for wickedness in the Kingdom-Queendom: The principles of life and existence-Yahweh-Yahovah’-will answer all our needs:
Ezra-Azar-African culture-the helper in the time of need: The oppressed must act as one people: We must become Jerusalem-teachers of peace: We define Jeshuah-Jozadek-Zerubabbel-Shealtiel-Moses-God-Israel-Zidon-Tyre-Lebanon-Joppa-Cyrus-Persia-These are all definitions that we must know: Allah-Illah-burnt offering and ascending to change our circumstances: Remembering our ancestors-African ancestors: Conducting African rituals according to lunar science-moon science: The moon as an instrument of renewal and repair: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation reconstituted to liberate the oppressed from the oppressor: Existence and life for all: To build a new society-healthcare and medicine for all in the Kingdom-Queendom:
Current Events-Affairs: Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: The real reasons for the fall of Morsi and the chaos in Egypt: Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s pact with the IMF: The IMF destroys Egypt’s economy-drives up the prices of food and oil-administers a regressive tax-usury and misuse and abuse: CIA-Al Qaeda-Al Nusra losing in Syria: Egypt’s Morsi commits Egyptian troops to Syria to fight alongside CIA-Al Qaeda-Al Nusra: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed- LOVE, JOY, FAITH, BRAVERY and 528 MUSIC by Dr Leonard Horowitz @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VSO5o-WmXo: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 06/30/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-06-30: Parts 4-5-6-7-8-9-10: continued...
Mind of God 07/07/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-07: Part 1-2-3: Scripture: The Quran: Part 7: Section 9: Chapter 6: Verses 71-74: Abraham’s argument for divine unity: The unity of the human family as one monotheistic family: Abraham as the father of many-humanity: The unity of Torah-Gospel-Quran: African Hebrew language is the mother and father language of the African Arabic language: Key words in the Quran in the African Hebrew and European Greek language: Call on Allah or call on the wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families: How to control our low desires and animal passions: How the CIA and FBI use our low desires to derail our freedom: The bewilderment of the system: The guidance of Allah: Who is Allah-who is Illah? Yahweh-Yahovah’ as the Lord of the worlds: We reject Caesar as Lord and Savior and Son of God and bringer of peace and civilization: We reject the Roman Empire: The importance of prayer in the revolution: Father Allah-Mother Illah-created-gave birth to the whole of creation: Allah-Illah created heavens and earth with truth: Truth in African Kemet-Ma at’-truth and justice and righteousness and balance and reciprocity and order out of chaos: Ma at’ as the divine Black woman: Allah-Illah says be and it is-Yahweh-Yahovah’-Father God-Mother Goddess-cause all to come into being:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-07-07: The republican attack on the National Labor Review Board: Is this strictly a republican attack? Why does this attack on labor take place under the Black president and the Black attorney General? Who is really behind such attack? Who controls the Democrat and Republican Party? Who is the House of Rothschild? Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: Videos: Hidden Colors by Tariq Nasheed- LOVE, JOY, FAITH, BRAVERY and 528 MUSIC by Dr Leonard Horowitz @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VSO5o-WmXo: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Let Go by DeWayne-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/07/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-07: Part 1-2-3 continued...
Mind of God 07/07/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-07: Part 1-2-3 continued...
Mind of God 07/07/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-07: Part 4-5-6: Scripture: The Quran: Part 7: Section 9: Chapter 6: Verses 74-76: The word of Allah is truth: The universe is truth: Ma at’ is truth-justice-righteousness: The kingdom is Allah’s: The kingdom of power to the oppressed: The oppressed will rule as kings and queens by the power of Allah: Prophet Muhammad fought the Roman Empire-Caesar and the Roman Senate: We must fight and resist the House of Rothschild-the synagogue of Satan today: Allah’s Kingdom is feminine: We look at Africa and the sacred feminine and the sacred feminine head: The trumpet and the resurrection of the spiritually and mentally and morally and physically dead oppressed masses of the people of the earth: The Jubilee and the Sabbath are liberation for the oppressed: Allah-the Knower of the seen and unseen: To understand the hidden and unseen wicked power behind the system: to understand the hidden and unseen atomic and molecular reality of the universe:
Allah is the wise and aware: We must be aware of the system and politics: Azar is the helper in the time of trouble: Azar is the original Black man: Azar and the Black man under a wicked and idolatrous system of covetous oppression: Azar is the helper of the oppressed: The Black man and woman must return to African knowledge and give help to the oppressed masses of the people of the earth: Align ourselves with the true Gods-Elohim and reject the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families: If Allah is one and He then who is the We in the Quran?
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-07-07: California prisoners conduct hunger strike to protest deplorable condition-Prisoners in Guantanamo Bay conduct hunger strike to protest deplorable condition-Mos Def Brother Bey demonstrates the torturous conditions endured by the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay Prison-Monday July 8 edition of Hard Knock Radio @ www.kpfa.org: What is really occurring in Egypt? Muhammad Morsi agrees to make war with Ethiopia and Syria-Muhammad Morsi removed from power- The Egyptian people rise up against the IMF and usury and economic exploitation-In the U.S. budget cuts destroy Meals on Wheels-July 9 edition of Unbound Radio with Webster Tarpley @ www.tarpley.net: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: African Evolution and the True History of Atheism-The Real Black Atheist by Brother Ankhkakek @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JxxwaBArU: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/07/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-07: Part 4-5-6 continued...
Mind of God 07/07/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-07: Part 4-5-6 continued...
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scriptures and Sunday School Title: Revelation chapter 3 verse 13: Ezra chapter 6 verses 13-20: Dedication of the Temple: The ear and the faculty of knowing and understanding: The power to control your emotions: To hear perceive and learn: The Holy Spirit is our Mother! Mother Goddess Holy Spirit co-equal with the Father: The African science of spirit-soul-breath-animation-hidden energy-atoms-molecules: The physical body and structure as the true Temple of the Most High: The human family must organize as the true Israel and Jerusalem: Poor and working class masses must come together to manifest the Kingdom-Queendom on earth:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-07-14: We give critical and political examination to the acquittal of George Zimmerman: What are the political ramifications of the George Zimmerman trail: The Zimmerman trial as a means of separating poor and working class White, Latino and Black people: We use the symbolism of Cain and Abel to examine the Zimmerman trial: Cain and the possession of the life of Abel by the spear causes the women and the people to lament: Zimmerman and the possession of the life of Travon Martin by the gun causes the women-mothers and people to lament and mourn: All the participants in the Zimmerman trial fulfill the function of Cain: The hypocrisy of the Democrat and Republican parties: The Democrat and Republican parties as Cain taking possession of lives international: The Obama Administration as Cain taking possession of lives through warfare and bloodshed all over the earth: Cain-Abel and the African science of forensics: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: African Evolution and the True History of Atheism-The Real Black Atheist by Brother Ankhkakek @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JxxwaBArU: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Music: Spiritual live by John Coltrane-Thank Ya Jesus by Darrel Petties and Strength In Praise-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 5-6-7-8: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verses 76-81: Abraham-the father of the multitude: The Kingdom-the feminine reality-the power to rule given to the poor and the oppressed: The science of the material universe-the science of the earth-the science and principles of life: Abraham encompassed by the knowledge and wisdom of the Most High: Astral science-lunar science-solar science-misused and abused and mis-applied by Rome and Caesar and the Roman Empire: A system of science and technology devoid of life and devoid of Yahweh-Yahovah’ and devoid Allah-Illah: The system of colonialism and oppression shall be no more: To be upright and righteous and take a stand against this wicked system: Seek the originator of the universe: Monotheism is the unity of the human family as one in Allah: Polytheism is the human family divided and fractured by the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: African Evolution and the True History of Atheism-The Real Black Atheist by Brother Ankhkakek @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JxxwaBArU: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-07-14: President Obama speaks in Illinois on the economy: We give critical political analysis: The destruction and privatization of education: The destruction of teachers unions: College students suffer usury: Will the United States of North America remain a super power: What do the prophecies teach us? The reality of being one in Christ: We look at immigrants and immigration and erasing of all boundaries: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 07/14/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-14: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verses 7-13: Ezra chapter 8 verses 21-23: Sunday School Lesson Title: Fasting and Praying: A review of African Apostle John’s letter to the pastor and church at Philadelphia: The poor and working class masses-Black and Brown and Red and Yellow and White-need to exhibit brotherly and sisterly love: The Most High is calling us to Ma at’-holiness-truth-justice-righteousness: The synagogue of Satan-the false Jew and the True African Hebrew Israelite as the modern day Messiah People: Patience in Babylon as we work for revolution: Yahoshu’ah-Liberation comes quickly: The crown and the authority to rule given to the oppressed masses of the earth: To overcome this wicked system: Become Jerusalem and become the Bride of Christ-Revolution: We are the new name of Jesus-Yahoshu’ah-Chrestos:
Ezra-Azar-Africa-Kemet-knowledge and wisdom our helper in a desperate time: The real purpose of fasting and praying: We must liberate all oppressed and impoverished peoples: Ahava and the system of subsistence and struggle under a wicked system: Suffer before each other as Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: As Elohim-Gods-Goddesses-we must demand rightness and correctness from each other: Teach the babies to love and respect each other: Our right to property and land and wealth and resources:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-07-28: We continue to examine the Zimmerman trial: How the republicans and the democrats use the Zimmerman trial to separate the poor and working class Black and Brown and Red and Yellow and White: We examine the words of Maady-Zimmerman trial Juror B-29: Marissa Alexander-a Black woman in Florida-not afforded the usage of Stand your ground rule-July 26, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org- also July 25, 2013 edition-Elevated Places w/Sister Minister Ava Muhammad @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/elevatedplaces: The House of Rothschild-IMF-the real problem in Egypt: How the international bankers and the Big 3 CEO’s destroyed the city and people of Detroit: The concept of the Middle Class is rooted in Eugenics and Genocide: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: African Evolution and the True History of Atheism-The Real Black Atheist by Brother Ankhkakek @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JxxwaBArU: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Mumia-Long Distance Revolutionary by Stephen Vittoria: Music: G 7 by Ziggy Marley & the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Parts 5-6-7-8: Scripture: Ezra chapter 8 verses 22-30: Sunday School Lesson Title: Gifts For The Temple: We the poor and working class oppressed proletariat masses reject warfare and bloodshed and the weapons of armaments of this wicked Babylon system: We the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses must seek the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses within ourselves: We the oppressed masses must be the lead priests and priestesses in the Kingdom and Queendom: Sherebiah-Jehovah has scorched-African solar science: Hashabiah-Jehovah has considered: Poor and working class and the oppressed must become sisters and brothers: The oppressed of the earth must view each other as holy and righteous-as precious-as vessels of the Most High-as worthy of gifts and talents and life and love and friendship: Silver and the works of Mother Holy Spirit: Gold and the works of the Most High Yahweh-Yahovah’-life and existence for all: The oppressed of the earth are the rightful rulers and leaders of this earth: Talents-round circuits of lands and territory-The African science of the dance-round swirls of the universe-life and existence for all:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-07-28: Morsi Faces New Charges as Egyptians Stage Dueling Rallies-U.N.: Syria Death Toll Passes 100,000-Report: Iran Seeks Direct Talks with U.S.- Justice Dept. Seeks Preclearance for Texas Voting Laws-Prosecutors: Manning a "Traitor" with "Evil Intent"-Senate Panel Votes to Target Countries Aiding Snowden-Halliburton Admits to Destroying Gulf Spill Evidence-Hedge Fund Giant SAC Accused of Securities, Wire Fraud-UBS to Pay $885 Million Fine for Pushing Toxic Mortgages-Judge Clears Discrimination Suit Against Morgan Stanley-North Carolina Senate Approves Anti-Abortion Law-Judge Delays Alabama Anti-Abortion Law-Pro-Choice Activists Launch Cross-Country Abortion Rights Freedom Ride-July 26, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: African Evolution and the True History of Atheism-The Real Black Atheist by Brother Ankhkakek @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JxxwaBArU: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Mumia-Long Distance Revolutionary by Stephen Vittoria: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-I Made It by Keith Johnson and the Spiritual Voices-Something Big by Mary Mary-G 7 by Ziggy Marley & the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 9-10-11-12: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verse 81: Abraham speaks to the poor and working class: Abraham gives critical analysis concerning the structure of the system: The power of the wicked ruling class-the influence of their puppets-presidents-prime ministers: How the oppressed give power to the wicked ruling class-the wicked ruling class and their use of fear to control the masses: Abraham teaches against setting up rivals-other Gods with Allah: Who and what is Allah? The other Elohim-Gods and Goddesses-Demons-Jinn and the delay of blessings: Prophet Muhammad analyzes the Roman Empire and fights the structure of the Roman Empire:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-07-28: Snowden-Greenwald-Assange reveal the spy tactics of the NSA-CIA: The real reasons that 22 North American Embassies closed in North Africa and the Middle East-claim NSA uncovered terrorist plots: The real reason for the trail of Nidal Hasan: A Dream Foreclosed: As Obama Touts Recovery, New Book Reveals Racist Roots of Housing Crisis: California City Threatens to Use Eminent Domain to Stop Bank Foreclosures-Democracy Now-week of August 5, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith: African Evolution and the True History of Atheism-The Real Black Atheist by Brother Ankhkakek @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JxxwaBArU: Dogon Egypt Sirius Connection Dr. Charles Finch @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGm1MPo9XM4: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Mumia-Long Distance Revolutionary by Stephen Vittoria: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley and The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley and The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 07/28/13: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-07-28: Part 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 14: We talk to all leaders of the world-do right by the people: The real church is the poor and working class masses of the people of the earth united in a chaotic time: We must transcend race and class and religion and politics and ethnicity and come together as one ecclesia-church for the poor and working class masses of the people of the earth: The church at Laodiceans-justice of the people: African science of writing and mathematics and geology: African origin of atoms and string theory: Every human being is writing a narrative positive or negative through the life that we live: The African origin of the Amen-the hidden and unseen sacred masculine power: The African origin of Amenet-the hidden and unseen sacred feminine power: African origin of dark matter:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-08-11: "I Was a Warehouse Wage Slave": Reporter Mac McClelland on Life Inside the Online Shipping Machine: How The Washington Post’s New Owner Aided the CIA, Blocked WikiLeaks & Decimated the Book Industry: Activists Accuse Washington, D.C. Police Officer of Infiltrating Bangladesh Sweatshop Protests: "I Do Not Want to Die in Prison": Cancer-Stricken Lawyer Lynne Stewart Seeks Compassionate Release: New York Police Ends Practice of Keeping Innocent New Yorkers in Stop-and-Frisk Database-Democracy Now-week of August 5, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith-Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams: Videos: African Evolution and the True History of Atheism-The Real Black Atheist by Brother Ankhkakek @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JxxwaBArU: Dogon Egypt Sirius Connection Dr. Charles Finch @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGm1MPo9XM4: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Mumia-Long Distance Revolutionary by Stephen Vittoria: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-All Things Working by LaShun Pace-Blind by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley and The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley and The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 5-6-7-8: Scripture: Nehemiah chapter 9: Sunday School Lesson: Community of Confession: We must separate from the oppressor: We must separate from slavery and exploitation and colonialism: The sinful nature of Warfare and bloodshed and slavery and exploitation and colonialism: The LORD-YHWH-Yahowah-the existing one-the living one-life and existence for all: LORD-YHWH-YAHOWAH-LIFE-the science of making and preparing the heavens and the earth: The heavens and the African science of the Shaman: The seas and the African science of the winds and sailing: The whole universe as the army of YHWH-YAHOWAH-LIFE: To worship YHWH-YAHOWAH is to worship LIFE as Father God and Mother Goddess: Kemet-Ka Yah-the Spirit of Yahowah preserves life in the universe: The African Hebrew Israelite Nation-Pillar of cloud by day-pillar fire by night: African scientific analysis of the pillars of the universe-Ma at’-truth and justice and righteousness: We also pay tribute The Honorable Marcus Garvey and the UNIA-ACL: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith-Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams-Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington: Videos-Documentaries: Dogon Egypt Sirius Connection Dr. Charles Finch @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGm1MPo9XM4: Look For Me In The Whirlwind-The Marcus Garvey Documentary @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4M957RLl2I: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Mumia-Long Distance Revolutionary by Stephen Vittoria: Music: Church Medley by Donnie McClurkin-It Is Well by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Part 9-10-11-12: Scripture-Quran: Chapter 6 verses 81-84: Poor working class masses uphold the leadership of demons and their puppets: To please the LORD-YHWH-LIFE-is to rebel against Caesar-the Roman Empire and all wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families: The African science of the mind and the sacred feminine: We define Allah and the Allah Family: The security of those that trust in Allah: Africa-Kemet-Egypt-Amen and faith and belief: How the sinful and iniquitous system solicits and corrupts good and sincere people: Allah is he and Allah is we and our? Is Allah singular of is Allah plural?
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-08-11: CIA Admits Carrying Out 1953 Coup in Iran: New York City Moves to Appeal "Stop-and-Frisk" Ruling-Democracy Now-August 19, 2013 edition @ www.democracynow.org: We give critical political and complex analysis of the upcoming 50 year commemoration of the March on Washington led by A. Philip Randolph-John Lewis-Dr. King and others: Music: G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Order My Steps by The Mighty Clouds of Joy-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Part 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Part 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 08/11/13: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-11: Part 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 1-2-3-4: Scriptures: Nehemiah chapter 12 verse 27: Deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 12: Nehemiah chapter 10 verse 31: Sunday School Lesson: Dedication of the Wall: To be consecrated and dedicated to the oppressed: Africa-the African Hebrews-the sacred feminine and the southern wall of protection: Jerusalem-the teaching of peace: Levites-joined to: We the oppressed must seek to Levi-join to one another: Let us go to Jerusalem-the teaching of peace: The African science of singing and dancing and the healing power of music: The purpose of the African Hebrew Israelite Nation-deliver the oppressed: The purpose of the tithe and Sabbath is to deliver the oppressed from debt and debt slavery and the return of lost land and lost wealth and lost property:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-08-25: Russell Simmons and the degradation of Harriet Tubman-August 22, 2013 edition of Elevated Places @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/elevatedplaces/2013/08/23/elevated-places-with-dr-ava-muhammad: Benghazi-Christopher Stevens and running of guns to Syria @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/: We give a complex political analysis of the original March on Washington in 1963 and the commemorative march of 2013 @ http://www.prx.org/pieces/92542-vinyl-destination-freedom-march-on-washington-aug: The philosophy of integration verses separation: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The World’s Religions by Huston Smith-Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams-Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington: Videos-Documentaries: Dogon Egypt Sirius Connection Dr. Charles Finch @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGm1MPo9XM4: Look For Me In The Whirlwind-The Marcus Garvey Documentary @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4M957RLl2I: Hidden Colors Part 2-The Triumph of Melanin by Tariq Nasheed: Mumia-Long Distance Revolutionary by Stephen Vittoria: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Broken But I’m Healed by Byron Cage-Walking by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 5-6-7-8: Scriptures: Nehemiah chapter 10 verse 31: Nehemiah chapter 13 verses 15-16: Sunday School Lesson: Sabbath Reforms: The tithe-the Sabbath-the elimination of debt and slavery and the return of land to the original owner: Through the Sabbath we must reform the earth’s civilizations: Tyre and the anxiety and sorrow and pain of a system of exorbitant consumerism and colonialism and slavery and exploitation: The true teachings of the scripture are freedom and justice and equality and the uplift of the oppressed and elimination of all oppression internationally:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-08-25: U.N. Seeks Syria Chemical Weapons Probe "Without Delay": U.N.: Syrian Conflict Has Created 1 Million Child Refugees: Israel Bombs Lebanon After Rocket Fire: Mubarak Under House Arrest in Military Hospital: Egypt Detains Canadians on Way to Gaza-August 23, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2013/8/23/headlines: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: Anti-American Sentiment in Egypt by the Global Research @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/anti-american-sentiment-in-egypt/5345601: Britain: No Hiding Place for War Criminals-Except Theirs? @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/britain-no-hiding-place-for-war-criminals-except-theirs/5344510: Can Harry Belafonte and Jay-Z join forces in the fight to defend the Cuban Revolution?-by Obi Egbuna Jr. @ http://panafricannews.blogspot.com/2013/08/can-harry-belafonte-and-jay-z-join.html: CIA Gun Running-Qatar-Libya-Syria @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/cia-gun-running-qatar-libya-syria/5345464: Dr. Gerald Caplan & the Rwanda Genocide Cranks by Keith Harmon Snow @ www.consciousbeingalliance.com: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-So Good To Me by Vanessa Bell Armstrong-Slow Walking by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Part 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Parts 9-10-11-12: Scripture: Bible-Revelation chapter 3 verse 14: Topics: Justice of the people: The almighty Father Amen-Mother Amenet-the faithful and true witness: We must study history in order to understand what is legal and illegal according to the Ma’atian universal law of righteousness and life: To understand the false and destructive contest between poor and working class Black and Brown and Red and Yellow and White peoples of the earth, this false and destructive contest instigate by the wicked ruling class and ruling families: Quran-chapter 6 verse 84: We must become Abram-Exalted Father: We must become Abraham-Father of the multitudes: As father and mother of the multitudes we must stand up and defend each other as poor and working class people: To exalt the poor and working masses through solar and lunar and astral science: To uplift the oppressed masses of the people of the earth: LORD-YHWH-our Father and Mother-begetting and conceiving-living and existing for all: The supreme Wisdom of Mother Holy Spirit empowers us to organize and rule the universe:
Current Events and Affairs: 2013-08-25: On PBS President Obama reveals real reasons for possible escalation of war in Syria-PBS News Hour-August 28, 2013 edition @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRuRwZCEtGc: Bombshell: Kerry Caught Using Fake Photos To Fuel Syrian War-by Julie Wilson-August 30, 2013 @ www.Infowars.com: Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemicals Weapons Attack by Paul Joseph Watson-August 30, 2013 @ www.infowars.com: Deleted Daily Mail Online Article: “US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad by Global Research News @ http://globalresearch.ca/deleted-daily-mail-online-article-us-backed-plan-for-chemical-weapon-attack-in-syria-to-be-blamed-on-assad/5339178: The United States verses Russia and Syria-oil and energy resources-Stop Imperialism Now-August 30, 2013 edition w/Ed Draitser @ http://stopimperialism.org/syria-proxies-pipelines-people/: Stop Imperialism Episode 68 w/Ed Draitser @ http://stopimperialism.org/stop-imperialism-episode-68/: The time and What Must be Done w/Minister Louis Farrakhan @ http://www.noi.org/thetime/: Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq with Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers- Democracy Now-May 20-2013 edition: Patrick Cockburn on Missing Billions in Iraq and Soaring Cancer & Infant Mortality Rates in Fallujah Iraq-Democracy Now- June 29-2013 edition @ www.democracynow.org: Hitler largest on-ground supporter of creation of Israel by Edwin Black @ http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/289751-1
Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Documentaries: The Divine Matrix-Full Conference by Gregg Braden @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra5sO3HKJWw: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-The Real Party by Mary Mary-Survive by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Parts 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Parts 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 08/25/13: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-08-25: Parts 9-10-11-12 continued...
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Psalm division 104 verses 5-30: Sunday School Lesson Title God Creates: Topics: The African science of creation: The foundations of the earth-Ma’at-truth-justice-righteousness-freedom-equality: The African scientific examination and study of the four basic elements-earth-air-fire-water: The power of YHWH-existence and life regulating existence and life in the universe: The riches and resources and wealth of the earth are for all humanity: Scripture: Genesis chapter 2 verses 18-25: Sunday School Lesson Title: God’s Image-Male and Female: Topics: The Dogon and the African science of the Po-seed of Life: The African roots of bang theory-string theory-quantum physics-quantum mechanics: The Dogon Po as the root of the Atom: Adam and Christ-male and female as the Atom-the image of God-Goddess and the image of creation and the universe: Adam-male and female and the isolation of the sacred masculine: Adam-male and female and the power of the human being: Adam-male and female-The African science of naming creatures: Adam-male and female and the need to uplift the sacred feminine: The sacred feminine-the help for the human family in a desperate time: The sacred masculine separated from the sacred feminine cause imbalance and warfare and bloodshed and death and hell within the human family: The Adam-male and female-and the need for the sacred feminine: YHWH-YaHoWaH-as Father and Mother: Adam-male and female-the human family: The sacred masculine and the sacred feminine: The human family as one flesh:
Current Events-Affairs-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: President Obama at the G 20 Summit in Russia: President Obama loses support for escalation of war in Syria: Could the chemical attack have been carried out by the CIA rebels and Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia?-September 7, 2013 edition-World In Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/2013/09/07/putin-labels-chemical-incident-rebel-provocation-created-to-induce-western-interference/: Another 19-Parts 1-2-3-4-w/Kevin Ryan-Guns and Butter-Month of August-2013 @ www.kpfa.org: 911 and the Politics of War w/Christopher Bollyn-Guns and Butter-September 4, 2013 @ http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/94979: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Documentaries: Savior’s Day 1974-The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwyqsrlSbAI: Articles: Haiti “Reconstruction”: Luxury Hotels, Sweat Shops and Deregulation for the Foreign Corporate Elite by Julie Le’vesque @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/haiti-reconstruction-luxury-hotels-sweat-shops-and-deregulation-for-the-foreign-corporate-elite/5344546: Hip Hop’s Ku Klux Klan and Corporate Slave Plantations by Solomon Comissiong @ http://yourworldnews.org/blog/?p=4126: Irish Mercenaries Training Syrian Death Squads by Gearo’id O’ Colma’in @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/irish-mercenaries-training-syrian-death-squads/5346204: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Victory by Yolanda Adams-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 5-6-7-8: Scripture: Bible-Revelation chapter 3 verse 14: The African science of creation: Dark matter and The Amen Father-The Amenet Mother: Triple blackness-the law of birth and the origins and beginnings of all persons and things: The Amen Father-The Amenet Mother and the beginnings and origins of the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: We must examine the origins of the angels and the demons: We must examine the origins of good and bad and faults within ourselves: We must examine the origins of the conflict within the human family: Scripture: Quran-chapter 6 verse 84: The Quran fights Rome and the Roman Empire: Muhammad rejects Caesar as LORD: Allah and Illah as true LORD-Rabbil Al Amin-LORD of all the worlds: YHWH-Wisdom and the sacred feminine-Knowledge and the sacred masculine:
Current Events-Affairs-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Russia offers to extract Syria’s chemical in order to prevent military aggression from Obama Administration: Russian president Vladimir Putin writes op-ed in New York Times-accuses America and Al Qaeda of staging chemical attack in Syria-takes exception to concept of American exceptionalism: Syrian president Assad demands that America cease arming Syrian rebels-Al Qaeda-Al Nusra-September 14, 2013 edition World Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley @ http://tarpley.net/2013/09/14/in-new-york-times-putin-exposes-goutha-atrocity-as-false-flag-provocation-by-rebels-warns-of-next-false-flag-against-israel/: Kerry Upholds Threat of Military Strike on Syria "Should Diplomacy Fail": Assad: U.S. Must End Threats Before Syria Surrenders Chemical Weapons: Syria Researcher Cited by Kerry, McCain Fired for Lying About Credentials-September 13, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2013/9/13/headlines#9131: Biblical definitions: http://v3.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: Mascots, Murder and Massacre: Using Imagery to Accept Genocide by Solomon Comissiong @ http://www.blackagendareport.com/content/mascots-murder-and-massacre-using-imagery-accept-genocide: Latin America Condemns US Espionage at United Nations Security Council by Carla Stea: May 1945: Operation Sunrise, Nazi Germany Surrenders, But… on May 7.8 or 9? By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels: Not Too Big to Jail: Eliot Spitzer Is Wall Street’s Worst Nightmare by Ellen Brown: Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Deadly Experiments and Contaminated Reality by Greg Guma: Pervasive Surveillance, Total Exposure and the End of Privacy by Greg Guma: The State of Israel Charged for Crime of Genocide and War Crimes, Kuala Lampur Tribunal by Kuala Lampur War Crimes Commission @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/: DVD’s: Judaism-The Stolen Religion From Africa by Ashra Kwesi: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Your Name by Chante’ Moore and Kenny Latimore-Catch Me by Mary Mary-G 7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/08/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-08: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Genesis chapter 3: Sunday School Lesson: The Knowledge of Good and Evil: Topics: The origins of the Adam, Eve, serpent narrative found in the universe and cosmology: The African science of cosmology: The cool of the evening-the Ruach-spirit and the African scientific study of the cosmological universe: The beast system and the House of Rothschild as the serpent most subtle than all the beasts of the field: Adam is male, female-Eve is male, female: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil: How the wicked ruling class and their politicians solicit the human family to participate in the destructive system: The speaking of good to do evil: YHWH-the universe-the human family acting on male and female polarity: To support this wicked system is to become naked and unprotected and exposed: The deadly battle between the poor and working class masses and the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families of this earth:
Current Events-Affairs-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Shooting in Chicago public park kills 13: Shooting in upscale shopping mall in Kenya: Jeremy Keenan on George Bush-Algeria and the fabrication of false flag terrorism in Africa-September 14, 2013 edition of Spotlight Africa @ www.kpfk.org: The republicans and the democrats conspire to shut down the government over Obama healthcare plan-week of September 16, 2013-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Turn It Around by Israel and New Breed-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 5-6-7-8: Scriptures: Genesis chapter 3-Genesis chapter 9: 1Peter chapter 3 verse 20-21: Sunday School Lessons: Topics: The Knowledge of Good and Evil-An Everlasting Covenant: The oppressed shall attack the mind of the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families: The oppressed given power to rule creation and the universe: Our promise as the Christ spirit to the Most High to come to earth and stand up for freedom and justice and equality: The wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families working to supplant and overthrow we the masses: Ra-Hathor-the menstrual cycle-the flood of blood-the origins of the Noah flood narrative and the children of Israel’s protection from the death angel: Noah as rest from all wickedness and elimination of warfare and bloodshed on earth: Man and woman as the image and likeness of Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: Sacred masculine and the sacred feminine: Man and woman should not shed the blood of man and woman: Our covenant with the Most High-Life-Existing-Living-YHWH: Our covenant with the creation the universe to defend life and existing for all: The rainbow-the bow of the hunter: We are the weapon of righteousness in this wicked animal and beast system: The Noah and flood narrative as symbolic of the baptism in the resurrection of Jesus the Christ: The mind of health and wealth and prosperity and deliverance and liberty for the oppressed: Warning to the oppressor of the vengeance of the Most High:
Current Events-Affairs: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: House GOP passes food stamp cuts-September 20, 2013 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Ramsey Clark of the International Action Center –along with Cynthia McKinney-Dedon Kamathi-Johnny Achi-John Parker-Sara Flounders-go to Syria for an eyewitness account in order to expose the lies and fictitious narrative told by the Obama Administration @ http://www.iacenter.org/anti-war/IAC_syria_delegation_9-18-13/: and also Freedom Now-September 21, 2013 edition @ www.kpfk.org: Articles: The Bi-Polar World of rich Bankers-Wall Street Take Off-2012-2013 by Professor James Petras: The Bombing of Nagasaki August 9, 1945: The Uncensored Version by Dr. Gary G. Kohls: The Detroit Bail-In Template-Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks by Ellen Brown: The Hiroshima Myth-Unaccountable War Crimes and the Lies of US Military History by Dr Gary G. Kohls: The Obama Regime’s Fabricated “Terror Conspiracy” in Defense of the Police State by Professor James Petras: Tony Blair: Libya Lockerbie Arms and Betrayals by Felicity Arbuthnot: Two Births-A Gilded Arrival and a Poisoned Legacy by Felicity Arbuthnot @ www.globalresearch.ca: White Liberals: Wolves in Democratic Party Clothing By Solomon Comissiong @ http://yourworldnews.org/blog/?p=4077: DVD’s: Judaism-Stolen Religion From Afrika Part 2 by Ashra Kwesi: Biblical definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Celebrate by Smokie Norful-Homecoming Glory by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/22/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-22: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 14: Topics: Amen-Amenet-and the beginning of the creation of the Gods and the Goddesses: Quantum physics and quantum mechanics and the African science of creation: The scientific order of the universe teaches existing and living for all: The scientific reality of the Most High as Father and Mother and we-the Elohim-children of the Most High: Life and living-the interests and counsels of God: The Most High and the scientific material universe: Adam-male and female-the representative and vicegerent on behalf of the Most High: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verse 84: Topics: Abraham-the Father of the multitudes: We are the father and mother of characteristics and attributes: To be father and mother of children and students: Isaac and Jacob and Noah and David as attributes of every man and woman: Isaac-laughter: Jacob-supplanted: Noah and Sabbath-rest and cessation: David-the beloved:
Current Affairs-Events: Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: The 2013 68th session of the United Nations: President Obama declares that America is ready to kill to control energy and control nations: Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff-Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov-Bolivian President Evo Morales-Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe-raise issues of America spying-capitalism-imperialism-illegal wars-economic war and sanctions: Chile and the assassination of Salvador Allende-Another 911-September 10, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: What really happened at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Kenya? Was the Kenya shooting a CIA created false flag operation?-September 27, 2013 edition-The Alex Jones Show @ http://rss.infowars.com/20130927_Fri_Alex.mp3 and Some Got Warning To Avoid Westgate Before Bloody Siege by Paul Joseph Watson-September 27, 2013 @ www.inforwars.com: Biblical definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Message For Ya by Bootsy Collins and Nicole Mullin-Something Big by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 1-2-3-4 continued...
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 5-6-7-8: Sunday School Lesson: God Scatters the Nations: Scripture: Genesis chapter 11 verses 1-9: Topics: How the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families construct a society and civilization of death and hell and destruction: White brick and the purging a society of the sins of exploitation: Slime-mortar-boiling red-turmoil-trouble: The tower and the name-fame and power-magnifying of one’s self: The LORD YHWH-Existing One-comes down: YHWH examines the politics and intentions of a civilization: The children of men-sons of injustice-sons of unrighteousness: A civilization of death and lifeless things: The profanities of slavery and exploitation and warfare and bloodshed: The system and the stress of the mind: The desire of the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families to understand the secrets of the universe: The wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families and their imagination and intention of evil: The Most High Father-Mother-YHWH-Existing One-confounds and disrupts the plans of death and destruction: Babel and the Gate of God is now Babylon and confusion and corruption: America is modern day Babylon: How we the people disrupted President Obama’s language of war and death for Syria and fulfilled Genesis chapter 11 verse 7:
Current Events-Affairs: House GOP passes food stamp cuts-September 20, 2013 edition Democracy Now @ www.democacynow.org: We give critical and complex analysis concerning so-called Obama Care: How the republicans and the democrats conspire to use Obama Care and the budget crisis to cut the poor and working class masses of the people of the United States of North America: How President Obama moved the people from equal and supreme access to healthcare to a deficient healthcare option: Keep and build upon the good in the new healthcare option and extract the bad: To put a cap on healthcare costs and raise the income of the people: The shooting at the Washington DC-Alexis-ELF-mind control-false flag operation: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Everybody by Baby Dubb-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 09/29/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program-Hosted by Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-09-29: Parts 5-6-7-8 continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 1-2-3-4: Sunday School Lesson Title: God Scatters The Nation: Scripture Genesis chapter 11 verse 1-9: Topics: Review: Babel as the confounding of the language and plans of the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families: Babel as the Gate of God: Babel as the Soul of God: The universe-science solar and lunar and astral-as the gate and soul of God: Man and woman as the soul and gate of God: We must Babel the plans of the wicked and shatter the plans of the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 14-16: Topics: The Most High-the spirit angels masculine and feminine: the ancestors masculine and feminine-the universe-man and woman-The God and Goddess family rulers of the creation and earth and the universe: Yahoshu’ah-health and wealth and prosperity and liberty and deliverance and vengeance-looking at our works and business and actions: To be hot or cold to the condition of the oppressed: The meaning of being hot or cold-an analysis of the psyche of the Christian:
Current Events-Affairs: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: We give critical analysis concerning the problems with nations and the issues raised at the United Nations: We analyze the Obama-Democratic budget and the Affordable Healthcare Act and their affects on the poor and working class and the elderly: "Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup- Terrorism is Part of Our History": Angela Davis on ’63 Church Bombing-Democracy Now-the week of September 10, 2013 @ www.democracynow.org: Panel discusses the politics of the suburbs-C-Span September 23, 2013 @ http://www.c-span.org/Events/Panel-Discusses-Politics-of-the-Suburbs/10737441626-1/: The Webster Tarpley plan to dissolve the Republican Party and split the Democratic Party between the Wall Street faction and the peoples’ faction dissolving the Wall Street faction for the benefit of the poor and working class-World In Crisis Radio @ http://tarpley.net/2013/09/28/us-constitution-not-a-suicide-pact/: Seymour Hersh on the fictitious narrative of Osama Ben-Laden: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-You’ve Been So Good by Martha Munizzi-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 5-6-7-8: Scripture: Revelations chapter 3 verses 15-16: Topics: Yahoshu’ah gives scientific and psychiatric examination concerning our condition of antipathy and apathy concerning the struggle for freedom and justice and equality: Because of our being lukewarm to the struggle to deliver the oppressed we have become a poison to the body of Christ: Yahoshu’ah to spue out the poison-lukewarm and separate the poison-lukewarm from the revolutionary body of Christ: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verse 85: Topics: Abraham the Exalted Father: The children of Abraham: The definitions of the names of the children of Abraham: The definitions of the names of the children Abraham are the attributes and characteristics to be found within our spirit and mind and soul and physical construct: Sunday School Lesson Title: A Promise of Land: Scripture: Genesis chapter 15 verses 1-9: Topics: The African Abram’s vision and trance: YHWH-the principles of existing and living as protector and great reward: Abram desires a child and heir in a time of desperate need: Eliezer is Azar is Kemet is Africa-our helper in a time of desperate need: We are the seed of Abram and we must inherit and possess the earth: Abram learns righteousness from the African Zodiac-astrology-astral and solar and lunar science: The African ritual of the covenant and the power of the African Zodiac: The heifer-cow, goat, ram, turtledove, pigeon as symbolism: The cow’s thigh as the lever to move time: The Ram as the Age of Aries: Moses and the Ram’s horn symbols of resurrection: The Age of Pisces: The Age Aquarius-Shavat and the cessation of all debt and slavery and exploitation: How the poor and working class are to rise up and possess the earth for truth and justice and righteousness:
Current Events-Affairs: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Matt Taibbi on How Wall Street Hedge Funds Are Looting the Pension Funds of Public Workers-September 26, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Speeches-Documentaries: Educating Our Youth For The 21st Century by Booker T. Coleman @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6wctbika1A: Information on Zodiac: Moorish Zodiac Constitution by Archangel Makintoch @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKJ_Fifq3dE: Zodiac by Jewish Treats @ http://www.jewishtreats.org/2010/08/zodiac.html: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-No Never by Kierra Ki Ki Sheard-Blind by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 9-10-11-12: Sunday School Lesson: A Promise of Land: Scripture: Genesis chapter 15 verses 10-17: Topics: The cow-heifer-goat-turtledove-pigeon-as symbolic of talents and attributes of working class oppressed people: Abram drives away the birds of prey-wicked ruling class and wicked ruling families: The setting of the sun-the end of a wicked system: Abram’s vision of the horror of the enslavement of the Black man and woman in the Americas: Christopher Columbus and the destruction of the Black man and woman in the western and eastern hemisphere: God’s judgment of America: The European Hyksos and the true history of slavery in Egypt-Kemet: The enslavement of the African Kemet-Egyptians and African Hebrews: The European Jew is the Jew of your Bible: The Russian origins of the European Jew: The State of Israel is not the Israel of your Bible: The Black man and woman the real descendants of the African Hebrews of your Bible: The Zodiac-time and the judgment on a wicked system: The sun-Ra-fire-and the spirit and energy and power of the Most High in the universe: Tongues of fire to destroy the system and build the Kingdom of God and Queendom of Goddess and heaven here and now on this earth: We the oppressed masses of the earth as the seed of the Most High destined to take control of the earth from the wicked ruling class and rule the earth and universe by the power of the Most High:
Current Events-Affairs: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Federal Budget Crisis Months in Planning by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Mike McIntire: Human Rights Watch confirms Mother Agnes Miriam’s report on rebel’s massacre of Christians in Syria: Afghanistan-President Karzai-Taliban and American sabotage-on World Crisis Radio w/Webster Tarpley-October 12, 2013 edition @ http://tarpley.net/2013/10/12/no-budget-sellouts-to-reactionary-sociopaths-time-to-speed-death-agony-of-gop/: Anabel Hernández Narcoland: Journalist Braves Death Threats to Reveal Ties Between Mexican Government & Drug Cartels-September 27, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: Herman Wallace Dies Just Days After Being Released from 40+ Years in Solitary-October 1, 2013 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Information on the true history of Egypt-Kemet-Israel-the real descendants of the ancient African Hebrews-The Mind of God Program 2013-January 13 and January 20, 2013 @ www.thankaboutit.org: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Livin’ 4 by J. Moss-It Is Well by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 10/06/13: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-06: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 17: Topics include: The African scientist Yahoshu’ah, (Jesus), continues to give critical and psychological analysis of the system that we live under and the mentality created in the poor and working class by such wicked system: The spirit of antipathy and apathy creates blindness toward our real condition of poverty and impoverishment: How the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families use the politicians and the power of the wicked system along with White skin privilege and American citizenship privilege in order to cause the spirit of apathy and antipathy within the poor and working class: The Moors-the European colleges and the teachings of Christ for the people: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verse 85: Topics include: The descendants of Abraham represent characteristics and attributes within the universe and the human family: Job and the origins of the hatreds within the human family: Joseph and our addition to the power of life within the universe: Moses-Moishe and the rejection of a wicked world system of death: Aaron-the bringer of light and the African tradition of the ring shout: Documentaries-Speeches-Lectures: The History and Science of the Moors by Booker T. Coleman: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-You Know Me by George Huff-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 5-6-7-8: Sunday School Lesson Title: A Blessing for Ishmael and Isaac: Scripture: Genesis chapters 15-20: Topics include: The time of judgment on a wicked system: The system of slavery and exploitation in Africa: Charles Finch forces Africans to confront the contradictions in Africa: Elijah Muhammad-Yacub-the making of Devil and the examination of the deficiencies within the Black man and woman: Abraham and Sarah and the enslavement of Hagar: YHWH appears to Hagar: YHWH-The Living One as the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine: Ishmael-God hears: The African tradition of seeing and acknowledging one another: YHWH demands perfection: Circumcision-the heart and the issues of life: The covenant with the universe: YHWH-Adonai-Elohim appears to Abraham: Sodom and Gomorrah-a system of slavery and colonialism and exploitation and death and disease and weakness: Spiritual homosexuality and the rejection of the sacred feminine leads to warfare and bloodshed: To do justice and judgment-the union of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine: The age of Aries-Mars and the Sacred Masculine balanced by the age of Libra-Venus and the Sacred Feminine: The rising of the sun-rising of the union of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine: To overthrow a wicked city of terror and a wicked system of terror: Documentaries-Speeches-Lectures: The History and Science of the Moors by Booker T. Coleman: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-Heaven Knows by Deitrick Haddon-Walking by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-10-20: Malala Yousafzai confronts President Obama about U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan-October 14, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: Super-Sizing Welfare Costs: Low Wages at McDonald’s, Burger King Cost Taxpayers Billions-October 18, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Haiti Reconstruction: Luxury Hotels, Sweat Shops and Deregulation for the Foreign Corporate Elite-written by Julie Le’vesque @ www.globalresearch.ca: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 10/20/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-20: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 10/27/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: We review Genesis chapter 16-19: Topics include: How a society rejects the sacred feminine: Hagar runs from the condition of slavery: The Most High The Living One-Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine: We must do Justice-Sacred Feminine and do Judgment-Sacred Masculine: Sodom Gomorrah-The system of corrupt and immoral judges-manipulation and tyranny-slavery colonialism and exploitation: Sick men a sick system and the marketplace of corrupt trials and slavery: The Masonic compass-sacred masculine-square-sacred feminine and the explanation of spiritual homosexuality and spiritual lesbianism and the problem of rejecting the sacred feminine: We must oppose the destruction and oppression of the female and the sacred feminine: The rising of the sun and the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine: The coming of the Kingdom of God and the Queendom of Goddess and heaven here and now on this earth and the going out of the wicked civilization of the wicked ruling class and families: The rain of fire and brimstone of the Most High destroys and overthrows Sodom and Gomorrah-the rise of the Sacred Feminine to empower the people to overthrow the wicked ruling class and the ruling families and take back the earth: Genesis chapter 28: Jacob and the overthrow of the wicked ruling class and families: Obtain the sacred feminine of pure and purging white light to give birth to righteousness: The African Kemet vision of the ladder of the Most High: The ladder and the science of civilization-solar and lunar and planetary science-and the creation of the righteousness civilization: The Universe and ourselves as the ladder of God-the gate of God-the house of God: The revolutionary work of freedom and justice and equality and peace and truth and justice and the Protection of the Most High during such work:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-10-27: "How Do You Justify Killing a Grandmother?" Amnesty Says U.S. Drone Strikes May Be War Crimes- "Prisoners of Profit": Despite Widespread Abuse, Private Juvenile Jail Firm Expands Empire-October 23, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: Exclusive: René González, Lone Cuban 5 Member Freed from U.S. Prison, Speaks Out from Havana- Ex-Cuban Foreign Minister on Threats by Militant Exiles & Why Obama Should "Free the 5"-October 24, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: As U.S. Faces New Scrutiny on Drones, U.N. Report Finds Hundreds of Civilian Deaths in Pakistan-October 25, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Documentaries-Speeches-Lectures: The History and Science of the Moors by Booker T. Coleman: Jekyll Island-The truth behind the Federal Reserve by Bill Still: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Music: Spiritual by John Coltrane-What Do You Do by Dave Hollister-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley and The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley and The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/27/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
Mind of God 10/27/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
Mind of God 10/27/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
Mind of God 10/27/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-10-27: Parts 1-2-3-4-5: continued...
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 18: Topics: Yahoshu’ah-Jesus continues to give psychological analysis concerning our condition of apathy: Yahoshu’ah-the spirit of liberation gives us counsel: Yahoshu’ah talks to himself-you are the self of Yahoshu’ah Christ: We must enter the marketplace: We must enter the public debates: We must enter politics: We must enter international trade and commerce: We must restore the sacred and divine Feminine and the sacred and divine Masculine: The African spiritual science of alchemistry and metallurgy: You are the gold of Yahoshu’ah: Your talents and characteristics are gold to deliver the oppressed from the oppressor: Gold and the purging of ourselves and the earth and the universe of the wicked system of oppression: Quran chapter 6 verse 85: Abraham the exalted father of the multitudes-a father to the oppressed: Allah rewards us for doing good: To rid the earth of the system of oppression and create a system that pleases the senses of man and woman: The African science of the higher and the lower nature of mankind: Liberation natural to the higher senses of the universe: The African science of the sensual and the intellectual nature of mankind: The Intellect and abstract idealism materialized through application of academic study: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Love Makes the World Beautiful by V Three-Survive by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers:
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: Scripture: Exodus chapters 1-2-3-4: Topics: The Twelve Tribes of Israel and enslavement of twelve characteristics and attributes: The Hyksos and the enslavement of the African Hebrews and African Egyptians: Threats to the Hyksos slave empire: The Hyksos administer genocide on the African Hebrews: African Hebrews and the African birthing stool: Levi and the union of masculine and feminine to deliver the oppressed: The African Egyptian-Kemet name Moshe: Look into your children and the babies and the youth and see their value and their purpose: To empathize and sympathize with the oppressed peoples of the earth: Gershom-to be exiled and estranged from the land: Exodus and reparations for the oppressed: Moses and Aaron-how we can alleviate our deficiencies and liberate the oppressed peoples of the earth: Scripture: St. Mark chapter 16 verses 17-18: Topics: We shall cast the devil out of the earth and out of politics and our of government: The African science of spirit energy good and wicked: To take up the serpent-take up wisdom and take up healing: The African origin of Seraphims-winged serpents symbolizing healing and wisdom: Wake up the serpentine power of healing and wisdom within ourselves and heal the universe and earth and human family with wisdom: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Healed Heart by Darius Brooks and Ramsey Lewis-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers:
Current Events-Affairs: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Court Blocks NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Reforms, Removes Judge Who Found Program Unconstitutional-November 1, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: "Stop Watching Us": As Diplomatic Fallout Grows, Thousands Protest NSA Surveillance in D.C.-October 28, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: "Too Scared to Go Outside": Family of Pakistani Grandmother Killed in U.S. Drone Strike Speaks Out-October 31, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: While Defenders Cry Foul, JPMorgan Chase’s $13 Billion Banking Settlement a "Screaming Bargain"-October 28, 2013 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Israel strikes Syria: Shooting in LAX: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: DVD’s-Videos-Lectures: Judaism-The Stolen Religion From Africa by Ashra Kwesi: The True History of Israel and Eugenics-January 13 and January 20 editions-The Mind of God Program @ http://www.thankaboutit.org/Download3.html: AIDS A Second Opinion by Gary Null (2001) @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6bYk3OmAro: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/03/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-03: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: St Mark chapter 4 verses 17-18: Topics: The human family needs a healing: Jesus implements the African teaching of through the serpentine power within: Scripture: Amos chapter 5 verse 8: Topics: The African root knowledge of quantum physics-quantum mechanics-big bang theory-string theory-the study of the Atom is the study of Adam-male and female: The connection of the human being with the power o f the Most High within the universe: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 18: Topics: Jesus as the African alchemist raising the oppressed from base metal to pure gold: Christ is the power that purifies the masses from the filth and dross of the rotten system: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verse 86: Topics: The African Hebrew definitions of Zacharias-John-Jesus-Elias: The attributes of the Most High found in the human being: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Precious Lord Take my Hand by Kelly Price-Catch Me by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: Scripture: Exodus chapter 4 verses 22-23: Topics: Israel as firstborn son of the YHWH-Existing and Living One: Israel as Messiah King using the sacred Feminine to liberate the oppressed: Israel-the power of God to prevail within the human family: The human family as Israel-the firstborn of YHWH: Israel and Sa Ra-Sa Rait-roots in Kemet-Egypt: Kemet Egypt-Israel and the science of the sun as the firstborn of Ptah: Israel as Is-Ra-El: Scripture: Exodus chapter 10 verses 8-9: Topics: The young people are a threat to the wicked system of slavery: The use of the elders and those skilled in government t build the new civilization and society of justice: Scripture: Exodus chapter 12: Topics: The African Hebrew calendar begins in March-the beginning of the Zodiac: The African teaching and true intent of the Zodiac: The role of Aries and the Ram in the African Hebrew nation: The attributes of Aries and Mars within the oppressed to be used to free the oppressed from oppression: The beginning of the new society and civilization of international justice and freedom: The blood of the young ram on both sides of the door and above the door as African ritual: The tau cross-the Holy and Holy of Holies-the Temple and the human being: The Most High judges the Hyksos-Indo-European invaders for their ruling in the ignorance of God-Ra: The African Hebrew-Kemet teaching of the Ka-Spirit of the Almighty in every particle in the universe: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-The Blessing of Abraham by Donald Lawrence and the Tri-City Singers-Sitting With Me by Mary Mary-G7 Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Events-Affairs: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Oliver Stone on 50th Anniversary of JFK Assassination & the Untold History of the United States-November 5, 2013 edition Democracy Now: With Wins for de Blasio, Minimum Wage and Tea Party Losses, Voters Signal Rejection of Austerity- NYPD Officer Risks His Job to Speak Out Against "Stop-and-Frisk" Targeting of People of Color -November 6, 2013: Torture on Tape : Disturbing Video Shows U.S. Special Forces Observing Brutal Afghan Interrogation: Report: Military Doctors Designed, Enabled U.S. Torture of Prisoners at Guantánamo, Secret Prisons: War Crimes in Afghanistan? 10 Bodies of Abducted Villagers Found Outside U.S. Special Forces Base: Study: Arafat May Have Died of Polonium Poisoning-November 7, 2013 edition Democracy Now: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology: DVD’s-Videos-Lectures: Emerging Viruses-AIDS & Ebola Nature- Accident of Intentional by Leonard Horowitz @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=6bPDBND2jL4&NR=1: AIDS Truth 2013-The Truth About The HIV=AIDS Lies by Gary Null @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfupzhtR6FY: The Shabaka Stone by Booker T. Coleman and Dr. Gabriel Oyibo @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1oOx5moyQs: Serpent Mounds and Seraphim Angels @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XesAmcBj5Yg: Poverty-the Problem of Education in America by Diane Ravitch- -King Middle School Berkeley Ca- September 28, 2013: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/10/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-10: Parts 5-6-7-8-9: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verse 18: Topics: We introduce the God Almighty Grand Unified Theory, (G.A.G.U.T.), by Gabriel Oyibo and Booker T. Coleman: The waters waves of Nun-hydrogen-fire-gold-the table of elements: Jesus as the African alchemist: Our talents and characteristics and attributes are the Gold: Hydrogen-fire-the sacred feminine are the agent that purges and cleans us of trash of the system rendering us pure gold: To be clothed with the feminine white light of knowledge and wisdom emanating from the masculine-feminine sun: How the system causes nakedness and poverty and confusion: Quran chapter 6 verses 86-87: The African teaching of the hydrogen-Atum-atom and the universe: The universe as righteous and the human being as the atom: The atom as part of universe: The human being as part of universe: The human being is from righteousness: Ishmael-God hears: The universe hears our cries and is at our service to deliver us from all oppression: Elisha-God-strength is my salvation:
Current Events-Affairs: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: A Nun Takes on the Drug War: Consuelo Morales on Crusading Against Mexican Cartels, Corrupt Police-November 14, 2013 edition Democracy Now: Jailed for Life for Stealing a $159 Jacket? 3,200 Serving Life Without Parole for Nonviolent Crimes Report: 97% of NYPD "Stop-and-Frisks" Yielded No Conviction-November 15, 2013 edition-Democracy Now: While Defenders Cry Foul, JPMorgan Chase’s $13 Billion Banking Settlement a "Screaming Bargain"-October 28, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: DVD’s and Lectures: The Shabaka Stone and the God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem by Booker T. Coleman and the Dr. Gabriel Oyibo @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1oOx5moyQs: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Psalm 68 Let Our God Arise by Kurt Karr-Homegoing Glory by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 5-6-7-8: We present The Shabaka Stone and the God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem, (GAGUT), by Booker T. Coleman and Dr. Gabriel Oyibo: We also present the book Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James: Topics: African origin of all science: Unification of Theory of Relativity-Big Bang theory-Word of God-Watery Waves of Nun: The primordial and primeval waters of Nun-potential energy at rest: Ptah-The Mound and energy in motion-turbulence and chaos: Atum-bring order out of turbulence and chaos through awareness and consciousness: The concept of opposites-dialectical materialism-the sacred masculine and feminine polarity: Nun and Naunet-Huh and Hauhet-Kuk and Kauket-Amum and Amaunet-The African origins of Energy-time-space: The Hydrogen Atum is your modern day Hydrogen Atom: The Hydrogen Atom is the root and common denominator of all the atoms in the table of elements: All the atoms in the table of elements are hydrogen atoms at various levels: The watery waves of Nun and the biology of the human being-the biology of frogs and snakes-the development of the frog is equal to the development of the central nervous system of the human being: The African origin of biology-chemistry-quantum physics-quantum mechanics-string theory-theory of relativity-the concept of hydrogen and the atom: The Atum is the Atom is Adam, (male-female), is Christ: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Faithful is Our God by Hezekiah Walker and the Love Fellowship Crusade Choir-Something Big by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 9-10-11-12: We apply the Shabaka Stone and the God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem to the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible: Scripture: Genesis chapter 1 and verses 1-10: Topics: The Elohim-Gods and the Goddesses and how they created the heaven and the earth: The true meaning of the earth and the heaven without form and void and darkness on the face of the deep: The feminine Spirit of the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses on the face of the waters: The African Hebrew teaching of the feminine light and the masculine darkness and their division by the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: The masculine day-darkness-waters-firmament: The Elohim-Gods and Goddesses divide the masculine waters from the masculine waters: The African Hebrew concept of the day and the division of time: The masculine waters-the seed of life-implanted into the feminine earth: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James: DVD’s and Lectures: The Shabaka Stone and the God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem by Booker T. Coleman and the Dr. Gabriel Oyibo @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1oOx5moyQs: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-That Place by Levin and Myron Butler-Something Bigger by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley $ The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley $ The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 13
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 13-14-15-16: We use the God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem to examine Christ and the etymological roots of Christ: Big Bang-Quantum physics and quantum mechanics in Christ and the etymology of Christ: Scripture Exodus chapter 4 verses 19-27: Topics: The watery waves of Nun and the African Hebrew alphabet: The watery waves of Nun and the Catholic Nuneries: The Elohim-Gods and Goddesses inhabit the elements-atoms-fire-clouds-water: Kuk-Kauket-darkness and light: Amen-Amaunet-hidden and revealed: Ptah-the mind-chaos-Atum-brings order: The fire and the clouds-witchcraft and soothsaying and divining associated with Prophet Moses? The feminine power in Mother Earth: Facing the east-right side and the south side is the sacred feminine-the left side and the north side is the sacred masculine: The armies of the system pursue the freedom fighters: The elements of the earth-Ptah troubles the armies of the system: The elements and atoms of the universe destroy the weapons of warfare and bloodshed: The Most High overthrows the wicked Hyksos Pharaoh: The importance of the youth in the freedom process: Huh-Hauhet and Kali-truth is infinite-wickedness is finite: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Promise and Fullfilment-1917-1949 by Arthur Koestler: Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James: DVD’s and Lectures: The Shabaka Stone and the God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem by Booker T. Coleman and the Dr. Gabriel Oyibo @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1oOx5moyQs: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-We Praise You The McClurkin Project-Blind by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 14
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 13-14-15-16: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 15
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 13-14-15-16: continued...
Mind of God 11/17/13: Pt. 16
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-11-17: Parts 13-14-15-16: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3-verse 18: Topics: The science of the sun-light-white raiment-to be clothed with the wealth of the universe: The system and the condition of the people-nakedness and how the people are stripped of land and wealth and resources and education and healthcare and time and energy and space: Our eyes and our minds need medicine so we may see our connection as human beings and so that we may be connected to the oppressed and the poor and the afflicted and the needy: Scripture: Quran chapter 6 verses 87-92: Topics: Our power of Atum to call the names and power and attributes and characterizes of the prophets within ourselves so that we may bring order to a world in chaos: Allah and the power to excel the people beyond a wicked system: Kemet-Septepen Ra-we are the chosen of God for justice: The other Gods and the denial of justice: The believers are a reminder to the nations: How the leaders of this world misuse and abuse the holy books and hide their wicked actions: Allah excels:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-12-08: We give a full panoramic view of the political life of Nelson Mandela: Nelson Mandela and the hypocrisy of the United States: Iran-nuclear weapons and the hypocrisy of Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu: Anti-African hatred and racism in Israel: Israel building the biggest internment camps ever built in order to round up all African people by Max Blumenthal and David Sheen @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUivyO5T_34 and http://www.davidsheen.com/racism/: Bill Clinton and sweatshops in Haiti: Ethnic tensions between Dominicans and Haitians:
Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Scripture Animals by the Reverend Jonathan Fisher: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-You Showed Me by Karen Clark Sheard-It Is Well by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 5-6-7-8: Scriptures: Exodus chapters 34-40: Topics: Yahweh forgives poor and working class-the wicked ruling class shall not escape: Make no deal with the wicked ruling class: Destroy the system of slavery: Worship no other Gods-spirit energy that delays blessings and justice: Make no molten Gods-Do not participate in wicked economic system: The feast of the weeks-the celebration of freedom-the sacred African dance-the ring shout and the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine: The face of Moses-the light and the rays of the sun-the sacred feminine: Qaran-shone-Quran-the rays of the sun: Gold and silver and brass-the science of alchemy and the science of divining: Joseph and Laban use the African science of divining: The science of the African Hebrew temple: The water laver: The alter of sacrifice: The showbread and the seven stick menorah: The alter of prayer: The holy of holies: The Ark of the covenant and the mercy seat:
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-12-08: Saudi Arabia and CIA attempt to construct fictitious Islamic state to oppose Syrian government: Agnes Maryam tours to expose CIA tactics in Syrian: Edward Snowden continues to expose CIA tactics around the world: Food industry workers protesting for higher wages: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Scripture Animals by the Reverend Jonathan Fisher: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-You can change by Kim Burrell and Tye Tribbett and GA-Never Wave My Flag by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 5-6-7-8: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 9-10-11-12: Scriptures: Exodus chapter 40 verses 16-38: Topics: The science of the African Hebrew tabernacle: The Ark of the Covenant and the mercy seat as nuclear and atomic energy: The High Priest Breastplate of Judgment as protection from such energy: The cherubim-Khemet-Horum-Ahket-the birth of light: The cherubim and positive and negative charge: The breastplate-the urim and light-fire-the thummim and integrity and truth-The Ark of the Covenant and the art of divining in Israel: The cloud of YHWH covers the tabernacle: The power of divination under YHWH-EXISTING-LIVING for all or the power of divination used by the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families to destroy the human family: The human being as the real tabernacle-church-cathedral-mosque: The human being as the real holy and holy of holies: African science to be used to construct the new Christ government of Islam on earth: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: Scripture Animals by the Reverend Jonathan Fisher: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Let Go by DeWayne Woods-Walking by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley: Thank You For Listening!
Current Event-Affairs: 2013-12-08: The Republican controlled House of Representatives passes new budget: We show that the new budget is a conspiracy conducted by President Obama and the democrats along with the republicans for the purpose of cutting the programs of the people and destroying the poor and working class-Democracy Now-Friday December 13, 2013 edition: We also look again at Detroit and how the wealthy ruling class have hijacked the wealth and resources of the people leading Detroit into bankruptcy and destroying the poor and working class: Christians and Muslims fighting in Central Republic of Africa-France and Britain are the cause: The Ark of the Covenant-Japan and the power of nuclear energy: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 13
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18: Scriptures: St. Luke chapters 1 and 2: Sunday School Lesson Titles: Zacharias Prophecies about His Son John: Jesus Is Born: Topics: The Roman Empire and exploitation and slavery and oppression are the cause of chaos and turbulence: The spirit of Atum calls forth the invisible forced to bring order and chaos out of turbulence: The importance and definitions of the names: Luke-Theophilus-Herod-Judea-Zacharias-Abia-Aaron-Elisabeth-John-Mary-Joseph-Jesus: Aaron-Elisabeth-Hauhet-the daughters light: Zacharias and Elisabeth uphold God’s law and reject the Roman Empire: The angel of the Lord-Zacharias and the science of the African Hebrew Temple: The birth of Jesus-a sign of the birth of every human being: The science of the birth of Jesus-the science of the birth of every human being: Mary prophecies the doom of the rich and the wealthy and the wicked ruling class and the Roman Empire: Rome’s system of tax is against God’s law: The whole Roman Empire in violation of laws of God: Yahoshu’ah, (health-wealth-prosperity-liberty-deliverance-vengeance), must be at the center of the struggle to overthrow the system and institutions and governments: The African Origin of Mary-Christ-Mass: The birth of Jesus is solar and lunar and astral and planetary science: The birth of Jesus and the African Zodiac: The birth of Jesus and the science of the 10th house: The birth of Jesus and the science of Capricorn: The birth of Jesus and the science of Uranus: The birth of Jesus and the science of the 12th house: The birth of Jesus and the science of Pisces: The birth of Jesus and the science of Neptune: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Robert Audi: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Thank Ya Jesus by Darrel Petties and Strength in Praise-Slow Walk by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Event-Affairs: 2013-12-08: How and why the Obama Administration bailed out General Motors for 64 billion dollars and allowed the city of Detroit to default-the cost 18 billion dollars: In 2008-9 The Obama Administration forced General Motors into two tiered paying system permanently depressing the wages of new hires: The Obama Administration allows the banks to raid the pensions of the city workers and unions of the city of Detroit to pay for bad decisions made by the international bankers and the wealthy ruling class-December edition of Global Capitalism-by Richard Wolff @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdr_9TVXx8g: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 14
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 15
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 16
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 17
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18: continued...
Mind of God 12/08/13: Pt. 18
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-08: Parts 13-14-15-16-17-18: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scripture: St. Luke chapter 1 verse 35: Topics: The scientific birth of Yahoshu’ah-Jesus and the scientific birth of every human being: Birth through the union of fire and water and clouds and the very atoms and elements of the universe and creation: The Most High-Mary-Jesus-the overshadow: Yahoshu’ah-Jesus the image and likeness of God: Christ the express image of God: Adam-male and female-every human being the image and likeness of the Elohim-Gods and Goddesses: The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night and the power of magic and divining: The science of the African Hebrew Temple-The High Priest-Urim and Thummim and the righteous power to divine: The Temple and solar science and lunar science and astral and planetary science: Solar science-the zodiac-the 11th house-the age of Aquarius-the planetary power and rule of Uranus-the liberation of the human family: Scripture: Revelation chapter 3 verses 17-19: Solar science and the science of alchemy: We must obey the Christ spirit and soul energy within ourselves: Yahoshu’ah is health and wealth and prosperity and liberty and deliverance and vengeance: Yahoshu’ah chastises and rebukes for disobeying the laws of life and existing for all: We must be a Zealot for love and liberation and justice and life and existing for all: We must repent and disconnect from the divisions and the hatreds of the system of death: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Robert Audi: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-I Made It by Keith Johnson & The Spiritual Voices-Survive by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-12-29: Unrest-corruption-disunity in South Sudan: The roots and causes of the unrest in Sudan and South Sudan can be found in the wicked actions of the CIA: John Garang’s vision of a united Sudan and his subsequent assassination by the CIA-Spotlight Africa-December 28, 2013 edition @ http://archive.kpfk.org/: We give answer to our Brother Chairman Omali Yeshitela and his comments on spiritualism and materialism and life-made at the Sixth Congress of the African Peoples’ Socialist Party-December 8 and December 15 edition-Africa Live @ http://uhurunews.com/radio/show?show_id=lt: A deep and critical analysis on how to clean up the earth of colonization and corruption by looking at what occurred in Africa and South Africa during the anti-colonialist movement: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: Scripture: Holy Quran chapter 6 verses 93-95: Topics: The Quran verifies the Bible: The Quran verifies the teaching of Africa: The Quran verifies the African teaching of the universe-solar science-lunar science-astral science of life: The Quran reveals the hidden and unseen oppressor and thief namely Caesar and the Roman Empire yesterday and today the House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers: We must warn the capitals and economic centers of this system i.e. Washington D.C.-London-Vatican City: We must warn the governmental and educational and financial and religious institutions of this system: Prayer is tied to the impoverishment and oppressive condition of the people: The Hereafter is here on this earth after the rule of the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families: How the politicians and leaders of this system lie to the people: How the leaders and politicians falsely claim to help the people and grow and excel the people and reveal the enemy of the people: The misuse and abuse of the Christ spirit and soul energy: The angelic spirit energies, on behalf of the Most High Spirit Soul energy, demand and take back the abused and misused Christ spirit and soul energy: The suffering of chastisement for rejecting Allah and Maa’t-truth and justice and righteousness and the misuse and the abuse of the Christ spirit and soul energy: The science of the birth of every human being as Yahoshu’ah-Christ spirit and soul energy: The associate and other Elohim-Gods and Goddesses-the leadership of this system-and the punishment for following their wicked and evil spirit and soul energy: Scripture: St. Luke chapter 2 verse 7: Topics: Yahoshu’ah-the manger-no room in the inn: The system has no room for Yahoshu’ah-health and wealth and prosperity and liberty and deliverance for all: The rise of the sacred and divine masculine and feminine in the human family to overthrow wicked institutions and wicked governments and wicked agreements and wicked laws: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Robert Audi: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-All Things Working by LaShun Pace-Are You Ready by Mary Mary-G7 by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Current Events-Affairs: 2013-12-29: The God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem and The Shabaka Stone-The Mind of God Program-Parts 1-16-November 17, 2013 edition @ www.thankaboutit.org: New York Mayor De Blasio-Stop and Frisk and the new Chief of Police in New York: Barack Obama and the two tier salary system of General Motors: Will jobless benefits be extended or extinguished?: The real destructive nature of the Trans-Pacific Partnership-NAFTA-CAFTA: Tara-Kali-Black Madonna and the Power of the Dark-Black Feminine by China Galland-January 2, 2013 edition-Something’s Happening Parts A and B @ www.archive.kpfk.org: Sunni Muslims verses Shiite Muslims-Saudi Arabia and Iran and the conflict in Syria and Iraq-World In Crisis Radio-January 4, 2013 edition @ www.tarpley.net: South Sudan sellout leaders sacrifice our people for personal gain by Luwezi Kinshasa @ www.uhurunews.com: Egyptian Military government cracks down on Muslim Brotherhood-December 30, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2013/12/30/headlines: Texas rape victim speaks out-January 3, 2013 edition-Democracy Now @ http://www.democracynow.org/2014/1/3/texas_student_after_reporting_rape_i: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 8
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 9
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 10
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 11
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...
Mind of God 12/29/13: Pt. 12
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2013-12-29: Parts 7-8-9-10-11-12: continued...