What Is An African
Greetings my Dear and Wonderful sisters and brothers of the human family: I greet you in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit: I pray and hope that all are doing well.
For many years now we have heard of Africa and the African. Many have attempted to teach what it means to be an African. Many have done a good job and others have not done a good job. The one thing that has not been done is to teach the actual meaning of the word Africa and African. No one has taught the root meaning and origin of the words Africa and African.
I have recently learned that the word Africa is a compilation of three words. The first word Afu carries the meaning of house. The second word Ra, is one of the names of the Divine Creator in Africa in general and Egypt in particular. The third word Ka carries the meaning of soul or spirit. When you put it all together you get the word, Afu-Ra-Ka. The meaning of Afu-Ra-Ka is the house for the soul or spirit of the Divine Creator. This word in this form refers to the land of the Divine Creator. The Africans looked at their land as belonging to and created by the Divine Creator.
Afu-Ra-Kani, a word derived from Afu-Ra-Ka, also carries the meaning of house for the soul or spirit of the Divine Creator, but in reference to the human being, male in particular. The plural form is Afu-Ra-Kanu, which refers to all males as houses for the spirit or soul of the Divine Creator. Afu-Rait-Kaitnit is the female house for the soul or spirit of the Divine Creator. The plural form is Afu-Rait-Kaitnut, which refers to all females as houses for the soul or spirit of the Divine Creator.
This is the philosophy of the Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans). The Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans), believed that all human beings were the carriers and houses for the soul and spirit of the Divine Creator. This philosophy of all human beings as houses for the spirit and soul of the Divine Creator caused the Africans to form the first democratic society and government. The Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans), formed this society and government, many years before 4500 B.C.
This society was a true democracy, with representative government. This government was truly of, by and for the people. All Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans), were absolutely one people at this time. The Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans), were one nation, under the Divine Creator, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Some time before 4500 B.C. invaders came and broke this society. It was roughly 6500 years ago, around 4500 B.C. that Narmer rose up and reunited the society of Egypt, (Africa), into one people and one land again.
This information comes from the book, The Destruction Of Black Civilization: Great Issues Of A Race, 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D. This book was written by our great ancestor and scholar, Chancellor Williams. We learn that the Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans), produced the first constitution and carried this constitution all over Africa and all over the Diaspora. Sisters and Brothers of the human family, this is the first and best constitution. The Greek philosophers came to Egypt and learned the philosophy and constitution of the Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans) and then were able to organize and build a civilization for themselves. The Greeks then were able to bring civilization to Europe. The Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans), were always happy to teach the human family that which was beneficial to all. The following is a portion of the first constitution. You can find the full version in aforementioned book by Scholar Chancellor Williams.
1. The right to equal protection under the law.
2. The right to a home.
3. The right to land sufficient for earning livelihood for oneâs self and family.
4. The right to aid in time of trouble.
5. The right to petition for redress of grievances.
6. The right to criticize and condemn any acts by the authorities or proposed new laws.
A. Opposition groups were recognized by law.
7. The right to reject the communityâs final decision on any matter and the right to withdraw from the community unmolested; the right to rebellion and withdrawal.
8. The right to a fair trial.
A. There must be no punishment greater than the offense or fines beyond the ability to pay.
B. Fines are determined by the income status of the individual and family of that individual.
9. The right to indemnity for injuries or loss caused by others.
10. The right to family or community care in case of sickness or accidents.
11. The right to special aid from the Chief in circumstances beyond a familyâs ability.
12. The right to a general education covering morals and good manners, family rights and responsibilities, kinship groups and social organization, neighborhoods and boundaries, farming and marketing, rapid mental calculation and family, klan, tribal and state histories.
13. The right to apprentice training for a useful vocation.
14. The right to an inheritance as defined by custom.
15. The right to develop oneâs ability and exercise any developed skills.
16. The right to protect oneâs family and kinsmen, even by violent means if such becomes necessary and can be justified.
17. The right to protection of moral law in respect to wife and children, a right which not even the King can violate.
18. The right of a man, even a servant, to rise to occupy the highest positions in the state, if he has the requisite ability and character.
19. The right to protection and treatment as a guest in enemy territory, once one is in the gates of the enemyâs village, town or city.
20. The right to an equal share in all of the benefits from common community undertakings, if one has contributed to the fullest extent of his ability, no matter who or how many were able to contribute more.
The Afu-Ra-Kan, (African), constitution teaches the world that the human being is endowed with fundamental, inalienable, God given rights. Every human being is entitled to these rights. In this original society, in Afu-Ra-Ka, (Africa), women were equally endowed with these rights. The King could not violate the constitution and deny any human being his or her God-given rights. The King could not violate any human being, because of the belief that every human being is the house for the soul and spirit of the Divine Creator.
This is the philosophy of the Afu-Ra-Kan, (African): Every human being, whether male or female, is the house for the soul and spirit of the Divine Creator. It is time now for the Black man and woman to become Afu-Ra-Kan, (African), again. It is time for the Black man and woman to teach, once again, that all human beings, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and White, have the potential to become the house for the soul and spirit of the Divine Creator. This philosophy must be taught to all people, regardless of race, class, color or creed. It is up to the Afu-Ra-Kan, (African), to stand up for the fundamental rights of every human being, regardless of race, class, color or creed. The prophets taught this philosophy. Jesus taught this philosophy. Let us all strive to be Afu-Ra-Kan, (African): Male and female houses for the soul and spirit of the Divine Creator.
Thank you for reading these words.