Mind of God 2015
The African Science of Born Again Through Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception:
The Anchor Scriptures for 2015:
St. John chapter 3 verse 3:
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
St. John chapter 3 verse 5:
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
General Interpretation:
In order to enter the Kingdom of God and Queendom of Goddess and Heaven you must be born again from the Almighty Father and God of the Universe, (Dark Water-Matter) and the accompanying Almighty Mother Holy Spirit and Goddess of the Universe, (Dark Spirit-Energy).
Mind of God 01/04/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-04: Parts 1-2-3-4: Title: The Science of Born Again-Immaculate Conception-Virgin Birth: Scripture: St. Matthew chapter 14: Topics: The African narrative of the construct of universe: The Waters of Nun-Ptah the Mind of Almighty and Earth Mound-Atum the transforming field of Light: Yahoshu’ah prays in the mountain-the mountain as Ptah Mind of Almighty and Earth Mound: Dark matter dark energy and the waters melanin of Nun-Christos-Atum as the field of Light-the touchstone that tests the veracity of all metals and elements-our testing comes from life and the chaos and the turbulence of our lives-are we really who and what we say that we are-Christian-Muslim-Buddhist-Hindu-etc: The waves of life and our passions and desires and appetites and the need to control our passions and desires and appetites or the wicked ruling families will control them and control us and destroy us as we destroy ourselves: The science of evanescence as the examination of the power of energy and spirit and vibrations while travelling through barriers and boundaries-the teaching and the message carries spirit and energy and vibration and we must tear all barriers and boundaries that separate us from each other and from the message and from the universe and from the Almighty so that the power and energy and force of the message and teaching may have fullest strength in and within our lives: The Sun in the sign of Capricorn teaches us how to take control of our passions and desires and teaches us to repent for our participation the system of slavery and colonialism and exploitation: The Sun moving through Aquarius and Pisces and Aries teaches us that have the power to be born again and pioneer the New Jerusalem and the New Civilization and the New Society:
Current Events-Affairs: We look at how the intelligence communities of America and Israel and Britain created Al Qaeda to overthrow government and destroy peaceful uprisings of the people in Africa and Middle East: We look at how Al Qaeda was used in Syria to take control of oil wells in Syria: We look at how Al Qaeda was used to destroy the peaceful uprising in Syria: We look at how Al Qaeda was used to destroy the peaceful uprising in Iraq: We look at the split between Shia and Sunni Muslims: We look at the Al Qaeda infiltration of the Sunni uprising: Al Qaeda begins to move and threaten certain oil wells that are under the control of the Kurds threatening contracts created by the government of the Kurds and oil giants Chevron and Exxon: The Obama Administrations bombs Al Qaeda to maintain control of oil and oil contracts-nothing more and nothing less-January 4, 2015 edition of Alternative Radio with host Michael Schwartz in the Sojorner Truth time slot 7 AM @ www.kpfk.org also @ http://www.alternativeradio.org/collections/all-programs/products/schm001: Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Videos-Google Documentaries: The Panama Deception @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo6yVNWcGCo : Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Stand by Sly & The Family Stone-Umuntu Ngumuntu (I am therefore you are) by Mahlathini & The Mahotella Queens-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/04/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-04: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/04/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-04: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/04/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-04: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/11/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-11: Parts 1-2-3-4: Title: The Science of Born Again-Immaculate Conception-Virgin Birth: Scriptures: St. John chapter 16: Psalm 18:9-12: Topics: The African science of the universe and creation in the Bible: The waters melanin of Nun-Earth Mound Ptah-Field of Light Atum: The bowing of the heavens-the expansion of the universe: Darkness as dark matter and dark energy under the feet of YHWH: Father-Mother-YHWH-darkness-secret place: The triple dark womb that houses the dark energy dark matter-waters melanin of Nun: The thick dark clouds and the process of the field of light-Christos transforming the dark waters of Nun into star dust and therefore into the various fixtures of the universe: The field of Light-Firstborn of creation seen in the Feminine: Christ and Christos is the C-Squared in Einstein’s equation-E=MC-Squared: Energy =Mass Matter Material multiplied by Christos-Christ-Squared:
Current Events-Affairs: 2015-01-11: We look at the geo-political background that surrounds the recent shooting in Paris France: Was the shooting in Paris France a false flag operation created by NATO in order to maneuver France to continue to oppose Russia? Does the French President François Hollande want to normalize relationships with Putin of Russia: What is NATO’s reaction? We look at Operation Gladio and how, in the 60’s and 70’s, NATO terrorized Europe in order to control European heads of state: We examine how security breaches were used to control President Barack Obama and how something similar is occurring in France: We look at the impoverished and marginalized lives of the North African and Middle Eastern Muslims in France and how poor and disenfranchised youth can be maneuvered into joining Al Qaeda: We examine how poverty, impoverishment and disenfranchisement drives young people to join Al Qaeda: That same poverty, impoverishment and disenfranchisement drives young people to join mercenary groups and the militaries of the world -Webster Tarpley on The Rense Program and the January 11, 2015 edition of World Crisis Radio @ http://tarpley.net/: Also see Alex Jones Show-January 7-9, 2015 edition @ http://www.infowars.com/: Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Videos-Google Documentaries: The Panama Deception @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo6yVNWcGCo : Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Stand by Sly & The Family Stone-Umuntu Ngumuntu (I am therefore you are) by Mahlathini & The Mahotella Queens-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/11/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-11: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/11/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-11: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/11/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-11: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/25/15: Pt. 1
Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-25: Parts 1-2-3-4: Title: The Science of Born Again-Immaculate Conception Through Virgin Birth: Scripture: James chapter 5: Topics: The African Scientist James gives warning to the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families: The wicked ruling class are corrupt and their system is corrupt-so the very elements of the universe have turned against the wicked ruling class: Christ as the table of elements-including gold and silver: The wicked storing treasure and wealth in a time of warfare: The wicked have killed and destroyed the poor and oppressed people of the earth: The Lord coming in the persons of the oppressed-the masses now will rule the earth and the universe according to the laws of the universe: We the oppressed must have the proper attitude towards one another: The old prophets saw our day of liberation and deliverance: How the politicians use scripts created for them-by the wicked ruling class-to fool the masses of the people: How the wicked have robbed the people of their just wages: The masses denied healthcare-the masses pray and align with the universe and are healed: The Elder men and women-the anointing-oil as fuel for the lamp-the lamp as Christ: The making of ourselves into Christ:
Scripture: Psalm division 139: Father-Mother-YHWH-is the Self Existing One-Self Living One: Father-Mother-YHWH knew us as the Christ in the waters of Nun before our physical incarnation: Millah-the feminine aspect of the word-the electron and x chromosome mitochondria dna: The science of YHWH in the universe is so marvelous: The spirit energy of YHWH permeates the whole of the universe-quantum physics and quantum mechanics: Hell-Sheol-as the womb housing the fire hydrogen waters of Nun-from whence we all come: The original morning when the Christos-Sun Disk spread forth the waters melanin dark matter dark energy-all over the universe: Dark energy dark matter-the womb of the universe gives birth to the field of light-Christos: The universe as the egg-giving birth to all within the universe: Heaven is the highest high and hell is the lowest parts of the earth: The fire hydrogen waters of Nun-Mother Hades-Sheol-is an incubator giving birth to all life: The mind-Ptah-of the universe- the process of creation before the process of creation: The forming of the members of the mystical body of Christ as the developing embryo: Father-Mother-YHWH uses colors to form the universe-golden sun shines white light into the seven colors of the rainbow-in between the seven colors of the rainbow is the dark matter and dark energy that controls the whole universe:
Current Event-Affairs: 2015-01-25: We give our political analysis of the elections in Greece and the rise of Greece’s new Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, and Yanis Varoufakis, the new finance minister: We look at Greece’s winning Syriza party and how the people of Greece rejected their two party system in favor of the Syriza party a third party coalition: The people of the United States of America need to do the same-reject America’s two party system in favor of a third party: We give political analysis concerning how the people of Greece have rejected the genocidal austerity measures put on Greece by the International Monetary Fund and the international bankers: It is time for the citizens of North America to do the same-reject the genocidal system of austerity-also see Webster Tarpley on Guns and Butter on WBAI New York @ http://tarpley.net/syriza-lessons-that-the-american-anti-wall-street-opposition-must-learn-now/: For information on the process of creation before the process see Exploration with Dr. Kaku @ http://www.kpfa.org/archive/show/51: and see Fritjof Capra’s Systems View of Life-a Unifying Vision-book and DVD: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-Dear Mr. President by The Four Non-Blondes-Too Much Bull in the Pen by Black Uhuru-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 01/25/15: Pt. 2
Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-25: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/25/15: Pt. 3
Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-25: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 01/25/15: Pt. 4
Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-01-25: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 02/08/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-02-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: The African science of Born Again-Virgin Birth-Immaculate Conception: Scripture and Topics: St Luke chapter 10: The Yahoshu’ah work of raising the poor and working class masses of disorganized people into the rulers of the earth and universe: Peace and tranquility and the exemption from the havoc of warfare and bloodshed: To reveal the truth of the system to the ignorant masses of the poor and working class peoples of the earth: The CIA-the FBI-the FOP-sends a lawyer to tempt and trap Yahoshu’ah: The narrative of the Good Samaritan: We are to be the guardians of freedom and justice and equality: Mary and Martha-Mary is the rebellion of the people against the system versus Martha as a personal rebellion because of mental insufficiencies and incapacities leading to distraction from the movement for freedom and justice and equality: Martha as a mistress-the masses of the people as a mistress tied to political leadership that is married to the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families and not married to the masses of the people:
Scripture and Topics: Psalm division 139 verse 16: The African teaching of the universe as the egg: The scientific formation of the members of the field of light known as Christ and known anciently as Atum the Sacred and Divine Masculine and Ma at’ the Sacred and Divine Feminine: The origins of the universe as waters-dark energy and dark matter and the transformation of those waters by the field of light into the mass and matter and material universe of today: The power of the sun and the power of time instigated by the sun in the whole process of transforming the original waters into the mass and matter and material universe: The Sun Disk as the scientific Christ-Atum The Sacred Divine Masculine-Ma’at The Sacred Divine Feminine:
Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Videos-Google Documentaries: The Panama Deception @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo6yVNWcGCo : Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Everyday Is a Winding Road by Sheryl Crow-Methods of Dropping Mental by Poor Righteous Teachers-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 02/08/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-02-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 02/08/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-02-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 02/08/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-02-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 03/01/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-01: Parts 1-2-3-4: The African Science of Born Again-Virgin Birth-Immaculate Conception: Scriptures: Psalm Division 139 verses 15-16: Topics include: The concepts of the Mind of the Almighty and the power of the mind over matter: The origins of the universe in the fire hydrogen waters of Nun in the womb of Naunet: The waters of Nun as unformed matter and unformed mass and unformed material: The birth of the Sun from dark energy dark matter and the institution by the Sun Disk of time and space-the beginning: The science Sun transforming the mass and matter and material waters of Nun into the mass and matter and material universe through the science of purging and purifying of the waters and compacting those waters in the mass and matter and material universe of today: Through the Movie Lucy we understand that Psalm is teaching that there is not time and space and material universe without the birth of the sun from dark energy and dark matter and the work of the Sun Disk on the waters of Nun-dark energy dark matter: Unformed matter is equated with the unformed and ignorant mind of the unformed and ignorant human being in need of the science of fire and light and knowledge and wisdom in order form the mind and transform the mind:
Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Documentaries-Videos: The Tenth System by Mother Tynetta Muhammad: A Beast Like Civilization by Tynetta Muhammad: Islam is Mathematics by Tynetta Muhammad: The New World by Tynetta Muhammad: The Prodigal Son by Mother Tynetta Muhammad: The Travail of Minister Farrakhan by Mother Tynetta Muhammad: Guidance for Life by Tynetta Muhammad: Iblis the Brown Germ by Mother Tynetta Muhammad @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeMzbr6XR8g&list=PL5lkOeHyxEjL9TekR9KRWWtEQlz53tq_P: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Awuthele Kancane by The Mahotella Queens-Oh Jah Jah by Edie Murphy-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/01/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-01: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 03/01/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-01: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 03/01/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-01: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 03/08/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: The African Science of Born Again-Virgin Birth-Immaculate Conception: Scriptures: Genesis Chapter 1 verses 1-3: Topics: The Gods and the Goddesses create the heaven and the earth: The beginning as the power of the sun to create time and space: The earth as unformed matter: Darkness and the deep as dark energy and dark matter: Mother Holy Spirit and her energy disposition being impressed on Christ’s mystical body-the waters of Nun: Light the Sun as Christ the firstborn of creation:
Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Documentaries-Videos: Gnosis - Pyramid Code Complete Series | Documentary @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaiGEItvTH8: The Dark Side of Time (Documentary) @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPSHDRIgP9s: Get On Board The Wheel | Part 1: Master Fard Muhammad and India @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62cOIQ5ljL8: Get On Board The Wheel | Part 2: Master Fard Muhammad and Buddhism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHV8R-bltuE: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Freedom by the Women of the Panther Soundtrack-Serpentine Fire by Earth Wind and Fire-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 03/08/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 03/08/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 03/08/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-03-08: Parts 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 04/12/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-04-12-Part 1-2-3: The African Science of Born Again and Virgin Birth through Immaculate Conception: Scriptures: Psalms division 139: Genesis chapter 1: Topics: We look at quantum physics and quantum mechanics: We look at the reality of time and space and continuum: Is time an illusion: Is space an illusion? What is substantivalism and relationism? What is relativity? Which came first the sun of dark energy and dark matter? How does dark energy and dark matter empower the sun to operate the universe?
References: The Theology of Time Lectures-June 1972-Part 1-Disk 1-by Elijah Muhammad: The Scientific American-A Matter of Time-Special Collectors’ Edition-A Hole At The Heart of Physics-by George Musser: Music: Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Exodus Live by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 04/12/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-04-12-Part 1-2-3: continued...
Mind of God 04/12/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-04-12-Part 1-2-3: continued...
Mind of God 04/19/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-04-19-Part 1-2: The African Science of Born Again-Virgin Birth through Immaculate Conception Continued: Scriptures: Psalm division 139 verse 15-16: Genesis chapter 1 verses 1-2: Topics: The arguments of religion and science are the same: In religion-Is Jesus the beginning and all in the universe from Jesus-or Did Jesus come from God the Father? In science-Is matter independent and is time and space and the sun-disk independent and the universe derived after-or is the sun and time and space and matter derived from another hidden and unseen power and reality?-that hidden and unseen reality being dark matter and dark energy: Jesus represents the sun-disk and thereafter time and space and matter-dark matter-water-represents the God Father Creator and the dark energy represent the Mother Holy Dark Spirit Mother Goddess Creatress: Dark matter-water is the hidden and unseen Father God-Dark energy-spirit is the hidden and unseen Mother Holy Spirit Goddess: God and Goddess and dark water-matter and dark spirit-energy all represent the hidden and unseen reality that has power and force and populous ten to one with respect to the seen world and seen universe and seen physical reality: Our birth in the womb of Mother Nanuet occurring sometime between 76 and 66 trillion years ago: Our original stage of existence as embryo and fetus in the womb of our original Mother Holy Dark Spirit-energy Nanuet: Our original state as unformed matter and unwrought matter symbolizing the unformed mind and the unformed human being in the ignorant stage:
References: The Theology of Time Lectures-June 1972-Part 1-Disk 1-by Elijah Muhammad: The Scientific American-A Matter of Time-Special Collectors’ Edition-A Hole At The Heart of Physics-by George Musser: Biblical definitions @ http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Black and Blue by Louis Armstrong-Jive Motella by Mahlathini & The Mahotella Queens: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 04/19/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-04-19-Part 1-2: continued...
Mind of God 05/14/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program-Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Summary for the Month of May-2015: Title: The African Science of Born Again through Virgin Birth-Immaculate Conception: Scriptures: St. John chapter 3 verse 3 and 5: Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 16: Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5: Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 and 2: Topics: In order to be rulers in the Kingdom of God and Queendom of Goddess and Heaven we must be born again the scientific examination of the scientific origins of the universe: The origins of the universe: Which came first-man and woman as the Sun-Disk-the Scientific Christ or the flesh? The flesh of the universe as the mass and matter and material of the universe: How to cease knowing man and woman by the flesh:
We are the unborn scientific Christ-the Sun-Disk-the self of YHWH-HYH: YHWH-HYH-knew us as the unborn scientific Christ-the Sun-Disk-the self of YHWH-HYH all before our forming in the womb of the universe before the Big Bang of 13.7-4.5 billion years ago: How YHWH-HYH-made and created all of the characteristics and talents and attributes and complexities of all that would be born as the physical and visible universe of mass and matter and material: The roots of String Theory and Big Bang Theory in Genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 and 2: Genesis chapter and verse 1 and the beginning of time and space physical continuum and the Big Bang of Light and Sound of 13.7-4.5 billion years ago: Genesis chapter 1 and verse 2 and String Theory-the study of the state of the universe before the Big Bang and the birth of the scientific Christ-the Sun-Disk and the birth of Light and Sound:
The original state of the universe during the time before the physical time which is time eternal-the father and mother of time physical: Three time periods of 76 and 66 and 6 trillion years ago teaching us the original state of the universe: Before 76 trillion years ago we see the original state of the universe as symbolized by the circle with the dot in the middle: The circle is empty save for the dot in the middle: The circle is the womb of the universal Mother Holy Spirit Goddess of the Universe, (Dark Spirit-Energy: The dot symbolized the seed of life germ of life that is not activated yet: The dot as the seed of life and germ of life is from the universal Father God of the Universe, (Dark Water-Matter): The empty circle symbolized the original state of the universe before 76 trillion years ago as empty space: The dot in the middle of empty space is mass and matter and material unformed not activated:
The space as full of darkness and emptiness that is immeasurable depth and deep: The darkness as the womb and Sheol and Hades the birth chamber the incubator for life: The original water as the fire hydrogen atom water-matter: The proper use of darkness as the beginning of the birth process to the actual birthing of light and sound as light and sound-big bang: The misuse and improper use of darkness to keep the mind under and undeveloped leaving the mind susceptible to waste and abuse and disorder and chaos: Disorder and chaos known in science as entropy and known in religion as demons: How to rid ourselves of the disorder chaos and entropy and demons by using our energy for love by capturing our demonic entropy and depositing our demonic and disorderly and chaotic entropy into the water abyss and deep water and immeasurable water within ourselves:
We also introduce Arnold Sommerfeld Alpha-Universe Equation of the universe: In Genesis chapter 1 and verse 2 see Mother Holy Spirit and her work of electromagnetism on the unborn physical and unborn visible and unborn mass and matter and unborn material universe yet in utero-in the womb of Mother Holy Spirit: We begin to see the universe in potential and the universe in permittivity and universe as the womb and empty, but full of the potential of energy and life:
Current Events-Affairs: Seymour Hersh Details Explosive Story on Bin Laden Killing & Responds to White House, Media Backlash- Four years after U.S. forces assassinated Osama bin Laden, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has published an explosive piece claiming much of what the Obama administration said about the attack was wrong-May 12, 2015 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org:
"Say Her Name" Protests Nationwide Honor Black Women Killed by Police-Protesters gathered in at least 20 cities across the country for a national day of action to honor women of color killed by police. While names like Freddie Gray and Michael Brown have become household terms, protesters sought to elevate lesser-known names like Tanisha Anderson, Rekia Boyd, Miriam Carey, Michelle Cusseaux, Shelly Frey, Kayla Moore and Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Hundreds gathered in San Francisco, many of them African-American women who protested topless-May 22, 2015 edition Democracy Now @ www.democracynow.org.
For Biblical references and definitions go to http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: Inconstant Constants-Do the inner workings of nature change with time?-by John D. Barrow and John K. Webb from the Scientific America-Special Collector’s Edition-A Matter of Time: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Chains and Things by B.B. King-Who Knows Where Time Goes by Judy Collins-Strawberry Letter 23 by Brothers Johnson-Golden Years by David Bowie-Emthonjeni Womculu, (The Stream of Music), by Mahlathini and Mahotella Queens-Ngicabange Ngaqeda, (I Have Made Up My Mind), by Mahlathini and Mahotella Queens-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Rest In Peace-B.B. King and Louis Johnson-You Did Your Job! Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 05/14/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-05-14: continued...
Mind of God 05/17/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-05-17:
Mind of God 05/17/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-05-17: continued...
Mind of God 05/24/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-05-24:
Mind of God 05/24/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-05-24: continued...
Mind of God 05/31/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-05-31:
Mind of God 05/31/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-05-31: continued...
Mind of God 06/07/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program for the month of June-2015/Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Theme: African Science of Born Again through Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception: Anchor Scriptures: St. John chapter 3 verses 3 and 5 and 6: Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 16: Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5: Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 and 2: Topics: The study of the science of the universe is the study of ourselves as the members of the Sun-Disk-the scientific Christ’s mystical body: The birth of the physical visible universe is your and my birth as the Sun-Disk-the Scientific Christ: The science of the universe teaches us to clean ourselves of all corruption and transform ourselves in order to qualify to rule in the Kingdom of God and Queendom and Heaven on earth:
We continue to examine the state of the universe before the Big Bang of 13.7 billion years ago-String Theory-Membrane Theory-Wave Theorem: We look at Arnold Sommerfeld’s Alpha Equation of the Universe as Life and Energy Potential: Arnold Sommerfeld’s Alpha Equation as the inverse of Einstein’s Equation of the physical and visible universe-life and energy realized: The physical and visible mass and matter and material universe-ourselves-in the womb of Mother Holy Spirit-in utero: Genesis chapter 1 and verse 2 and the work of Mother Holy Spirit-the Mother and Spirit of the Elohiym-Gods and Goddesses: Mother Holy Spirit as pure dark spirit and original energy moves upon the face of the waters-the dark waters original energy: Mother Holy Spirit-dark spirit-original energy begins to act upon her womb and infuse the waters with her love and energy and disposition: Mother Holy Spirit infuses the waters with her life and energy-cherishing and loving the waters: Mother Holy Spirit-dark spirit-original energy begins to enact electromagnetism on the waters-charging the waters with charge-for the emission and absorption of photons-light-fire:
We learn that the Face of God-Goddess is the whole of the physical and visible universe-we are included: The Face of God-Goddess-as the Seraphim and Cherubim-the medium between dark-water-matter and dark-spirit-energy-and the physical and visible universe: Seraphim and Cherubim and electricity and the proton-positive charge and the electron and negative charge:
Current Event-Affairs: Former House Speaker Denny Hastert (R-Illinois) paid hush money to cover up sexual abuse of a male victim a long time ago-this is how politicians are controlled by the system: Dylan Roof a 21 year old Caucasian male shoots and kills nine at historic Mother Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopalian Church in South Carolina: We look at the mind of Dylan Roof and the Minds that created the mind of Dylan Roof: Who created White Supremacy and for what purpose? Who created Eugenics and for what purpose? How are poor and working class Black and Brown and Red and Yellow and Caucasian divided and who benefits from such division?
We compare Dylan Roof’s wicked act of terror to America’s wicked actions: In Syria-killing Syrians through support of Al Qaeda-ISIS-Al Nusra-to overthrow the government of Syria: In the Ukraine-overthrowing the original Ukraine government and installing Nazis and Nazi sympathizers into the new CIA Ukraine government: In support of Israel and the killing and destruction of Palestinian men and women and children: In support of Israel and Israel’s hatred and discrimination against Africans: In support of the FBI-CIA-the international drug economy and operation which is tied to the House of Rothschild and the Hong Kong Shanghai Bankers Corporation: The international destruction of the poor and working class masses by the wicked policies of the House of Rothschild-Oppenheimers: The wickedness of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the destruction of the poor and working class masses in Asia:
Biblical definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: Inconstant Constants-Do the inner workings of nature change with time?-by John D. Barrow and John K. Webb from the Scientific America-Special Collector’s Edition-A Matter of Time:
Programs-On-line Video Presentations: 2015, April 28 edition-Exploration-Dr. Michio Kaku interviews Brian Green author of The Elegant Universe and Lisa Randall author of Warped Passages @ https://kpfa.org/episode/exploration-april-28-2015-3/: 2015, April 21 edition-Exploration-Dr Michio Kaku interviews Michael Lemonick of Time Magazine, talking about the Big Bang; and George Johnson, about women in science @ https://kpfa.org/episode/exploration-april-21-2015/:
Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love by Sade-Double Dutch by Malcolm McLaren-Blink by Blue Scholars-911 is a Joke by Flavor Flav and Public Enemy-Village Ghetto Land by Stevie Wonder-Good Thoughts Bad Thoughts by Funkadelic-The World is a Ghetto by War-Top Rankin’ by Bob Marley & The Wailers-Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears-Don’t You Forget About Me by Simple Minds-Exodus Live by Bob Marley & The Wailers-Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 06/07/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-07: continued...
Mind of God 06/07/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-07: continued...
Mind of God 06/21/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-21:
Mind of God 06/21/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-21: continued...
Mind of God 06/21/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-21: continued...
Mind of God 06/22/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-22:
Mind of God 06/22/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-22: continued...
Mind of God 06/22/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-22: continued...
Mind of God 06/28/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-28:
Mind of God 06/28/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-06-28: continued...
Mind of God 07/05/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program for the month of July-2015/Host: Deacon Christopher Frazier: Theme: African Science of Born Again through Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception: Topics: We continue to examine the scientific universe: The throne of the hidden and unseen Almighty Father-Mother YHWH, orchestrates the science of life in the physical and visible mass and matter and material universe out of the dark expanse of the universe: Moses’ blue sapphire cubed tablets of The Ten Commandments representing the Throne of YHWH and the orchestration of the science of life in the physical visible universe, born out of darkness: The Ark of the Covenant as a cube manufacturing energy through positive and negative charge in matter representing the Throne of YHWH producing the physical and visible universe out of darkness: The modern day scientists use the cube and the pyramid to symbolize the Throne of the Almighty producing and manufacturing life out of darkness:
Current Events-Affairs: We give critical analysis to the crisis in Greece: The House of Rothschild and the International Bankers have caused the crisis in Greece: How did the House of Rothschild and the international bankers cause the economic crisis in Greece? Greece seeking debt relief from the House of Rothschild and the international bankers: The crisis in Greece indicative of the plight of the poor and working class masses all over the earth:
Current Events-Affairs: We give credit and praise to Black Lives Matter Movement: We give praise to the memory of Sandra Bland, whom was misused and abused by the police taken to prison unjustly and found dead in her jail cell three days letter: Sister Sandra Bland was an activist and a truth teller against police brutality and a defender of the oppressed: We say that Black Lives Matter and we thank YHWH for the Black Lives Matter Movement and being reminded that Black Lives do Matter-Democracy Now-July 24, 2015 edition @ http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2015/7/24:
Biblical definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Articles: From the Special Collector’s Edition of the Scientific American- A Matter of Time- Atoms of Space of Time by Lee Smolin -The Cubes of Sapphire-Things They Never Told You about the Ten Commandments by Jason CN Jordan:
Programs-On-line Video Presentations: Saudi Arabia destabilizing Iraq and highly active in Syria-Saudi Arabia instigates warfare in Yemen to control government of Yemen with an eye to control Iran and various waterways to access energy-2015- Mahdi Nazemroaya on June 29 edition-Taylor-Report@ http://www.taylor-report.com/audio/index.php?month=2015-06:
Music: Time After Time by Cindy Lauper-Stop Children What’s That Sound? By Buffalo Springfield-I Shall Not Walk Alone by 5 Blind Boys of Alabama and Ben Harper-Love Again by Jimmy Cliff-They Don’t Care About Us by Michael Jackson-Exodus Live by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 07/05/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-07-05: continued...
Mind of God 07/05/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-07-05: continued...
Mind of God 07/26/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-07-26:
Mind of God 07/26/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-07-26: continued...
Mind of God 10/05/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scriptures: Psalm division 97 verses 1-2: Revelation chapter 4 verse 3: Topics: We go deep into the science of the Waters of Nun: The Waters of Nun as Dark Energy and Dark Matter: The watermelon as symbolic of the waters of Nun: The Watermelon as symbolic of the science of the universe: The watermelon as symbolic of the Waters of Nun as the Water Melanin of the Universe: The purpose of the watermelon symbolizing racism and stereotypes: How the wicked ruling class give us the water melon as a racist stereotype in order to disconnect us from the science of the Waters of Nun-the Water Melanin of the Universe: The science of the clouds and the darkness around the throne of the Almighty YHWH: YHWH-the throne and clouds and the science of divination: YHWH-the throne and darkness and the science of the waters of Nun: How Christ transformed the waters of Nun-the rain the waters the dew into the mass material that live under today: The waters of Nun and the overshadow of the universe: Our identity as the Christ and the Shadow of the Almighty:
African Revolutionary Apostle John teaches us the science of the throne of the Almighty as the Waters of Nun-water melanin of the Universe: The Jasper and the Sardine Stone and the Rainbow and the Emerald: The science of Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The science of crystals and the science of light and glass: The Khamites and the science of the 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 sided pyramid-the meridians of earth and the energy grid in Khemet-Africa: The transforming of the original waters by the light through the 7 sided pyramid prism for the power of photosynthesis: The waters of Nun as the science of Plasma: Quartz and crystals-glass and atoms and molecules and the three dimensional nature of the universe: The science of the television-crystals-glass-cells-atoms-molecules-three dimensional colored picture mimicking the science of light and sound of the universe: The word-neutron of the Almighty compared to blood as the power that upholds and sustains life: We as the Christ-Light must use the science of the Waters of Nun in order to transform the society and civilization and constitutions and institution into the new reality:
Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-Dear Mr. Man by Prince-Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band-You’re a Friend of Mine by Clarence Clemons and Jackson Browne-Rainbow Children by Aswad-Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/05/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/05/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/05/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/05/15: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/05/15: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-05: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/12/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: Scriptures: Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5: Job chapter 1 verse 27: Topics: The Zodiac-the Sun in the sign of Virgo: The Virgo is the virgin: The original virgin birth and Immaculate Conception-what is the real definition? The Virgo as the Womb of Naunet: The Virgo and the Womb of Naunet as the Womb and Mother in Job: The Virgo and the Womb of Naunet as the womb that we must return into: The origins of the human family in the original virgin birth and Immaculate Conception: The origins of the human family as the original body of Christ: The Virgo-the Sun and the fall season: The Virgo-the Sun and the Genesis and the fall of mankind: The Zodiac sign Leo-the seed of life leads to Virgo and the virgin birth and Immaculate Conception:
Words-talents-characteristics-attributes associated with Virgo: Craftsman-critic-a mutable earth sign-exact-methodical-industrious-discriminating-intelligent-chaste: The Zodiac was created by the Africans in order that the human being may know self: The Zodiac must be used to realize the power of the Almighty within the universe and within ourselves as we are mini-universes: The Zodiac must be used to liberate the human family from the tyrannical rule of the wicked ruling class and the ruling families: We must be exact in our political and critical understanding of the system that we live under: We must understand and study government and corporations and institutions: We must understand politics and economics and ecology: We must understand the universe and how the Almighty operates the universe so that we may transform society and civilization as the Body of Christ-Light of the Universe:
Current Events-Affairs: Who is Al Qaeda-Al Nusra-ISIL_ISIS-Free Syrian Army? How President Obama has been maneuvered into escalation of war in Syria: We examine the real reasons for the breakdown in President Obama’s security: With proper complex and critical analysis we show how the wicked ruling class manufacture these breaches in security to maneuver President Obama into escalation of war in Syria-October 11, 2014 edition World in Crisis Radio @ www.tarpley.net: We give our thoughts on all sides of the climate change debate: We give some thoughts on the Ebola virus: We look at how the European nations and America have broken the healthcare infrastructure of Africa through warfare and colonialism and exploitation: We look at how the immune system of the people of Africa is compromised through the administering of contaminated vaccines: Have scientists created antidotes to the major diseases of the world? What has happened to those scientists?-October 08, 2014 edition of Coast to Coast w/George Noory and Steve Quayle @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64KURr5F2pg: We give our thoughts on the great journalistic work of the late Gary Webb: We look at how Gary Webb, former San Jose Mercury News Journalist, through his persistent research, exposed the CIA connection to the cocaine drug trade and the crack cocaine epidemic-October 9 and 10 editions of Flashpoints @ www.kpfa.org:
Correction! I misquote Steve Quayle concerning the nature of the Ebola Hybrid: Real Ebola causes hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: This Ebola hybrid-biological and chemical weapon-does not cause hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: I give the full correction in the 2014-10-26 edition of the Mind of God Program: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-I Wish I Knew How It Feels To Be Free Live by Nina Simone-I’ll Take You There Live by The Staple Singers-There For You by Damian Marley-Dancin’ In The Street by Martha and The Vandellas-Exodus Live by Bob Marley and The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/12/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/12/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/12/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/12/15: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/12/15: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-12: Part 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 10/26/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: Scriptures: Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5: Job chapter 1 verse 27: St John chapter 3: Topics: The real and original virgin birth and Immaculate Conception: We continue to examine the Sun in the Zodiac sign of Virgo the Virgin: Colors associated with Virgo: gray or navy blue-descriptions of the Water of Nun: Metal associated with Virgo: quicksilver=mercury-Atomic #80: 80 protons and 80 neutrons and 80 electrons: quicksilver mercury as 80 Hydrogens-80 Atums-80 Christos-80 Lord Shivas-80 Monstrances:
We also look at the Sun in the Zodiac sign of Libra: Characteristics and attributes associated with the Zodiac sign of Libra: Statesman-manager: Cardinal airy sign: Cardinal signs deal with issues concerning the soul and the development of the soul form the base animal level to through the human level up to the highest spiritual level: Also associated with Libra are: Alert-just-artistic-painstaking-honorable-well balanced-affectionate-sympathetic: The Planetary Ruler of Libra: Venus: Attributes of Venus: The love-nature-pleasure-children-art-luck-wealth-beneficent-the Lesser Fortune of the ancients: The Waters of Nun as Gems associated with Libra: Diamond-opal: The Waters of Nun as colors associated with Libra: indigo blue: The Waters of Nun as metals associated with Libra: Copper-abbreviation Cu- Atomic # 29-29 protons-29 neutrons-29 electrons-29 Hydrogens-29 Atums-29 Christos-29 Lord Shivas-29 Monstrances:
Current Events-Affairs: 2014-10-26: Correction! Real Ebola causes hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: This Ebola strain is a hybrid-biological and chemical weapon-it does not cause hemorrhaging-bleeding from all orifices: October 8, 2014 edition Coast to Coast AM w/George Noory @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64KURr5F2pg: The Ebola outbreak in Africa connected to the scramble for wealth and minerals and resources in Africa by America Europe and Israel-The Underground Railroad Program @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27OBsF7zCeg&list=UUhHAk97MIj6AhbVigYAqyKw: There is no natural disease called Ebola by Richard Muhammad-Ashahad Muhammad-Brian Muhammad-The Final Call Newspaper @ www.finalcall.com: Correction! Andrew Adler, the publisher of The Atlanta Jewish Times calls for the assassination of President Obama The Jerusalem Post@ http://www.jpost.com/International/Atlanta-Jewish-newspaper-calls-for-Obama-assassination: We also look how President Obama’s security breaches are orchestrated by the wicked ruling class in order to maneuver President Obama into escalating warfare and bloodshed:
Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-CIA by Zach De La Rocha-KRS One and Last Emperor-Give More Power to The People by the Chi Lites-Exodus Live by Bob Marley and the Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 10/26/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/26/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 10/26/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-10-26: Part 1-2-3-4: continued...
Mind of God 11/02/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-02: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: Subject: The Science of Being Born Again: Scriptures-Topics: Psalm division 97 verse 2: Clouds and darkness surround YaHoWaH: Clouds-theophany-magic-soothsaying-augury-witchcraft-spiritism-righteous attributes used for life-YHWH: Darkness-the waters of Nun and spreading of the waters from the power of Christos-Light: Habakkuk chapter 3 verse 4: horns-oil-light-strength-the relationship of darkness, (dark energy and dark matter) to light as the cause of light: Job chapter 1 verse 21: What womb is Job to return to-is it a physical womb-or the womb of Mother Holy Spirit Naunet? Our return to the waters of Nun-peace-tranquility-oneness-truth and justice and righteousness: Job chapter 24: Job looks at the system and condition of oppression of the masses of the people worldwide:
The judgment of the wicked ruling class and the wicked ruling families-the condition of the fatherless and the widows-how the leaders of the system have betrayed the people-how the voice of the people has been muted-marriage of the masculine with the feminine provides the voice and fulfillment of masculine and feminine-the self fulfilled in the opposite of self-the leaders of the earth are to be a father and husband to the people and provide the voice for the people-the corruption of the voting system and the taking of pledges for corruption-the theft of land and wealth and resources-the deplorable condition of the oppressed masses-the oppressed driven to stealing food from those who have food-the system denies the people living wages-resources-healthcare-education-food and clothing and home-therefore the people are in a state of nakedness and uncovered:
Job chapter 42: Karen Happuch a daughter of Job-Qeren and Qaran-as light and brightness and horns and rays of light and strength-Happuch as antimony-stibnite-antimonite-sulfide-Sb2S3-antimony #51 on the atomic table of elements-51 Hydrogen Atoms-51 Christos-51 Atums-the science of alchemy-the raising of base metals into gold and the raising of people from the base level into the high level of consciousness: Job chapter 42 verse 8: The African Zodiac in the Bible-Job’s friends to repent and sacrifice 7 bullocks-the 7 bullocks tied to the Zodiac sign of Taurus-Taurus a fixed sign-Taurus the sign of the builder and the producer of universe-the power of Hydrogen Atum Christos to transform the waters of Nun and build and produce the mass and matter and material universe that we have today-the power of Hydrogen Atum Christos within ourselves to transform ourselves and transform civilization into the New Jerusalem on earth:
Current Events-Affairs: 2014-11-02: For information on the natural gas resources off the coast of the Gaza read- Israel Steals Gaza’s Offshore Natural Gas: $15 Billion Deal with Jordan by Julie Lévesque: Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Music: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-Freedom by Richie Havens-Try Jah Love by Third World-Thankful Thoughtful by Sly and the Family Stone-Check Point by Jasiri X-Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/02/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-02: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 11/02/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-02: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 11/02/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-02: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 11/02/15: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-02: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 11/02/15: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-02: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6: continued...
Mind of God 11/23/15: Pt. 1
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-23: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: Subject: The Science of Being Born Again: Scriptures-Topics: Job chapter 42: Job’s friends offered burnt offerings of repentance: The sacrifice of the bull and the Zodiac sign of Taurus-the sacrifice of the ram and the Zodiac sign of Aries: The African Hebrew word Israel and the Zodiac sign of Aries: The burnt offering and Alah-the prayer and Olah-the circumstance and Illah: Christian-Hebrew and Islam must unite with Hindu-Buddhist-Zoroaster: We the masses of the oppressed proletariat must judge and intercede on our own behalf with the Spirit of Christ for the liberation of the human family: Alah as inheritance and possession and heritage and property and portion: The woman and the female must have her portion of the universe so the children may be best prepared: Job the hated one now lives: A sign to all hated and denigrated oppressed proletariat peoples of the earth: We the masses must now live: Ka-Yah is life: Ka-Yah is eternal life: YHWH is life: YHWH is Ha-Yah-the Father-Mother-cause of all life and existence: Repent in sackcloth and dust and ashes-return to the Waters Melanin of Nun: The science of the hydrogen field of light bestrewing and scattering the Waters Melanin of Nun all over the universe: The science of smelting and metallurgy and extraction of ore and minerals out of the earth-the science of extracting talents and attributes and characteristics out of the human being: The science of extracting our faults and defects eliminating our faults and defects: The Dogon-Sirius A and Sirius B-the Po To Seed as the germ and seed of life-the infinitesimal point of light and sound and the transformation of water into mass and matter and material universe: Tune into the Spirit and Energy and Disposition of the Universe-E=MC-Squared-peace and tranquility-order out of chaos-oneness and no barrier and no boundary:
Current Events-Affairs: The grand jury in Ferguson refuses to indict Officer Wilson: We examine the reality of military madness-how and why the rank and file members of the Fraternal Order of the Police see the Black male-Black people-Brown male-Brown people-poor working class masses as the enemy: Why is there such hatred and animosity between the Fraternal Order of the Police and the Black and Brown communities: Why do we the mass of poor and working class Black and Brown and Red and Yellow and Caucasian have so much hatred and animosity towards one another:
Biblical Definitions: http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.cfm: Books: The Coffee Table Book of Astrology Edited by John Lynch: Videos: Are The Moors & Hebrews Israelites The Same People? By Taj Tarik Bey @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzAmjlAjJVk: 2011 – Symbolism by Taj Tarik Bey @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDIyiYzL6LM: Secret Societies (Illuminati, Boule) - Steve Cokely Pt 1 Of 2Music @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB6S748NO4o: Spiritual Live by John Coltrane-Soldier of Love Live by Sade-Military Madness by Graham Nash-You Haven’t Done Nothing by Stevie Wonder-Let Love Rule by Lenny Kravitz-Crossword Puzzle by Sly Stone-Black Rage by Lauren Hill-Exodus Live by Bob Marley & The Wailers: Thank You For Listening!
Mind of God 11/23/15: Pt. 2
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-23: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 11/23/15: Pt. 3
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-23: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 11/23/15: Pt. 4
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-23: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 11/23/15: Pt. 5
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-23: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 11/23/15: Pt. 6
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-23: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: continued...
Mind of God 11/23/15: Pt. 7
The Mind of God Program: Host-Deacon Christopher Frazier: 2015-11-23: Parts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7: continued...